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  1. #1
    daveyboy330 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    hit muscle twice a week now?

    just came off a test cycle and had been hitting each muscle once a week. Considering my work schedule i was only able to be in the gym 4 times a week. In turn, i would have to stay in there for at least 2 hours to complete my workouts. (no, not 2 hours on 1 body part) I recently have been given the gift of time and was thinking of trying to hit every muscle twice a week. Obviously the volume would be greatly decreased and my workouts could be a lot shorter and more intense i would think. for e.g my tricep workout would be split like this

    moday: close grip bench 4sets
    dip machine 3 sets superset w kicbacks
    skull crushers 3 sets

    thursday: v bar pressdown 4 sets
    behind neck one arm db ext 3 sets
    reverse grip cable pulldowns 2 drop sets

    I am pretty much just trying to do something different. Switch it up for a month or so. The only problem is that it does not leave me with any days off. I am aware of overtraing and that the body does need rest to grow. However, the way i have it set up is that every muscle has 3 days recovery time. I'm thinking that's sufficient considering i've cut down considerably on sets per workout. More focus is on performing each set correctly with a lot of focus on form and negative.

    I was Thinking of splitting my routines to hit different parts of the muscle on different days. E.g- hitting anterior and middle delts one day, and posterior delts and traps another

    Splitting my routines to focus one day on heavy compound movements and another day on more cables machines and isolation movements.

    I hope this makes sense to you guys. i'm really torn between those two styles. Any help is appreciated

  2. #2
    daveyboy330 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Stats-5'11, 210 pounds, 26 years old
    been training for 3 years seroius.
    body fat at around 14 %

    Trying to get a more balanced and toned looking body while maintaining some size.

  3. #3
    Triple X's Avatar
    Triple X is offline Banned
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    Las Vegas
    It's not just your muscles that need rest, it's your CNS as well.
    What was your cycle, cut or bulk and what did you use?

  4. #4
    daveyboy330 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    My cycle was test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks. I put on 15 pounds but i think some of that was fat. My calories were up there along with my protein but I don't think i controlled my carb and fat intake properly and therefore put on some unwanted bf.

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