It was casually mentioned by one of the kinesiology and exercise science students that hack squats are detrimental to the ACL and patellar tendon

this is what he told me to do...
1) Go to your gym, go to the hack squat.
2) Cover the hack squat footplate with butter or "I can't Believe it's Not Butter", whichever.
3) Load the hack squat to 8-10RM and take off your shoes and socks.
4) Perform hack squat... make note of what happens
5) If you are not injured too badly after this endeavor, ask yourself 'what type of force is opposes friction?"
6) Go to your local library and learn about the ACL and the patelllar tendon and get back to me.

further he mentioned that there is Chronic Mechanical Wear caused by this exercise which may result in one waking up in the mroning when you're 38 wit ha dull achy pain and having to limp down the stairs to get to the cerebrex?

now he's telling me to go read up on this which i will do...

i am just gonna ask if you guys have ever experienced any damage to your knees doing the hack squats on the machine or the barbell.

Also anybody have any idea what he is getting at?