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  1. #1
    Jsik98's Avatar
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    seperation in arms???

    Sup fellas....Going by my avatar, you can see that I'm lacking seperation in my arms from a back double biceps pose.....What's the best way to get seperation between my bi's, tri's, and delts?? Thanks.......btw- I'm currently working on dropping body fat

  2. #2
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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  3. #3
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks like you ahve some definition in your delt toward the top but realistically i would say make delts and bis bigger and it will come in time. possibly could be bf but it looks like you dont have a problem with that

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    ok, i would suggest forward raises for the delts, and larger triceps... remember more/heavier weights, rest, and IGF LR3..

    good luck..
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  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Well the obvious would be diet, but better development always helps show more definition.

  6. #6
    DNoMac's Avatar
    DNoMac is offline Senior Member
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    Lowering bodyfat, and hitting all three muscleheads. Front raises/lateral raises are good isolations movements.

  7. #7
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    That's great feedback fellas.....So should I focus more on isolation movements with higher reps 12-15 or even up to 20....or should I keep doing what I'm doing (heavy weights 8-10 reps) and just give it more time and keep dropping body fat?? Trying to figure out whether I should change my style of training to accomodate my goals.....thanks

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I'd have to see your shoulder routine, too broad a question.

  9. #9
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i've had pretty good seperation between my lower delts and upper arms since i started lifing which is probebly just lucky genetics but i think db & cable laterals and front raises have helped alot. also hammer curls have built some seperation in the middle of my upper arm and lower delt.

  10. #10
    BigHuman's Avatar
    BigHuman is offline Associate Member
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    To get the kind of seperation where you can see all the cuts and different muscles in your arms/shoulders ect is for me all down to diet!

    You can lift heavy/strict all you want with perfect form.

    but! if your diet is not clean then it will not have the best results.

    Remember eating/sleeping is more important then lifting.

    You could have a week off the gym , rest alot, eat very good and come back bigger and better then if you had trained that week.

    You gotta eat clean mate, all i eat is chicken,brown rice,broccli about 3 times a day, and chicken is steamed so now fat!
    Then I have 6 white eggs every morning with , 100g oatmeal and strawberrys breakfast time.
    Then a couple protein shakes as well, and before bed some cottage cheese low fat, or another bowl oatmeal or shake.
    I only eat a cheat meal once a week on a sunday.
    This has been my diet for years now never changes really and Ive got amazing results eating this way, plus taking multi vitamin/mineral packs.
    eating clean like this will help your muscles become more hard, more shape, vascularity, and get you ripped , as long as you train hard as well.

    Remember most important SLEEP
    Second EATING
    Third LIFTING
    never sacrifice diet and rest for the gym, give 110% in all three and you will get the results you want.

  11. #11
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    I already have decent size so diet is the key for me. Big muscles + low bodyfat = awesome separation in your arms.

    Remember most important SLEEP
    Second EATING
    Third LIFTING
    never sacrifice diet and rest for the gym, give 110% in all three and you will get the results you want.
    My list would be something like this:
    #1 Genetics
    #2 Diet
    #3 Anabolics (if you choose to use them)
    #3 Sleep
    #4 Exercise

    Diet is so much more important than sleep, IMO.

  12. #12
    BigHuman's Avatar
    BigHuman is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah you need food to grow,

    But you only grow when your resting\sleep

    that is when your muscles grow.

    So they are both very important Id say both number one!

  13. #13
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    Yeah you need food to grow,

    But you only grow when your resting\sleep

    that is when your muscles grow.

    So they are both very important Id say both number one!
    I have really bad insomnia, refuse to take meds for it and I still manage to grow. It can be done. Diet is #1 (after genetics, of course.)

  14. #14
    Jsik98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    To get the kind of seperation where you can see all the cuts and different muscles in your arms/shoulders ect is for me all down to diet!

    You can lift heavy/strict all you want with perfect form.

    but! if your diet is not clean then it will not have the best results.

    Remember eating/sleeping is more important then lifting.

    You could have a week off the gym , rest alot, eat very good and come back bigger and better then if you had trained that week.

    You gotta eat clean mate, all i eat is chicken,brown rice,broccli about 3 times a day, and chicken is steamed so now fat!
    Then I have 6 white eggs every morning with , 100g oatmeal and strawberrys breakfast time.
    Then a couple protein shakes as well, and before bed some cottage cheese low fat, or another bowl oatmeal or shake.
    I only eat a cheat meal once a week on a sunday.
    This has been my diet for years now never changes really and Ive got amazing results eating this way, plus taking multi vitamin/mineral packs.
    eating clean like this will help your muscles become more hard, more shape, vascularity, and get you ripped , as long as you train hard as well.

    Remember most important SLEEP
    Second EATING
    Third LIFTING
    never sacrifice diet and rest for the gym, give 110% in all three and you will get the results you want.
    Hey man, I really appreciate that feedback....That really simplifies it for me. I'm basically gonna try a similar diet. I don't mind eating the same sh-t over and over.....It's when I'm not organized I feel like I'm not making progress.....So I'm gonna try eating oatmeal w/ some fruit w/ egg whites or protein powder in the morning.....and have two prepared meals consisting of chicken or steak w/ veggies and a potato/brown rice for the day at work.........and fill in the blanks with shakes......and throw in some fish every couple days.....My rest and training is def on point....and I'm on some anabolics as everything is in place except for my diet....So when I dial that in I will hopefully get the results I'm looking for.....thanks again

  15. #15
    BigHuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    Hey man, I really appreciate that feedback....That really simplifies it for me. I'm basically gonna try a similar diet. I don't mind eating the same sh-t over and over.....It's when I'm not organized I feel like I'm not making progress.....So I'm gonna try eating oatmeal w/ some fruit w/ egg whites or protein powder in the morning.....and have two prepared meals consisting of chicken or steak w/ veggies and a potato/brown rice for the day at work.........and fill in the blanks with shakes......and throw in some fish every couple days.....My rest and training is def on point....and I'm on some anabolics as everything is in place except for my diet....So when I dial that in I will hopefully get the results I'm looking for.....thanks again
    Hey im glad I could help man!

    I acctualy work as a personal trainer, so im giving advice on diet everyday to my clients.

    If you need anymore advice id be glad to help, it can be hard at first eating the same food day after day, change it up a little, like turkey for chicken when ur bored of chicken, or pasta for rice when ur bored of rice, sweet potato for norm potato, broccli for spinach, things like that.
    And always have one cheat day off, after 6 days just eating very low fat, high protein , carbs, you will need one crap meal which will acctualy do you good.
    I always cheat sundays, when I have no training, I normaly have a pizza, or chinese take away, something like that.
    Then back to diet next day.
    I have done this for years now.
    I also try to cut out as much fat as possible and replace it with good healthy fats, like in nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed, things like that.

    Give it ur best man and never give up, my moto is ONLY LOSERS QUIT!

    take it easy

  16. #16
    Jsik98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    Hey im glad I could help man!

    I acctualy work as a personal trainer, so im giving advice on diet everyday to my clients.

    If you need anymore advice id be glad to help, it can be hard at first eating the same food day after day, change it up a little, like turkey for chicken when ur bored of chicken, or pasta for rice when ur bored of rice, sweet potato for norm potato, broccli for spinach, things like that.
    And always have one cheat day off, after 6 days just eating very low fat, high protein , carbs, you will need one crap meal which will acctualy do you good.
    I always cheat sundays, when I have no training, I normaly have a pizza, or chinese take away, something like that.
    Then back to diet next day.
    I have done this for years now.
    I also try to cut out as much fat as possible and replace it with good healthy fats, like in nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed, things like that.

    Give it ur best man and never give up, my moto is ONLY LOSERS QUIT!

    take it easy
    Good sh-t bro! I can see you've been on point for a while...good job. It ain't easy eating like that and staying disciplined....hell, it's hard enough just to get it all together as far as cooking, packing food in tupperware and all that...That's why I STILL don't have my diet in check! It's like you focus so much energy on hitting the weights hard and consistently....sleeping enough.....supps and all that....and then of course we all have to work so a lot of our time goes into that.....then on top of all that (even though it's the most important.....and ironically I've known that!!) we need to eat every few hours....and only choice foods! Sh-t is hard, you know!? So I respect people such as yourself who've accomplished that already...I'm still getting there. But positive feedback and ideas def help lay down the bricks for building the foundation....I just need to DO IT!! But I've made some progress since I first posted this....also the juice workin it's magic. But it's hard as hell to watch my portions now that the test is fully kicked in!! I'm never full! That sucks cause it's gonna end up messin up my progress...(as far as getting cut) but anyway, I'm gonna keep at it and throw up a progress pic in a couple weeks.....Later!

  17. #17
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    Sup fellas....Going by my avatar, you can see that I'm lacking seperation in my arms from a back double biceps pose.....What's the best way to get seperation between my bi's, tri's, and delts?? Thanks.......btw- I'm currently working on dropping body fat
    you're lookin good by your avatar. one thing i like to do a lot is reverse curls using a cambered bar, they really hit your brachalias and help with seperation between bi's and tri's. hammer curls are also good for that, and of course lowering your bodyfat will make any lines much sharper.

  18. #18
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    you're lookin good by your avatar. one thing i like to do a lot is reverse curls using a cambered bar, they really hit your brachalias and help with seperation between bi's and tri's. hammer curls are also good for that, and of course lowering your bodyfat will make any lines much sharper.
    Thanks for the compliment! I haven't done reverse curls in ages.... that's a good way to build up forearms too....nice suggestion, thanks
    Last edited by Jsik98; 10-28-2006 at 01:47 AM.

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