Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
Actually you guys.. using a heart rate monitor will tell you when you are ready to start the next set, but that's just science...

In my own body, (i'm 49 though) my first 3-5 sets (depending on the rep range) I can get my HR to 164 which is when the valsalvic maneuver happens and i am training at 95-100% effort, that is according to my HR...

If my design and goal is to increase white fiber tissue development (fast twitch) i am in the 4-6 range.. my recovery HR is 100.. during the 1st 3-5 sets it takes about 30 seconds.. however as the session continues it will take me 45 - 50 seconds to recover enough to continue the next set..

But hey I'm 208, 5'9 12-14% BF without diet, at 10% bf I'm 203 and don't care to go lower than that.. but like i said.. i'm old.

By the by, recovery hr for 12-15 reps which develops fast red fibers the recovery rate is 115

20-25 rep range recovery is 125 this is where the most energy is spent and conditions red slow..

Thanks, just throwing it out there..

Of course, specificity is important and the HR method is a way to be specific for yourself. But when I give advice on this board, I tend to be a bit broad and general. Its hard to pinpoint specifics with out giving a proper assessment ya know?

I will say however, that I have clients who's heart rate doesn't budge the entire session so this method isn't reliable for them.