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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...

    pec tie-in question

    well, got real cut up over the past 2 months and since i have, i noticed my right pec goes about 1/4-1/2 of an inch lower than my left one on the bottom. seems like it's where it ties into my torso, so not sure there's much i'd be able to do to correct the imbalance.

    thinking of maybe just doing some kind of one-arm chest movements for lower chest for a couple extra sets near the end of my chest workouts to try to get it to balance out, but not sure if it will do any good. i'd get some pics up here so you guys could see what i'm talking about, but regretfully i still don't have the internet at my house and i didn't have anything to put the pics on to bring them to my friends house.

    anyway, if anyone has any suggestions or feedback as to whether they think doing a couple extra sets for my left lower chest area at the end of my chest workouts will help or not, i'd appreciate it. thanks.

  2. #2
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    could be genetic,but make sure when executing a movement like bench press make sure your arms are equal and level,my freind lets his left arm drift towards his head everytime so he winds up lifting in an akward position,this could effect muscle developement to a degree.

  3. #3
    indaweedz is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006
    I broke my clavicle about four years ago and had to have surgery to get a plate and some pins put in, since then my right pec has been alot higher also, doesnt even seem like fat collects there! Since ive been able to put weight on it its dropped down about an inch, which i consider good progress, but it still looks like shit. i worked my chest three times a week instead of two for about three months, and my strong pec got larger too so it doesnt seem like i did anything cause they are still imbalanced. if youre going for an aesthetic fix, i dont see why you couldnt just work the weak side for a while, leave the strong side alone so you give yourself a good chance to catch up. oh just to clarify i dont mean like stop doing benches that would be dumb but your chest isolation exercises, flyes etc maybe you can do with one side. maybe start jerking off with your weak side, who knows it may work! tra telligman lost his right pec in a car accident, when he was a kid, and it obviously didnt come back.

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