ok guys, first time i have ever posted on the workout post. always on the supplement area... well anyways the ABC workout. ok i baught a book that i was curious in the other day, called "the scientific approach to bodybuilding". pretty good book, but for me i had to read it about 3 times to fully understand it. especially the workout.....
now about the workout, this workout is tuff! the first day i started it looked like this.
bench press-10rep/10set
back extensions-5rep
EZ curls-10rep/10set
russian twists-10rep/3set
reverse crunches-12rep/3set
standing calves-12rep/10set
seated claves-12rep/10set

whew..... and i tell yah after i was done with this workout i was TIRED! haha. the next morning my whole body hurt. i wouldnt of been able to do that whole workout without drinking an energy drink. but yeah, the a and b and c thing depends on what type of exercise you do. a= 10rep and 10set workouts, with 10 second rest with one workout also. b= 3 workouts, 1st is going to be 5 rep workouts (so heavy weight), 2nd will be 12 rep, and 3rd will be 20 rep. c= is a tri-set, these i hate so much, you do 3 sets of the same rep regimen as in b, but you do each workout one after the other. also the way it set up is to give you a certain amount of time to recover but you workout your muscles constantly, once they recover. so the next day would look like this.

seated DB press-5r/3s
lat raises-12r/3s
military press-20r/3s
french press-5r/3s
nose crushers-12r/3s
safety squats-5r
hack squats-12r

but i tell yah i made the mistake of leting my buddy workout with me and do the same workout as me, but one thins i forgot was he hadnt worked out in a ver very very long time. haha. so go figure he pulls his shoulder out of place and has to lay off the weights for a while. so what im saying is that this is an experienced workout. work yourself up to these crazies. but look for the book its a good book.

now i also know some people will say "why are you training two major muscle groups at one time?"
well....... this was a workout that was used around the 80's. so i dont know if its the right workout, but i do know that it is a workout to switch up your training a bit. i am also a type of person that does not dawg on somone if i havent had experience with something. so i said "wth lets do this!".
im going to start the workout back up once i get my partner up to par. so ill start a log on it.

but until then, buy the book and educate!