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  1. #1
    Kaytime's Avatar
    Kaytime is offline Associate Member
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    Side Laterals & Supraspinatus tendon

    Hey guys i have had issues with my shoulder for over a year and a half and regardless i have problems with my supraspinatus tendon.

    no matter how much time i take off back then and what i do im stuck with the pain only if i do certain exercises (Flat Bench, Side Laterals, Front delt raises) so i work around them..

    I do front delt raises with palms facing each other or underhand gri which there is no pain what so ever.

    I lay off bench press and just do incline bench/db flat d/b and weighted dips

    Side laterals i cannot do even with 10kg as the pain is just ***** at times tho i can do wide grip heavy upright rows no problems..


    Today i wanted to try do side laterals tho on a angle where i lean forward a bit not too much as if it was rear delt movement but just enough were i feel like i hit my side delt.

    QUESTION: just curious to know if this does hit the side delt regardless if i bend over just a little bit because i have no pain what so ever??

    I have been to doctors and have been checked out with ultrasounds and other stuff but im stuck with this crap for life i just work around it and do rotator cuff workouts 2 times a week

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Late reply....

    I have done side laterals like this many times and it is how I teach them...

    When done like this they will actually increase Medial Head stimulation!

    The mechanics of the 'slightly bent over' movement put the Anterior Head (front) in a position where it is harder to contract and take over the movement.

    This is the best way to force the side delt to work...

    So yes do it! And tell others to try it as well
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  3. #3
    tyciol's Avatar
    tyciol is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaytime View Post
    I wanted to try do side laterals tho on a angle where i lean forward a bit not too much as if it was rear delt movement but just enough were i feel like i hit my side delt. QUESTION: just curious to know if this does hit the side delt regardless if i bend over just a little bit because i have no pain what so ever??
    I think it still hits it. ExRx lists a lot of rear delt moves which have heavy middle delt involvement:


    Particularly look at the first movement: if the lateral deltoid is still involved when the guy has almost a prone torso (it's lower than 45 at least), a slighter forward bend would definitely still have the middle delts involved. Even moreso, the torso IS prone for the lying movements and middle delt still gets listed.

    It's probably worth doing to keep the front head out since it's the one that tends to take over and be too big for most.

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