Here is my training split.This is what I am doing nowsome times I will go 2-3 days in a row but if I am sore I will go every other day.I dont do my legs yet.I was planning on doing them when I get down to about 180 pounds. I am about 207 now.And with doing all the cardio now it would be tough

flat bench 4 sets.usually 8-12 reps. sometimes 5 sets of 5 reps to failure on the last 2 sets
incline dumbbells.3-4 sets
cable flies.3 sets

next day- sometimes it may be 2 days later
hammer strength rows 4 sets with the lower grip and 2 sets with upper and lil wider grip

lat pull downs 4 sets

shrugs 4-5 sets
alt/ dumbell curls bring them up wide to work the inner bi. 4 sets 7-12 reps
hammer strength bi preacher curls. narrow grip.4sets10-12
hammer curls 3 sets 10-12

next workout
dumbell presses 4 sets
cable/dumbell laterals 3-4 sets
some old machine to do the rear delts 4 sets
tricep pushdowns 4 sets
reverse grip sinlge arm push downs 4 sets (palms up)

I also do 45 min of cardio after each workout and on days off. total 5 times per week