Hey everyone, I'm on week 4 of 300 mg test E every 5 days. Currently, I work out anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week, and i am curious if i should take more days off? also, my energy level is rediculous, like ungodly. There seems to be no end to the amount/time or the intensity of my workouts. Am i risking hurting myself? I feel like if I don't feel it the next day, then i didnt do my job at the gym. any imput would be appreciated, but usually the breakdown is l ike this

10-20 min. warmup on elliptical, above 200 strides/min.
1 hr. to 1 hr. 45 min. intense workout, usually focus on 2 body parts, shoulders/back, tri/chest, etc. and I do abs at the end of every workout.

usually after workouts, I will run .5 or 1 mile, stopping every 1/8th mile for either pushups, pull-ups, crunches, etc.

occasionally i will also do 5 min. sets on the bag

what do yall think?