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  1. #1
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006

    Opinion On my Workout

    I'm 20 years old and I've lost 23 lbs in a month

    I'm wondering if you guys think my workout is a overtraining for me. I do this workout every other day.

    15 mins on cardio machine. 4.2 mph on a 4.0 incline

    bench 100lbs - 3 x 8
    lat pull 105lbs - 3 x 8
    row213 100 lbs - 3 x 8
    shoulder press 70 lbs - 3 x 8
    arm curls 20 lbs - 3 x 8
    shrugs 30 lbs - 2 x 10
    over head tries - 35 lbs 3 x 8
    one more here
    one more here

    10 mins on cardio machine. 4.2 mph on a 4.0 incline

    there's two more things i do but i can't think of there names I will get them for you guys.

  2. #2
    diamonds's Avatar
    diamonds is offline Banned
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    In your head
    How long have you been training and what are your goals? What are your stats and what is your diet like?

  3. #3
    toofatbuilder's Avatar
    toofatbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    central valley CA
    congradulations on the weight loss. you need to up the cardio though. you need to have it atleast 30 min non stop. your body doesnt start to burn fat until 20 min. as far as the lifting, ill leave that to the rest of these guys.....

  4. #4
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006
    These start with PM because I work night shift. so 8:00-8:30 is in the PM which is really in the AM for you guys cause i work opposite hours.

    My diet consists of


    3 eggs with water




    60 grams of a protein shake or so


    chicken salad sandwich or something along those lines


    One-Two muffins


    60 grams of a protein shake or so
    statistics below

    As of May 20th 2006 (first day)
    Height 6 ft 1
    Weight 285 lbs
    Impedance: 392
    Lean Body Mass: 199.12 lbs
    Percentage of Lean Body Mass: 69.9%
    Lean Body Mass to Fat Ratio 2.3 to 1
    Total Body Water 51.5 liters

    Weight Of Body Fat 85.88 lbs
    Percentage of Body Fat: 30.1%

    Goal 14% Body Fat
    As of June 20th (Today)

    Impedance: 375
    Weight: 262 lbs
    Lean Body Mass: 185.91
    Percentage of Lean Body Mass: 71.0%
    Lean Body Mass To Fat Ratio: 2.4 to 1
    Total Body Water 51.5 liters

    Weight of Body Fat: 76.09
    Percentage of Body Fat: 29.0%

  5. #5
    URMaster's Avatar
    URMaster is offline Junior Member
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    Your routine and diet are fine. I wouldnt lifts weights every other day. Twice a week maximum. Seperate the weight workouts by 3 or 4 days or so. I would substitute off days from weights with cardio. Follow your diet and do not stray. 2 days with weights and 3 days with cardio workouts should be ok.

  6. #6
    embalmer is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006
    well what else can i do to keep my lean body mass while burning fat? As of yesterday I was burning more muscle than fat while loosing weight. I'm 20 years old and I purchased the mass stack by BSN, 3 bottles of Trenadrol, 4 bottles of ephedrine, and clen /t3. None of it's here yet but should be shortly

  7. #7
    URMaster's Avatar
    URMaster is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by embalmer
    well what else can i do to keep my lean body mass while burning fat? As of yesterday I was burning more muscle than fat while loosing weight. I'm 20 years old and I purchased the mass stack by BSN, 3 bottles of Trenadrol, 4 bottles of ephedrine, and clen/t3. None of it's here yet but should be shortly
    Dont worry about loosing muscle right now. You dont have too much of it anyway, seriously no offense by that. All you should be concerned about is burning as many calories as possible while still eating healthy.

    Please do not ingest all that shit your about to get. Its nothing but poison. Initially, it will help you by keeping you as wired as a speed freak. In the long wrong you'll have adverse health affects and your weight will yoyo up and down after you stop taking it.

    I was in the opposite situation as you about 6 short months ago. I weighed 135lbs. Stiff wind could blow me over. My first instinct was to shoot a bunch of steroids and get big quick. I actually bought everything I needed. I came to my senses and didnt take any drugs. Im still not huge like some of the guys here but I now weigh in at 165lbs. Thats roughly 30lbs my bodyfat is still low. They say muscles remember, guess its true. I used to lift for years way back. Just stick to your guns man and keep at it. Youll keep loosing weight and have reached your goals before you know it. Next christmas your family will hardly recognize you. Burn baby burn!
    Last edited by URMaster; 06-21-2006 at 11:51 AM.

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