Please check out my new routine and I also have a few questions, workout is from workout of the week off a wesite's frontpage a while ago.

22 166lbs
Goal is to add a little mass

basically a 3 day split:

Day 1 - Chest/Triceps:

* Bench Press - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Incline Dumbbell Press - 3x10
* Dumbbell Fly - 2x12
* Dips - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Skull Crushers, on incline bench - 3x10

Day 2 - Back/Biceps:

* Wide-grip lat pulldowns, or pull-ups - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Bent over barbell rows - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Dumbbell rows - 3x10
* Standing barbell curls - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Alternating dumbbell curls - 2x10

Day 3 - Legs/Shoulders:

* Barbell squats - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Leg press - 3x10
* Leg extensions - 3x10
* Lying leg curls - 3x10
* Calf raises, on Smith machine - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Barbell Shoulder Press - 12, 10, 10, 8
* Lateral raises, with dumbbells - 3x10
* Upright rows, with dumbbells - 3x10

and also there is an optional superset day that is
# Bench Press - 3x12, with Bent over barbell rows - 3x12
# Lat pulldowns - 3x12, with Dumbbell shoulder press - 3x12
# Skull Crushers - 3x12, with Standing barbell curls - 3x12

Plus a high-rep abs workout and low reps workout.

what I really want to know is do I just replace a normal workout day with a superset day, and just alternate it through the weeks e.g. week 1 chest tri, back bi, superset week 2 superset, chest tri, legs shoulders and so fourth or is it done differently. And should I perform the smaller ab workouts on my 2 off days with cardio or just add them onto the end of workout days?

thanks, and by the way if I didn't explain it propely here is the workout http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/best...ph_workout.htm it's the first one for ectomorphs.

reason for change - my 4 day split is getting old and gains are non existant.

Massive thanks in advance