Quote Originally Posted by pebble View Post
I did and do agree that mix is best to keep the body progressing.

And I am pretty sure we have read the same material. I am not sure if it is the same study or another but it shows that exercising at 60% of VO2max creates an EPOC of 7% which means the difference between HI and LI is really only 7% which over even a 1000 kcal workout (very unlikely if it is of the intensity required (most use Wingate’s) to get the 14%) that’s only 70 kcal more from EPOC. Not really much when it comes down to it, but yes every kcal does count when trying to get very lean.

As for the comment about modalities, I think we both agree on the major components and understand what the other is trying to say. I think the semantics and intentions (of the original post) provoked the opposing views.
I have read somewhere that EPOC has contributed to 700 cals over a day or two. Epoc is what I am saying (because that's what it's called now), but there are many factors that attribute to the after burn that are out of the scope of this article and I don't have the desire to write about. I wanted to drive the point home that exercising with intensity has lasting effects after you step off the equipment.