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  1. #1
    yungfaceb3's Avatar
    yungfaceb3 is offline Associate Member
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    15 degree incline or decline???

    I recently switched up my chest routine because my chest is lagging behind the rest of my body. I used to start with flat barbell bench, then incline db presses, db flyes, and ended with decline dbs or dips. Now I have started a new program in which I begin with 15 degree incline db presses followed by db flyes at the same angle. I then hit flat barbell bench and then finish with some cable flyes and/or pec dek flyes. I hit my chest HARD..just like my other body parts..but unlike the others it refuses to grow at a steady pace. I have a naturally lean, long armed structure..and i was wondering if 15 degree declines would be better.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think your lagging chest muscle have less to do with how many degrees you do inclines or flyes and more to do with the entire approach itself. Most people make the mistake of over-training their lagging parts, which seems to be like what you could be doing, like you say, you hit it HARD. Try not exceeding 9 sets for the chest and keep each set between 8-12 reps...and stop one rep shy of complete failure. The shorter time frame and the increased volume you will get out of it will create a kind of mind-numbing intensity that does not burn out your CNS... and you should grow

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    I think your lagging chest muscle have less to do with how many degrees you do inclines or flyes and more to do with the entire approach itself. Most people make the mistake of over-training their lagging parts, which seems to be like what you could be doing, like you say, you hit it HARD. Try not exceeding 9 sets for the chest and keep each set between 8-12 reps...and stop one rep shy of complete failure. The shorter time frame and the increased volume you will get out of it will create a kind of mind-numbing intensity that does not burn out your CNS... and you should grow
    nice post.

  4. #4
    Tenmoney's Avatar
    Tenmoney is offline Junior Member
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    I agree w/ Insane. My chest is also my most lagging body part and I've been doing something kinda like what he suggests. But, if you're really looking for an answer to the degree question... I suggest 15 degree decline BB. I have switch to that as my main exercise, and I've seen an explosion in both strength and size. You have to find what works for your own body, but for me decline has hit my entire chest, especially the outer and middle portions. Give it a shot and see how it works for you. I could tell after 2 chest days it was the way to go for me.

  5. #5
    yungfaceb3's Avatar
    yungfaceb3 is offline Associate Member
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    okay I will take verything you all have said into consideration. I have actually, in my past two most recent chest training sessions, lowered my number of sets. My new porgram of 15 degree incline dumbells, then flyes, followed by flat bb has been my backbone of the training. I would then do isolation movements (pekdek, cable, etc.) to finish my chest off. But I decided after my last chest trainign that I was going to incorporate 15 degree decline presses into my routine. I was thinking of doing these as my last movement and with dumbells, but I am now uncertain of whther or not I should substitute these for one of my other main exercises altogether..and whether or not I should use db or bb.

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