Hi guys

so as of Sunday comming i am going to start a log of my new training idea

so for around a year i have followed a dorian yates style of training 1 warm up set 1 work set.. to fail with forced reps and negatives

after watching jason huh week on MD i started thinking bout this way of training and how i could get it to work for me..

in my teens i always trained my chest with high volume, and it grew.. overtaking the rest of my body parts


heres my plan to carry on with training the way i am but adding 2 more sets on after muscle failure using jasons method.

the only thing i will not be doing this on is deadlifts.

as of tonight i am 256lbs at 6ft 4in 9% bf

will start my log sunday.

what is everyones thoughts on this??

i am going to do this for 12 weeks, then review but will prob keep it going a year to see what the long term result is