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  1. #1
    pg600rr is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Help! Starting over after gyno surg. (help with new workout/diet)

    So a little less then a year ago I had gyno surgery, for about 2 months prior to surgery and up to about 2 months ago I did not workout at all so I am pretty much starting fresh and want to get back into it and have some questions. For about a 2 months I have been doing total body workouts, 3 days a week with legs inbetween days. My goals are to get up to about 195-200lbs. and maybe around 11% BF. I am not taking A.S. anymore and want to keep supps pretty basic.
    I am 23 years old
    184 lbs
    Off the top of my head most recent lifting #'s I can think of:
    flat bench 145lbs.x7
    v-bar push downs 140lbs.x10
    incline bench db 50'sx10
    1.)How many days a week should I be doing cardio? how long? also I should go with sprint intervals instead of sustained running correct?

    2.)Right now I am taking ON 100% whey, Health from sun total efa, GNC mega men.. what else should I be taking? creatine? (i was leaning towards cell-mass) how many shakes should I get in a day? also what should I look at for calories? I was thinking about 2500-3000.I found a pretty good grocery list here in the forum that i copied and am trying to adhere to..

    3.)how many days a week should i be doing sit-ups and also how many exercises/sit-ups total? I was thinking 1 upper 1 lower 1 sides 2 sets each 15 reps..

    4.)Now for the workout...this is where I really need help. I am going to start a log because I think it'll help me stick to a routine if I track my progress. I never seem to have a set plan going in the gym and sort of do the same thing over and over and i am assuming this is why my gains are not great.. I really need help setting up a workout, it seems like the majority on here like the split body part workouts better then the total body workouts..
    -how many exercises per body part?
    -how should i split them?
    -low reps(4-8) or high (10-15)? or should i do high week 1/ low week 2?

    I was looking at this members workout set up and thinking of doing something similar?
    Power/Rep Range/Shock routine

    Any comments/help is greatly appreciated, I am very anxious to get back on track and get my body back in shape!!

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Seems with all of the assistance you need in many different areas, you may wish to hire a trainer/nutritionist to come up with a plan of attack for you.


  3. #3
    pg600rr is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    dont have the $$$ just graduating from college and starting L school=poor

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