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  1. #1
    IggySupra is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Need workout inputs from experienced lifters to properly grow what I want please :)

    Well first of all, thanks ahead of time to anyone who helps me out

    Here is where I'm at guys, I'm 22 y/o, 5'8"-5'9" @ 168lbs lean with roughly 7-8%bf and 29-30"waist. I started working out like at 14 for several years. But we all know at that stage we dont know what the hell were doing. Just last November I started getting serious with working out and I learned about proper dieting. Something growing up I didnt know about, and DAMN, we all know how important dieting is. Anyways, I've put on roughly 11-13lbs of muscle in the last 10 weeks and I got 4 more of my cycle to go. I stay in the ballpark of 200-300 grams of protein daily, along with 250-400 grams of carbs depending on my workout days, and i try and keep below 50 grams of fat.

    I train 5 days a week and split it as it follows: p.s. legs need more to grow than my upper body.

    Monday-legs &(1hr of calves,roughly 13sets heavy@400lbs,then about 5 sets@150lbs@50reps)-I can easily add 10-12lbs to them to reach goal, not too proportionate to my upper body
    Tuesday-shoulders-want really wide shoulders
    Wednesday-bicept&back-want really wide back& bulky outter bicept to get that bulky arm look without flexing
    Thursday-tricept &(1hr of calves)
    Friday-chest-need an almost perfect chest lol, very wide
    weekend i rest.

    and smaller muscle groups like abs, forearm, trapz i throw them in somewhere between those days, it varies on how I feel that day.

    I'm sorry, call me ignorant or whatever, but I suck at knowing what each workout is called, so its quite difficult telling you guys what workouts I do. It really wont matter after this point cause any workout tips that I get, I will adjust to that to get to my goal. I throw in about 6-8 different workouts for each muscle group a day. Usually 3-4 heavy(5-8reps) and 3-4 isolation(atleast 10reps) and its been working quite well.

    Goal-180-185lbs @6-7%bf and have a very proportionate build and symmetry. Not trying to get TOO big, but look built. Something like Arnold but obviously to my proportion and with not AS MUCH mass within each muscle.

    Here is my question to you experienced lifters: What workouts do you do for each muscle??? keeping in mind that I only workout a muscle a day to really put stress on it over a roughly 1-1.5 hr time period.

    Here is what I'm cycling at the moment- did 10 weeks of 500mg/week(200mg@test E/50mg@test P PER shot x2/week) and now that I'm done with that, I just started 4 weeks of Megavol@2 capsules@day to finish off. Tamoxifen is at hand for my PCT.

    I'll take some pics and upload to show where I'm at. Thanks again for any advice guys.

  2. #2
    pebble is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    First off I want to commend you; you laid out your post very well. It is easy to follow.

    Now I must say, dude your 22. You shouldn't be using AAS yet.

    I am not going to spend time to get into about your training because honestly you didn't provide enough information about your training. I need to know exactly what your workouts are and how they are periodize to promote progression. And nutrition is going to be a big factor to put on another 12-17lbs without adding too much fat. Maybe head over to the diet section for some more advice with that.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    IggySupra is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks pebble, that was the idea. To highlight what info is more important so make easier to follow without reading so much.

    Alright, i'm taking a pen and paper to the gym today and writing down ALL the exercises I do and I'll input them, along with my typical daily diet. I'll get back when i do this.

  4. #4
    gmantheman is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2011
    The biggest thing I see is your training chest the day after tris. When you hit your chest your tris are still going to be sore and will tire out before you effectively hit your chest. You don't need to workout your muscle for 1 to 1.5 hrs. As 8 time Mr Olympia Lee Haney said "stimulate don't annihilate". Also you grow when you rest, training is just a stimulus. One of these would be a better split.
    Mon: shoulders/tris
    Tues: legs
    Wed: rest
    Fri: Back/Bi
    Sat/Sun rest
    Mon: Chest/bi
    Tues: legs
    Wed: Shoulders/Tris
    Fri: Back
    Sat/Sun rest.

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