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Thread: Forearm Pain

  1. #1
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Forearm Pain

    hey bros,

    I am 10 weeks into a Test/Eq cycle and making great gains in size, mass, and strength. I have added a lot of weight to my lifts, especially bench press. I think I have added a little more than 30 pounds to my bench in the last 4 weeks...literally adding 10 pounds a is crazy. I have gained about 15 pounds of body mass in total. Anyway, about two weeks ago I noticed that my forearms would hurt after I racked the weight at the end of a set. The pain feels like it is my forearm bones aching. Could the increased weight in such a short peroid be causing strain on my bones? Is there something I can do to encourage my bones to get used to the strain faster? I am not doing heavy singles or anything - my heavy working set is about 6-8 reps and done after two other pyramided sets.



  2. #2
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    I was doing research for a client and came across a ton of herbs that are relatively easy on the liver and help with associated pains, on top of these I always suggest calcium, vit D, fish oil, aminos, glucosamine, chondriton, and msm, but those all go without saying. if you want the quick fix there's always a little Decca
    Bromelian-Relieves swelling
    Devil’s Claw-Relieves pain
    Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins(OPCs)-Accelerates healing, prevents further
    Turmeric-Relieves inflammation, prevents breakdown of collagen
    Amor Seco-Especially useful for sore back muscles
    Arnica-Relieves pain and stiffness
    Balsam of Tolu-Relieves pain and stiffness
    Cayenne-Relieves pain
    Peppermint-Relieves pain
    Horse Chestnut-Reduces swelling and inflamation

  3. #3
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I doubt it's your bones. Most likely the tendons are inflammed from the extra weight. Your strength is increasing faster than the tendons can develop. You can try dropping some weight for a couple weeks and see if the pain stops. I do alot of forearm exercises and I wear wrist wraps. I don't seem to have much pain anymore. My elbows are another story.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames View Post
    hey bros,

    I am 10 weeks into a Test/Eq cycle and making great gains in size, mass, and strength. I have added a lot of weight to my lifts, especially bench press. I think I have added a little more than 30 pounds to my bench in the last 4 weeks...literally adding 10 pounds a is crazy. I have gained about 15 pounds of body mass in total. Anyway, about two weeks ago I noticed that my forearms would hurt after I racked the weight at the end of a set. The pain feels like it is my forearm bones aching. Could the increased weight in such a short peroid be causing strain on my bones? Is there something I can do to encourage my bones to get used to the strain faster? I am not doing heavy singles or anything - my heavy working set is about 6-8 reps and done after two other pyramided sets.



  4. #4
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    I am sure you are right on the money with your assessment. I was flexing my forearms absent mindedly today and noticed that when I flexed my flexors I felt the pain in my forearm that I had mistaken for bone pain. I will stretch them out and get on the Advil bus for the pain for now. I will train my arms light tomorrow to get some blood in my forearms and loosen them up. It is nuts cause my forearms are not lagging - they are around 14-15 inches around and rock solid. I only use straps on my heaviest back exersizes (over 225 pounds). I will go light again next week and see if my tendons can catch up.



  5. #5
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    There's a good sticky in here about tendonitis

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