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  1. #1
    bluesman's Avatar
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    Talking Can it be pet peeve time at the gym?

    I am looking to expand my repertoire of annoyance. I use it to work out harder and angrier.

    Here are my top 10: (for fun, add more if you got them)

    10. You filling up 36 OZ water bottle at the water fountain when there is a line of people behind you
    9. Me: Sitting on the bench in the change room, changing. You: Naked, dripping and your junk is 6 inches from my face.
    8. Giant dudes, avoiding eye contact with me while I sit under a heavy bench, smiling and hoping to get a spot for the last rep of my last set, the wicked pump that I had 5 minutes ago, fading away.
    7. A squat rack being used for standing barbell curls, or anything else for that matter during peak times.
    6. Your eye rolling when I asked to "work in" when you have the only preacher bar in the entire gym, and you are doing 100 rep drop sets.
    5. You are using the only adjustable bench in the gym completely flat, while 25 flat benches lay unused.
    4. The people who sit and talk while in between sets or exercises, on the equipment, avoiding eye contact from people who want to use the equipment.
    3. 25 pairs of dumbells at your feet from 60lb-1lb for a 1 hour curl fest. When you are done, you leave them all there.
    2. People who do 60 minutes+ on the treadmill doing a less than 2.0 mph walk, no incline or anything, on a sunny day.
    1. Girls who look at you like you are serial rapist for accidentally glancing at her as she walks in front of you, while she wears full makeup, a white leotard showing her entire anatomy, and a barely covering her boobs "bathing suit/bra" top, on a chilly day.

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    1. People that work out in street clothes.

  3. #3
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
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    1.People who do improper form.
    2.When people do minor movements while lifting, but going super fast like they are having a seizure
    3.Really fat people who walk in the gym for 10 min and walk out.
    4. chuby chicks who walk in the gym with really tight and small clothes

  4. #4
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    1. Your #7...curls/shrugs/anything upper body oriented in the squat rack! NOOOO!!!!
    2. Dudes that hang out naked in the locker room.
    3. Partial range of motion on reps.
    4. Guys that scream like girls when they are doing 100 lbs on the hack squat machine.
    5. A guy is doing 1" "leg presses" with 800 lbs on the machine, then walks away without unracking it.
    6. When people work out in groups of 3+, spending most of their time talking.
    7. Commentators that stand around and watch you as you work out.
    8. People who have yet to discover deoderant.
    9. People who drop/throw weights for no reason. (IE. dropping 25 lb dumb bells as if they were 125s)
    10. Dudes who wear the smallest clothes they could possibly fit into in an attempt to look big.

  5. #5
    kalspic's Avatar
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    1.guys that walk around all swole and cocky
    2. guys that try to hit on every chick in there

  6. #6
    bluesman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    4. Guys that scream like girls when they are doing 100 lbs on the hack squat machine.
    9. People who drop/throw weights for no reason. (IE. dropping 25 lb dumb bells as if they were 125s)
    Oh God yeah, I forgot about that one.... It's like, "Do you own this gym?" I secretly pray that the floor will crack or the dumbbell will break, and they will be publicly humiliated, and walked out the door by the management..

    The screaming on each rep is a bit much as well.. "Not sure if you should be doing that anymore, bro... Sounds like it isn't working out for you...".. some grunting and the occasional involuntary noise, ok, but some days it sounds like they are trying to outdo each other.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Complete amatuers that workout every muscle in the same day and jump on other peoples equipment without the common courtesy of, "hey man, you seen anyone working here?" Drives me up the wall.

  8. #8
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    LOL you guys pretty much got them all, right there with ya.

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    ==old guys that air dry in the locker room
    == balance balls in the free weight are
    == 1 gal jugs of water being carried from exercise to exercise
    == trainers that take a new person through a CNS destruction workout, ie. 6 different exercises for the shoulders, doing them superset style.
    == step equipment in the free weight area
    == If you drop the weights.. it's too much weight
    == screaming?? i better see broken blood vessels in your eyes
    == NOS supplements..doh.. before you work out idiot
    == when you wear lipstick at the gym, it just means you give good head..
    The answer to your every question


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  10. #10
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    ==old guys that air dry in the locker room
    == balance balls in the free weight are
    == 1 gal jugs of water being carried from exercise to exercise
    == trainers that take a new person through a CNS destruction workout, ie. 6 different exercises for the shoulders, doing them superset style.
    == step equipment in the free weight area
    == If you drop the weights.. it's too much weight
    == screaming?? i better see broken blood vessels in your eyes
    == NOS supplements..doh.. before you work out idiot
    == when you wear lipstick at the gym, it just means you give good head..
    Yet another reason why I hate (most) personal trainers.

    - People who have been working out for 8 years but look no different than when they did 8 years ago
    - People whose entire weekly workout routine is based around chest
    - People who don't train legs
    - People who do 20 sets of biceps, and 0 sets of deadlifts (or any strenuous lift for that matter)
    - Skinny noobs who are shocked when they see their other skinny friend deadlifting 100lbs..."dude, you can deadlift that much!? that's heaps!"
    - People who see others who are in shape, and AUTOMATICALLY assume "steroids ".
    - People who talk...gyms are not for socialising, they are the battlefield for mind-numbing workouts
    Last edited by GT2; 03-28-2009 at 07:27 AM.

  11. #11
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    *People who shadow box or jump rope in the free weight area
    *Custom cut up shirts to display way too much skin and too many tattoos (unless female)
    *People who do walking lunges through the weight room.

  12. #12
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    I'm here working so hard that I'm nearly purple and will power is the only thing keeping me going, the jackass at the smith machine(the nearest thing to a barbell in my gym) is taking his sweet time pressing 35lb overhead and not even breaking a sweat, taking 5 minuts between sets is three times my size and has no intention of moving so I can finish my workout and get out.

  13. #13
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    *People who shadow box or jump rope in the free weight area
    *Custom cut up shirts to display way too much skin and too many tattoos (unless female)
    *People who do walking lunges through the weight room.
    Where do you suggest they do their lunges if it can't be in the weights section?I'm not trying to be a smarta$$, because at current I do lunges the way you described

  14. #14
    warchild's Avatar
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    unless your busting your ass at the gym then you annoy me

  15. #15
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Where do you suggest they do their lunges if it can't be in the weights section?I'm not trying to be a smarta$$, because at current I do lunges the way you described
    Most gyms usually have some place where you can walk 50 feet in each direction without much traffic. If you are using DB's it's not as bad, I just hate seeing some dude with a bar across his back walking from one end of the weight room to the other needing 6 feet of clearance all around him so he doesnt give someone a concussion.

  16. #16
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Most gyms usually have some place where you can walk 50 feet in each direction without much traffic. If you are using DB's it's not as bad, I just hate seeing some dude with a bar across his back walking from one end of the weight room to the other needing 6 feet of clearance all around him so he doesnt give someone a concussion.
    Haha fair enough. Yeah I always use db's so it doesn't pose much danger to those around me. I always make sure I'm not in anybody's way either.

  17. #17
    BigFresh is offline New Member
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    the guy doing 10 yard sprints.. on the padded floor in the weight room..

  18. #18
    kalspic's Avatar
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    the tools wearing only underarmor who are kinda big but mostly fat

  19. #19
    DCannon's Avatar
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    I can't stand the guy who sits buck naked on the locker room bench.
    Come on dude, I don't want to sit where you ass and balls were.

  20. #20
    jfalco's Avatar
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    -groups of 4 gang bangers who spend half an hour misusing what ever piece of equipment they and hanging around
    -douch bags who jump on your bench when you get up to change weights
    -fat trainers
    -broken equipment at my overpriced gym
    -people who stretch or roll around on balls or dance around with tiny weights in the middle of walkways

  21. #21
    jfalco's Avatar
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    definitely agree about naked dude with out a towel. fortunately my gym is around the corner from my house so I change at home and only go in the locker room to use the scale.

  22. #22
    _Dave_ is offline New Member
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    I absolutely guarantee you guys will agree with me on these. I was so F'n excited when I saw this thread because I always bitch to people about these two things; by FAR my biggest pet peeves at the gym

    1. Increasing the incline on the treadmill, and HANGING ON. Your defeating the Fuc%ing purpose!

    2. Doing an ab workout with the medicine ball. Instead of using the weight of the ball to increase the diffeculty of the movement, catching the ball at the TOP of the movement, keeping the ball in place, THEN at the bottom of the movement move the ball down, and SWING the ball upwards using IT'S momentum to pull you back up.

    I'm usually pretty liberal when it comes to inexperience. I mean in all reality there's 98% of the rest of the population that doesn't exercise at all so at least these schmucks show up. Just, if you're going to do stupid shit stay out of the way haha. Go do an hour on the Jacob's ladder or do 15 sets on the pec-deck.

    I don't hit women - never have never will. But I honestly want to bitch slap every chick I see using incline and hanging on. I do.

  23. #23
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Dave_ View Post
    I absolutely guarantee you guys will agree with me on these. I was so F'n excited when I saw this thread because I always bitch to people about these two things; by FAR my biggest pet peeves at the gym

    1. Increasing the incline on the treadmill, and HANGING ON. Your defeating the Fuc%ing purpose!

    2. Doing an ab workout with the medicine ball. Instead of using the weight of the ball to increase the diffeculty of the movement, catching the ball at the TOP of the movement, keeping the ball in place, THEN at the bottom of the movement move the ball down, and SWING the ball upwards using IT'S momentum to pull you back up.

    I'm usually pretty liberal when it comes to inexperience. I mean in all reality there's 98% of the rest of the population that doesn't exercise at all so at least these schmucks show up. Just, if you're going to do stupid shit stay out of the way haha. Go do an hour on the Jacob's ladder or do 15 sets on the pec-deck.

    I don't hit women - never have never will. But I honestly want to bitch slap every chick I see using incline and hanging on. I do.

    lol I see women doing that all the time

    i hate...

    1. people who try to include like 3 machines into one set and have to walk across the gym to complete their set, and then telling me the machine I'm using is already being used by them

    2. skinny little teenagers in beaters in the winter

    3. almost everyone

  24. #24
    GT2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    lol I see women doing that all the time

    i hate...

    1. people who try to include like 3 machines into one set and have to walk across the gym to complete their set, and then telling me the machine I'm using is already being used by them

    2. skinny little teenagers in beaters in the winter

    3. almost everyone

  25. #25
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    People who create these posts over and over and over again......

  26. #26
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I saw a guy today using STRAPS for bench pressing...what exactly do the straps accomplish? To top it off, he was benching 135...good thing he had those straps!

  27. #27
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Soooo you guys hate me then? Whatever. j/k

    I hate people who think they are cool with me so they try to talk to me while I am breathing hard, sweating my ass off, and I am ready to do another set.

    How about giving me a little STFU and leave me alone? It doesn't matter what I drink/take, or when punk, I am in the middle of something important here so go away.


  28. #28
    northerntouch's Avatar
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    I seen a fat guy in they gym doing palates 2lbs db in the squat section, lying on the floor sweating to death all over the rubber flooring, I swear you need a shop vac to dry the floor after.

    I hate sexy hot girls that make every exercise look like a sex position, and just wanna fuvk them, but you know your not getting none if your life depended on it.

  29. #29
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    my gym is all old ppl

    and some of the 60 year old ladies need to put some clothes on. they are in there with just a sports bra and short shorts on

    who the fukk wants to see a 65 year old lady wearing only a sports bra up top??

    ewww man. ewww!

  30. #30
    northerntouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    my gym is all old ppl

    and some of the 60 year old ladies need to put some clothes on. they are in there with just a sports bra and short shorts on

    who the fukk wants to see a 65 year old lady wearing only a sports bra up top??

    ewww man. ewww!
    Lmaof that's just disturbing man, wrinkly cleavage; look at the bingo wings fly. My gym is all sexy MILF's. Half the time I walk around light headed cause I got a massive hard on.

  31. #31
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    People who create these posts over and over and over again......
    Have to agree, this is about the fourth one in the last month...

  32. #32
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
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    it seems to me that judging from this thread, everyone hates peolpe at the gym.

    I just throw in my ipod and get-r-done baby.

    I don't get mad, but I do giggle to myself sometimes after watching some of form that goes on around the place.

    Seen a guy doing tri rope pull downs, man it was something else lol

  33. #33
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    I respect fat girls who are trying to get in better shape by finally going to the gym, but put some damn clothes on that fit you. I don't need to see your gut flop out of your shirt when your sweating like a pig on the elliptical. I saw it today and just about puked

  34. #34
    CBGB's Avatar
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    45min. 45 friggin minutes. .4 college guys standing in front of the db rack. They never picked up anything, never broke a sweat. Just stood by the rack and yakked. Yesterday.
    Guess they cut up their shirts for nothing!

  35. #35
    Barium's Avatar
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    Dudes who are clearly way out of shape and take up 2-3 workout areas during peak hours doing super sets of different exercises.

    Also anyone using the squat rack for anything that doesn't need to rack, i.e. deadlifts, curls ect.

  36. #36
    yasha's Avatar
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    - people that use equipment as clothes hangers

    - old people that complain that the music is too loud or vulgar

    - gay guys that check me out while i do squats

    I think I need to find a new gym

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    it seems to me that judging from this thread, everyone hates peolpe at the gym.

    I just throw in my ipod and get-r-done baby.

    I don't get mad, but I do giggle to myself sometimes after watching some of form that goes on around the place.

    Seen a guy doing tri rope pull downs, man it was something else lol
    i always smile at the people that suck at the gym becasue

    they look the same for an extender period of time
    always to bench
    flex in the mirror when they have nothing to flex
    people with head phones cranked so loud you can understand teh word
    and then banging there head around to it
    excessive grunting, some is fine
    people that think they are yoked but they ain't
    people that always ask me how i work out to get ripped and i just say to eat better and they look at me like im an idiot and say no, i just want to know what excerices you do to get ripped

  38. #38
    bluesman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Have to agree, this is about the fourth one in the last month...
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    People who create these posts over and over and over again......

    I went back a few pages in this forum, and even ran a search of "pet peeve" for the record, before I posted it.. I am a member of a few forums, and the general consensus in all of them related to time worn topics is, if you don't like it or are tired of it, don't open it. Problem solved..

    I either missed your sense of humor, or you really have nothing better to do than spoil for an argument on a funny to some (but not all apparently)thread..

    8/10 if trollin'... You got me.

  39. #39
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
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    you guys are way too you all work out in perfect silence while dressing in expensive gym only gear and never doing super sets or occupying a machine? if this stuff bothers you maybe you shouldn't be in a gym..and on that note the only thing thats bothers me, yes only oen thing people that massively bounce the bar off their chest while benching and then make outlandish bench press claims

  40. #40
    UrRoyalHighness is offline Associate Member
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    I hate when retared gang-banger wana-b's come in with groups of 3-4 wearing their over sized shirts down to their knees and super baggy pants half way off their as$. Also getting a piece of equipments with nasty lotion all over it where you can't even hold it without it slipping out of your hands. I cant stand that ish.

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