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  1. #1
    jthomas1234 is offline New Member
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    Need HELP with Fat burning

    Well, here it is My first post. Thanks for having me, I need help!

    Im 36 yrs old and I have been killing myself since April 15th. When I started working out I was 223 lbs approx 24% body fat (42" waist). The body fat %age came from the Army body-fat Tape test. I had changed my diet and started my workout program. Below is what I have been doing since
    April 15th. Right now I feel that I'm at a sticking point. I have lost 18 lbs (in 3 weeks) and I'm very happy with my muscular development. I can really tell the difference in my face, upper body and legs. The problem area is my waist. I know that this is the last place for men to lose their fat. But if someone could please take a look at my diet, supplement intake and training regime and offer some comments/adjustments to help attain my goal I would appreciate it. Oh yeah, my goal..... that wondrous 6 pack all women desire!!

    Diet (since April 15th)

    As soon as I wake (0500)
    16 oz of water
    3gm BCAA's
    10-20gram Protein Shake

    30 min prior to breakfast (0700)
    3 Hydroxycut Extreem
    4 Fizogen M1-BOL

    Breakfast (0730)
    1 pkg of low fat instant oatmeal
    1 whole egg
    1 slice of whole weat bread w/peanut butter
    8oz of V8 Juice
    banana or kiwi

    1 Mega Men Sport Muli
    1 Fish Oil
    3 Muscletech Creakic

    Morning snack (0930)
    1/2 an apple
    1 serving of mixed nuts
    small can of tuna

    30 Min before Lunch
    3 Hydroxycut Extreem
    4 Fizogen M1-BOL

    Lunch (1130)
    3 slices of turkey on
    2 slices of whole wheat bread
    1 slices of low fat cheese
    1/2 an apple (red) or kiwi
    1 low fat hot dog (Beef or turkey)
    1 whole wheat bun
    1 slices of low fat cheese
    1/2 an apple (red) or kiwi

    1 Mega Men Sport Muli
    1 Fish Oil

    mid-day snack (1330/1430)
    low fat yogurt
    whole grain snack mix (cheerios)

    Dinner (1630)
    veggie burger or low fat beef burger on
    whole wheat buns
    1 slice of low fat cheese
    asparagus (4 spears)
    Healthy choice meal (300 cals or less, 6gm of fat or less)
    Smart one meals (300 cals or less, 6gm of fat or less)

    1 Mega Men Sport Muli
    1 Fish Oil

    1 Hr prior to workout
    20gm Protien

    30 min prior
    3 BCAA's
    4 Fizogen M1-BOL

    15 Min Prior
    Muscletech naNO Vapor (3 scoops)

    Evening Workout 1830

    After Workout
    Muscletech HALO (2 Scoops)
    3gms BCAA's

    30 Min after workout 2100
    60 gm whey protein
    2 Muscletech NO2

    Evening snack (on rest day)
    60gm Whey protein shake (will be changing too casein soon)

    before bed (2130)
    I have high cholesterol so I take
    40mg Zocor
    and for a test booster I take

    My workout
    5-10 min warm up on treadmill (walk 4mph)
    1 to 1 1/2 hrs on weights




    I do this routine 6 days a week and rest one. Since April 15th I have taken 2 rest days maybe twice to recoup better. After my intense workout I hit the Cardio:

    Treadmill: 45 mins Interval training. I work at a heart rate Low: 135 High: 168
    warm-up 3 min
    sprint 30 sec x 2
    jog 1 min x 2

    sprint 45 sec x 2
    jog 1:30 min x 2

    sprint 1:00 sec x 2
    jog 2:00 min x 2

    usually slow down to a Jog at about 6 to 7 mph for about 5 min and do the above sprints again.


    Elliptical Machine with the same Interval technique except I will sprint for 1:00 and rest for 2:00 with a total time of 30 min.

    Also I drink 1 to 1˝ gals of water a day. If more info is needed or more clarification I will be happy to give it.

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    This should be moved to the diet section

    Also, take a read at this:

    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

    Also, welcome. There is alot of great info here.
    and congrats on your losses so far!

  3. #3
    mutaciq is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    You can check here also, there is some good things - here

  4. #4
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Move this to the diet foroum and they will help you with it

  5. #5
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    I am no pro on Diet but it seems ok. It's prolly not popular to hear around here but I don't believe in supplements. Some whey protein is good to have around to fill the protein requirement if you cant get it that day from your diet. With proper nutrition you get what you need from your food. I dont take steroids so maybe its different if you do .

    45 min of HIIT is way to long. All you need is 20 minutes. It looks like you got the idea down just shorten it up. If you enjoy it then go ahead. Whatever makes working out fun for you. If thats the case, then don't be doing it at the end of your workout. A good rule of thumb is to keep your workouts between 45-60 minutes. I have read that training sessions exceeding one hour promote higher levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol which can lead to excessive muscle protein breakdown.

    The majority of people respond best to training 3-4 times/week for 45-60 minutes/session. However, don’t be afraid to experiment with different intensities and durations. For example, if your results have come to a halt, you could try a super high intensity 20-minute workout (with almost no rest periods between sets) performed four or five times/week instead of your usual 60-minute workout performed three times/week.

    Got these from a book i like:

    Focus the majority of your time on weight training to get lean instead of focusing on cardio training;

    Replace traditional moderate intensity long duration cardio with high intensity shorter duration anaerobic training such as wind sprints and interval training;

    Utilize multi-joint exercises instead of single joint exercises for the majority (if not all) of your training routines;

    Focus on free weights instead of machines for the majority (if not all) of your training;

    Increase the intensity of your workouts by focusing on exercises in which you complete more “work” by moving significant quantities of weight for larger distances (e.g. barbell clean & presses or one arm snatches constitute much greater quantities of work than shoulder shrugs or calf presses);

    Keep your workouts shorter but intense; your best results will most likely come from keeping your workouts between 30-60 minutes in length without exceeding approximately one hour to reduce catabolism;

    A training frequency of 3-4 sessions per week works best for the majority of individuals;

    Ab specific training should generally be completed at the end of your workout or on a separate day from your full body training;

    Ab specific training never needs to comprise more than 5-7 minutes of your total 30-60 minute training session;

    Ab specific exercises should provide significant resistance to challenge your strength level (e.g. 10 properly executed hanging leg raises are much more effective than 100 crunches);

    Follow a specific type of training program consistently for 4-6 weeks before changing your training variables; continue your progression by changing one or more of the important training variables after 4-6 weeks of consistency.

    If you want to lose weight fast, the exercises below should be all you need in your routine.

    Standard barbell deadlifts
    Romanian deadlifts
    Barbell back squats
    Barbell front squats
    Barbell overhead squats
    Dumbbell lunges (walking or standing)
    Dumbbell step-ups
    Barbell clean & presses
    One arm snatches
    One arm swings
    Two arm swings
    Barbell high pulls
    Barbell or dumbbell incline or flat bench presses
    Push-ups variations
    Pronated grip pull-ups
    Supinated grip chin-ups
    Lat pulldowns (supinated, pronated, or neutral grips)
    Barbell bent over rows
    One arm dumbbell rows
    Renegade dumbbell rows
    Seated horizontal cable rows
    Overhead barbell or dumbbell presses
    Dumbbell squat & presses

    you can google those for more info

    example routines if you need help. Remember, you should be using heavy enough weights that challenge you to complete the prescribed number of reps and sets.

    1. Barbell Romanian deadlifts – 2 x 12-14
    2. Barbell front squats – 2 x 12-14
    3. Wide grip pronated lat pulldowns – 2 x 12-14
    4. Walking lunges – up & back 10 steps for 2 sets
    5. Barbell bench press – 2 x 12-14
    6. Barbell bent over rows – 2 x 12-14
    7. Two arm swings – 1 x 25

    1. Barbell back squats – 2 x 12-14
    2. Overhead dumbbell presses – 2 x 12-14
    3. Barbell standard deadlifts – 2 x 12-14
    4. One arm dumbbell rows – 2 x 12-14 with each arm
    5. Dumbbell step-ups – 2 x 12-14 with each leg
    6. Dumbbell bench press – 1 x 12-14
    7. One-arm swings – 1 x 20 with each arm

    1. Dumbbell reverse lunges (alternating legs), 10-12 reps with each leg
    2. One arm dumbbell rows, 10-12 reps with each arm
    3. Dumbbell squat and presses, 10-12 reps
    4. Lat pulldowns, 10-12 reps
    5. Dumbbell bench presses, 10-12 reps
    6. Dumbbell step ups, 10-12 reps
    7. Two arm dumbbell swings, 15 reps
    Take as little rest as possible between exercises (<30 seconds)
    Repeat this circuit of 7 exercises three times
    Don’t forget to try to progress on reps or weight on subsequent workouts

    1. Dumbbell forward lunges (alternating legs), 10-12 reps with each leg
    2. Bent over barbell rows, 10-12 reps
    3. Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, 10-12 reps
    4. Barbell or dumbbell incline presses, 10-12 reps
    5. Box jumps (jump up and down onto step, bench, or box), 20-25 reps
    6. One arm dumbbell swings, 10 reps each arm
    Take as little rest as possible between exercises (<30 seconds)
    Repeat this circuit of 6 exercises three times
    Don’t forget to try to progress on reps or weight on subsequent workouts

    I got this info from a book I read. Just passing the info along

  6. #6
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008
    Also, i never believed in slamming water down needlessly. Drink as your thirsty and you will be fine. Make sure you only drink water everyday. Some green teas are ok. Absolutely no sodas or fruit juice drinks.

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