Hey guys, for those who haven't yet seen my old thread.. in early Feb I had aching in my trap/shoulder area which over time progressed to forearm and finger pain (more of a dull ache). My doctor just got report back on the MRI as we thought it was a pinched nerve and the cervical neck area is negative for any tears... the ultrasound of shoulder is also negative for any tears, we are now doing a shoulder MRI But he doesnt think anything will show... he says I need Active Release Therapy and lots of it..... and that my chiro was a waste of money which I knew going into it but was out of options.. I tried active relase for 4 weeks or so twice a week and it only felt better during the therapy, but this time I need to go longer Im guessing... Taking 2 weeks off gym didnt really help it much at all :S

So really, should I see a kinesiolgist or what other title to get this ART done? If I dont need active release, what other treatment should I get and by who?