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  1. #1
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    My Training Journal

    I've posted a few of my workouts in the member picture section so I thought I would go ahead and start a training journal. I will use it through out contest prep.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #2
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Awesome... I always wanted to learn how to train like a pro
    Last edited by Hackamaniac; 08-12-2006 at 05:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Back workout

    Hammer strength seated row close grip super set with close grip pull ups
    4 sets, 12 reps

    Wide grip pull downs to chest super set with pull downs behind the head with light weight
    4 sets, 12 reps in front. 5 reps behind

    Dumbbell rows
    4 sets, 10 reps

    Rear delts
    4 sets, 10 reps

    Cable row to middle back
    3 sets, 10 reps

    Close grip pull downs
    3 sets, 10 reps

    Saw horse pull overs
    3 sets, 10 reps

    Incline lat spread with weight
    4 sets, 6 reps

    3 sets pyramiding up to max weight. 3 sets pyramiding down.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    The workout took a little under 2 hours. Lot of stretching through out and posing afterwards.

    Victor asked me how often I train calves. I told him to be honest probably twice a month. He gave me a look and said they look great for twice a month. Then he said I have the potential to get freaky calves and to blow them out once a week. I did part of my workout with blood running down my leg. I split my knee open right before squats. I finished the leg workout with blood coming out. He told me I am hard core.

    Afterwards he asked me if I would be interested in doing a training video with him. I said Hellz Yeah!

    Leg Workout
    4 sets standing leg curls. 12 reps
    Super set with 4 sets of modified leg press. 15 reps (From the bottom then up 50% then back down. Felt high in the hamstring near glute tie in.)

    4 sets seated leg curls. 10 reps squeezing and 5 second hold on last 3 reps
    Super set with 4 set single leg seated curls. 5 reps slow holding each rep

    4 sets laying leg curls. 10 reps
    Super set with 4 sets quarter leg curls. 6 rep. (Basically curling from the top down a quarter of the way and back up. Felt high in the hamstring near glute tie in.)

    4 sets leg extensions. 12 reps. 5 second hold on last 3 reps
    Stretching quads in between each set. (This is where I hit my knee and split it open. I did front squats with blood running down.)

    5 sets front squats. 10 reps (From the bottom then up 75% then back down.)

    4 sets leg press. HEAVY! 10 reps. (From the bottom then up 75% then back down.)
    My legs were trembling after this.

    2 sets lunges. 10 reps.
    Super set with 2 sets dumbbell squats. 10 reps. (From the bottom then up 50% then back down.)
    I collapsed a few times during lunges. (He laughed!)

    3 sets Adductor machine. (I call them pussy crunches) 10 reps.

    Then lots of posing.
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 08-13-2006 at 06:34 PM.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #5
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Wow carlos... A Training Video... Props bro...

    Gonna keep up with this thread... Very Grueling...!!

  6. #6
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Pics dammit..i want...PICS!

  7. #7
    chest6's Avatar
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    thats some MAD volume right there. It scares me

    Weight! I wanna see numbers!

    oh..and pics.

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    good job carlos.. is this your training for pre contest or just one of the usual routines?

  9. #9
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    good job carlos.. is this your training for pre contest or just one of the usual routines?
    Pre contest. When I was training on my own I did not do near this volume. I kept it low reps and heavy.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  10. #10
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Hi carlos. Very interesting log mate. Any chance you could post an example of one of your usual off season workouts. Im currently bulking and would love to pick up some tips and ideas for training heavy. Would love to see some pics too. Keep up the hard work!!

  11. #11
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Hi carlos. Very interesting log mate. Any chance you could post an example of one of your usual off season workouts. Im currently bulking and would love to pick up some tips and ideas for training heavy. Would love to see some pics too. Keep up the hard work!!
    I train quads and hamstrings on seperate days. Hamstrings and calves together. I do a little over an hour for both quads and hamstrings.

    Bulking leg workout.
    5 sets squats ass to floor (first set warm up. the rest heavy 6-8 rep range)
    4 sets leg press. 6-10 reps (I go heavy balls out for this)
    4 sets hack squats or 4 sets walking lunges.
    4-5 sets leg extensions. (One leg at a time.) 10 reps

    4 sets stiff leg deadlifts. (first set warm up. the rest heavy 6-8 rep range)
    4 sets standing leg curls (Heavy 6-8 rep range)
    4 sets seated leg curls. 8-10 rep range
    4 sets of laying leg. (One leg at a time.) 6-8 rep range
    4 sets pussy crunches (adductor machine) 10 reps

    Then calves
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  12. #12
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Thankyou carlos I need to work more on legs so i might try this out. Could you tell me your split off season and pre contest?

  13. #13
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Training Split


    Once in awhile I'll throw in a day just arms.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  14. #14
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    thats great carlos, thanks so much for info. I will try out the split with my bulking cycle and see if i can make some good improvements on legs.

  15. #15
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    As a result of the workout I did yesterday, I have to say my legs are KILLING ME. It feels like 100s of hot needles shoved into my quads. It's a nagging pain that won't go away. I've stayed in bed all day and I'm having a hard time walking to the kitchen.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  16. #16
    chest6's Avatar
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    Thats how I've been today a lil bit..but I didnt do 20 sets

  17. #17
    novastepp's Avatar
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    awesome carlos! i am very interested in this, don't EAT ME if i ask a few questions here and there about routines and approaches. i just want to learn and not be 100 needles in YOUR ASS. wait... haha

    do you always do high sets and high volume? i do that, but guys say that is overtraining... however, i can sleep through my night and i eat and rest ALOT. not as much as i would like right now, but during fall and spring semester its just lay down and study all evening and nght. and during the day i'm in classes. plus i put down 4000+cals a day. i don't believe in overtraining just underfed and under rested. i know you have much more mass than me to recover, so i'm just curious as to how you feel about that.

  18. #18
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    awesome carlos! i am very interested in this, don't EAT ME if i ask a few questions here and there about routines and approaches. i just want to learn and not be 100 needles in YOUR ASS. wait... haha

    do you always do high sets and high volume? i do that, but guys say that is overtraining... however, i can sleep through my night and i eat and rest ALOT. not as much as i would like right now, but during fall and spring semester its just lay down and study all evening and nght. and during the day i'm in classes. plus i put down 4000+cals a day. i don't believe in overtraining just underfed and under rested. i know you have much more mass than me to recover, so i'm just curious as to how you feel about that.
    I normally do not do high volume. Off season I train low rep very heavy weight. I have a contest coming up in November and I'm training with my coach. This is the way he trains. So far it's has been kicking my ass. If you are natural I would consider this over training.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  19. #19
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I normally do not do high volume. Off season I train low rep very heavy weight. I have a contest coming up in November and I'm training with my coach. This is the way he trains. So far it's has been kicking my ass. If you are natural I would consider this over training.
    well hell, i'm not doing as much as you anyway. every 4 weeks i change my routine for a week and do a different routine with less sets. but for now its working, and i try my hardest to rest up... thank you for your comment. good luck and i'll be watching through November.

  20. #20
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    awesome carlos! i am very interested in this, don't EAT ME if i ask a few questions here and there about routines and approaches. i just want to learn and not be 100 needles in YOUR ASS. wait... haha

    do you always do high sets and high volume? i do that, but guys say that is overtraining... however, i can sleep through my night and i eat and rest ALOT. not as much as i would like right now, but during fall and spring semester its just lay down and study all evening and nght. and during the day i'm in classes. plus i put down 4000+cals a day. i don't believe in overtraining just underfed and under rested. i know you have much more mass than me to recover, so i'm just curious as to how you feel about that.

    Not that you might care, but I 100% disagree with that statement. I can assure you...overtraining is a VERY real thing, and can completely sabotage (sp) progress and cause much waisted time in the gym. Be careful.

  21. #21
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I normally do not do high volume. Off season I train low rep very heavy weight. I have a contest coming up in November and I'm training with my coach. This is the way he trains. So far it's has been kicking my ass. If you are natural I would consider this over training.
    Yeah, thats the first thought that came to mind after you posted it up. I'm interested to see how it works for you.

  22. #22
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yeah, thats the first thought that came to mind after you posted it up. I'm interested to see how it works for you.
    Who said I was natural?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  23. #23
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Who said I was natural?
    Oh I've been around long enough to know that you aren't

    I was just sayin in general..bcuz I've still known many to overtrain while on a lot of gear

  24. #24
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Caliskrilla yada?!
    This will be a great log.... Thanks for putting in the time Carlos.

  25. #25
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    I got the gym 20 minutes late. I couldn't help it. I took the subway and the two trains I was on got stuck in the tunnel and went out of service.

    When I got to the gym Victor was not happy. He said we're going to run through the entire workout no rest. 10 second rest between sets and enough time to stretch and take a sip of water between stations. We were moving very quick. I was covered in sweat by second set of incline dumbbells.

    He commented I have more strength than I did the past 3 weeks and I look much leaner. He said I look very good. A couple people watching walked over and said "Wow he looks good. He's ripped." Victor said no he's not! Don't tell him that! (I guess he wants to keep in my head I don't look good and need to work harder.)


    Chest workout

    5 sets standing incline flys. 10 reps
    Super set with 5 sets hammer strength flat bench. 10 reps.
    1st set warm up and the rest very heavy

    4 sets incline dumbbells. 10 reps
    Super set with modified pull over. 10 reps
    Also heavy

    This is where he commented that my strength has increased significantly. His mood changed for the better. No more evil looks for being late.

    3 sets weighted dips. 10 reps
    super set with standing cables. 10 reps. 5 second most muscular hold every other rep.
    Super set with lateral raises for delts. 10 reps.

    4 sets close grip pull ups to failure. Full range deep stretch at the bottom stretching lats and chest.


  26. #26
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Not that you might care, but I 100% disagree with that statement. I can assure you...overtraining is a VERY real thing, and can completely sabotage (sp) progress and cause much waisted time in the gym. Be careful.
    Very true..

    Once a growth response is reached in a workout then pretty much everything done after that is just delving into your recovery time, burning up glycogen, and catabolizing muscle mass.

  27. #27
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    As a result of the workout I did yesterday, I have to say my legs are KILLING ME. It feels like 100s of hot needles shoved into my quads. It's a nagging pain that won't go away. I've stayed in bed all day and I'm having a hard time walking to the kitchen.
    Carlos and Victor's approach to this sport is basically trying to annihilate themselves into rigor mortis during your workouts.

    Unbearable or agonizing pain doesn't necessarily lead to hypertrophy and even though these guys are juiced, they can still overtrain.

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    Carlos and Victor's approach to this sport is basically trying to annihilate themselves into rigor mortis during your workouts.

    Unbearable or agonizing pain doesn't necessarily lead to hypertrophy and even though these guys are juiced, they can still overtrain.
    Yeah, thats why I look the way I do and Victor is a pro. And you look like?

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  29. #29
    svarturer is offline Senior Member
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    I am following this one... !

  30. #30
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Yeah, thats why I look the way I do and Victor is a pro. And you look like?

    With your above reasoning (which basically indicates you have to be buff to give advice):
    All NFL football coaches must be at the time of their tenure, elite football players...
    All strength coaches must at the time that they are coaching, be elite lifters...

    Furthermore Carlos, you're close to 15 years older than me plus you have taken more anabolics than me. (just superdrol for me)

    To be totally honest, anyone using steroids on any training routine known to man is going to advance forward faster than if they trained naturally. That's pretty obvious.

  31. #31
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    With your above reasoning (which basically indicates you have to be buff to give advice):
    All NFL football coaches must be at the time of their tenure, elite football players...
    All strength coaches must at the time that they are coaching, be elite lifters...
    I have said it before and I will say it again. I follow advice from people who can SHOW ME they know what they're talking about. I had this same discussion with SwoleCat and he agrees with me 100%. That is why he looks the way he does and is successful running his business. He can show and prove his knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    To be totally honest, anyone using steroids on any training routine known to man is going to advance forward faster than if they trained naturally. That's pretty obvious.
    No that is not true. I have seen plenty of guys who use anabolics with no change. On or off, if you do not eat and train properly you will not grow.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  32. #32
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Never saw this thread before Carlos, now I will check it daily for updates and incorporate some of your knowledge/ideas into my own training.

  33. #33
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Stretching through out workout and posing after.

    Barbell curls. 4 sets, 10 reps.
    Superset with seated dumbbell curls. 4 sets, 10 reps.

    Overhead cable curls. 4 sets, 10 reps.
    Superset with machine preacher curls. 4 sets, 10 reps.

    Close grip flat bench. 4 sets, 10 reps.
    Superset with dumbbell kickbacks. 4 sets, 10 reps.

    Rope pushdowns. 4 sets, 10 reps.
    Super set with laying triceps extensions. 4 sets, 10 reps.
    and super set with reverse grip pushdowns. 4 sets, 10 reps.

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  34. #34
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    4 sets standing leg curls. 12 reps

    4 sets seated leg curls. 10 reps squeezing and 5 second hold on last 3 reps
    Super set with 4 set single leg seated curls. 5 reps slow holding each rep

    4 sets laying leg curls. 10 reps
    Super set with 4 sets quarter leg curls. 8 reps

    4 sets stiff leg deadlifts

    4 sets calve raises on leg press. 12 reps toes straight.
    4 sets calve raises on leg press. 12 reps toes out.

    4 sets standing calve raises. 10 reps.

    4 sets seated calve raises. 10 reps.

  35. #35
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

    Chest workout

    5 sets standing incline flys. 10 reps

  36. #36
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Not that you might care, but I 100% disagree with that statement. I can assure you...overtraining is a VERY real thing, and can completely sabotage (sp) progress and cause much waisted time in the gym. Be careful.
    i suppose in my little corner of the world, the amount of work i do some might, consider overtraining, but i am not talking getting overly crazy here. i suppose i should have said that, but with my routine i don't think its overtraining for me. should have explained. and i don't go balls like that all the time, just a few weeks here and there, others i lighten all work and it works too.

    Carlos, keep up the dedication and hard work. i wish i had someone here to push me to a crazy place like you and Victor do. would be great/crippling for me

  37. #37
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Chest workout
    4 sets standing incline flys. 10 reps
    Super set with 4 sets modified pull over. 10 reps

    4 sets modified flat bench barbell. 10 reps
    Super set with 4 sets cables. 10 reps. 5 second hold every other rep

    4 sets weight dips. 10 reps
    Super set with lateral raises. 10 reps

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  38. #38
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    I Wanna See A Back Workout From Today!!!

  39. #39
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Back workout

    4 sets Dumbbell rows. 100 pounds. 10 reps. Alternating sides. 4 consecutive sets no rest between sets. (This shit was really hard.)

    4 sets wide grip pull downs to chest. 10 reps.
    Super set with pull downs behind the head with light weight. 5 reps.

    5 sets hammer strength seated row. 10 reps. (Very heavy)

    3 sets close grip pull downs. 10 reps (This is where I had a tantrum cursing and threw my straps because Victor would not help me wrap them. i'm not used to wearing straps. I hate them! He helped me after my tantrum.) He said he can tell I'm going to be a pain in the ass in a few weeks when I'm in the middle of contest prep.

    4 Hammer strength over head row under hand grip. 10 reps.

    3 sets seated cable row. 10 reps

    5 sets dead lifts.

    Posing throughout
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #40
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    That made me tired just reading it
    Really great workout though...and btw...


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