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  1. #1
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Dull ache in fingers/shoulder/forearm.. Chiro says pinched nerve in neck? C5-C7 Verta

    Hey guys, I have posted before, to make a long story short I started getting tightness and weird feelings near collar bone and trap area, not really any pain just a pinch feeling almost.. then my shoulder started aching randomly during day, usually when I wasn't doing anything and laying around.. the pain is now in my forearm/wrist/pointer & middle fingers.. I went for xrays and my chiro said I have lost the c curve in my neck causing my c5-c7 to be pinching my nerve that runs into fingers.. Anyone have this problem before and how did they fix it? I have an ultrasound this Thurs which I wont believe will do shit as I don't think it's my shoulder that's the problem but could be wrong.. I did however try some deep tissue and only helped during the weeks of treatment, but barely.. Im guessing nerve needs to be freed up first?

    Any input is appreciated, I am very worried and only posted another topic to bump! Im sorry for any hassles guys, but you are very informative! I want to see if anyone new posts on the thread!

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Never experienced this but is it fixable? If you have lost the c-curve maybe you need to strengthen the muscles in the back of the neck? Are you on the computer all day or something? What is the reason for the elongated muscles? Find the cause and fix that and you will be better off. Simple neck exercises may help along with chiro visits.

    I find that with clients with things like sciatica that a chiro will only help temporarily if the the muscles holding the body in the correct posture are not strong. Back problems (not injuries of course) like pinched nerves easily go away with muscle strengthening exercises in conjunction with chiro visits.

  3. #3
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Never experienced this but is it fixable? If you have lost the c-curve maybe you need to strengthen the muscles in the back of the neck? Are you on the computer all day or something? What is the reason for the elongated muscles? Find the cause and fix that and you will be better off. Simple neck exercises may help along with chiro visits.

    I find that with clients with things like sciatica that a chiro will only help temporarily if the the muscles holding the body in the correct posture are not strong. Back problems (not injuries of course) like pinched nerves easily go away with muscle strengthening exercises in conjunction with chiro visits.
    Thats the thing, he said my history of sports, sleeping on stomach, and staring at a computer screen has made me lost my c curve. I will be doing chiro adjustments for the next 6 months to fix this, he said it should be 95% fixed by then!!

  4. #4
    Twist's Avatar
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    You should start with some neck exercises. I bet if you strengthen it up then you will not have the problem anymore. In my experience a chiro can not 'fix' the problem permanently if the muscles don't get strengthened.
    Start by lying on your stomach on your bed with your upper chest and head hanging off, facing the floor. lower your head slowly to the ground/till your chin touches your upper chest, then raise your head till you are staring up to the sky, squeezing the back of your neck muscles. Keep doing this until you can't anymore then do another 3 sets. Flip over and do the reverse for 2 sets. Also do 3 sets of moving your head side to side (like nodding your head as if to say no) as many as you can do.

    Once you can do this for 50 reps of 4 sets each exercise then move on to more advanced exercises for the neck. Shrugs and back extensions should be a staple in your workout regimen.

  5. #5
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    You should start with some neck exercises. I bet if you strengthen it up then you will not have the problem anymore. In my experience a chiro can not 'fix' the problem permanently if the muscles don't get strengthened.
    Start by lying on your stomach on your bed with your upper chest and head hanging off, facing the floor. lower your head slowly to the ground/till your chin touches your upper chest, then raise your head till you are staring up to the sky, squeezing the back of your neck muscles. Keep doing this until you can't anymore then do another 3 sets. Flip over and do the reverse for 2 sets. Also do 3 sets of moving your head side to side (like nodding your head as if to say no) as many as you can do.

    Once you can do this for 50 reps of 4 sets each exercise then move on to more advanced exercises for the neck. Shrugs and back extensions should be a staple in your workout regimen.

    So basically the chiro is adjusting it so everything fits perfect, but to maintain I need to strengthen surround tissues

  6. #6
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Ultrasound was negative for tears... probably nerve then eh guys?

  7. #7
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    probably the nerve. Think of your spine as a 33 story building. Without the strong support beams of course there is gonna be some problems. Usually the problems lie at the lower part of the 'building' because they support all the ones above and have all that pressure. Bad posture while at the computer or work or sleeping etc can cause problems at the top. You need the muscles to hold the spine in place. How's your flexibility in your shoulders/arms/neck area?

  8. #8
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    probably the nerve. Think of your spine as a 33 story building. Without the strong support beams of course there is gonna be some problems. Usually the problems lie at the lower part of the 'building' because they support all the ones above and have all that pressure. Bad posture while at the computer or work or sleeping etc can cause problems at the top. You need the muscles to hold the spine in place. How's your flexibility in your shoulders/arms/neck area?
    flexibility isnt the best, it is improving with stretching etc.. and my neck ROM is improved after just 5 chiro adjustments!!

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Make sure you improve your flexibility and strength to increase blood flow.

  10. #10
    mikeloop is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Make sure you improve your flexibility and strength to increase blood flow.
    For sure, but taking 2 weeks off weights is best eh? Still doing cardio and legs, as well as some abs... and one day a week for bands shoulder exercises (resistance).. And doing rotator cuff exercises 3x a week.

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