22 years old, 6ft. 3in., 260lb lifting since I was 12. About 15% bf. Have been lifting 3 days a week HARD for 10 weeks consistantly. At the start of 10 weeks Biceps were 17 inches and have not changed. Usually train my biceps between between 6-10 reps. Eat enough calories, maybe on the too much side. I'm gaining strength but no measurable size all though they do apear to be thicker. Have been working my triceps alot too. They have made strength gains more so than my biceps, yet arms are still 17 in.

Workout changes from workout to workout because I want my muscles to stay confused. But usually stay with basics, EZ bar curls, preacher curls. Usually 3 exercises 3 sets each 6-10 reps depending on weather Im going heavy or relatively light for more reps. Dont have dumbells so I cant do individual arm curls. Been supplementing with Muscletech sups. Gakic and Leukic and creatine. All legal supps. purchased at GNC.

Any advice?