I've been changing my style of lifting. I continue with an explosive upwards movement, followed by a squeeze at the top for 2 seconds then a 4-6 second concentrated downward release. I've felt much better burns and am not ashamed of having dropped the weight. This style has improved my breathing and form tremendously.

My concerns are

1) Does this style work on a bulking AS cycle? I heard talk in the community that the reason this style works is it triggers a release of hormones because the muscles are under tension for 40-80 seconds. I want to stimulate hypertrophy, I think that in an AS cycle there are already plenty of hormones floating around.
If you watch the free video "Training with Kai Greene, I'll never be a weightlifter" he says a weightlifter is only concerned with moving weight. Kai wants a stretch and a contraction and that he'll be in control of the weight through the entire range of motion. He lifts slow and relatively light, and he's huge. This gives me great confidence in this style, but I thought I'd ask anyways. and yes i have a man crush on him.

Please chime in on how to effectively lift while on AS. Will this slow style with lighter weight work? Should I throw in a few max out sets with a far shorter lowering period? I'll be on supertest 750mg weekly tren 75mg eod, HCG and letro. I've asked around plenty for how to use the AS but not enough about how to train while on it. Not my first rodeo on AS but I would rather have all the intel possible before going into battle.

I've been lifting for 10 years but mostly while training in martial arts 4 times a week so I never got big. I always lifted exposively because you need the speed. But I NEVER paid attention to the release of the weight. Many times I would lift weights after an hour to 2 hours of martial arts crosstraining. Not good for muscle building.....

I'm older now and I dont think I'll be doing any kind of competitive fighting anymore I wont need the speed. I've spent a good 2 years in physical therapy and injury healing from fighting and I just don't want that in my life anymore. I might train Krav maga in the future, purely for combat. You can be big and still fight well with Krav.