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  1. #1
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    Arts workouts, opinions?

    Okay guys, I been looking for a few of arts workouts online. Some of them seem like they may not even be his, I been in the gym for 8 years and always trying new things.

    As of right now I am looking at random mass building routines, I am already 200lbs pretty lean with some pretty good numbers for strength and power.

    My concern is a new program. I have 2 here that you can look at

    Here is the first routine, I have started this routine last friday and some of the lifts seem a little excessive and take up to 2 hours in the gym even going back to back with my partner with 30-40 seconds rest between sets and about 1.5min from lift to lift. except on the triple drop sets which are one after another.

    WORKOUT 1)
    Take a peek ( click on the download tab)
    http://www.professionalsupplements.n...ze/workout.asp this one may be a money make scheme but i talked to one of the guys that work there and he was helping me out with this as well, nice guys

    WORKOUT 2)
    here is another one i found just lookn around, seems a little less complicated and closer to what I normally do

    Basic mass workout program

    DAY 1

    Upper Chest: (10-12 reps)
    4 sets of incline benchpress
    4 sets of incline flyes

    4 sets of bentover barbell rows
    4 sets of T-Bar rows
    3 sets of lat pull downs

    Bi's (easy):
    3 sets of preacher curls
    2 sets of reverse curls

    Abs 4 sets

    DAY 2

    Delts(heavy): (6-8 reps)
    4 sets of barbell military press
    2 sets of seated dumbell presses
    4 sets of side laterals

    4 sets of closegrip bench presses
    4 sets of cable pushdowns

    4 sets of bar shrugs
    2 sets of dumbell shrugs

    DAY 3

    5 sets of squats
    3 sets of leg press
    4 sets of stiff leg deadlifts
    5 sets of calf press
    4 sets of hanging leg raises

    DAY 4

    Upper Chest(heavy): (6-8 reps)
    5 sets of incline barbell presses
    2 sets of cable crossovers

    4 sets of low cable rows
    3 sets of bent over barbell rows

    4 sets of barbell curls
    3 sets of hammer curls
    2 sets of incline curls
    1 set of cable curls to complete failure

    DAY 5

    Delts (10-12 reps)
    4 sets of seated dumbell presses
    3 sets of side laterals
    3 sets of bentover laterals

    4 sets of close grip bench presses
    3 sets skull crushers
    2 sets of over head rope extensions(on cable machine)

    4 sets of barbell shrugs

    DAY 6

    Quads: (8-10 reps)
    4 sets of squats or hack squats (work more of outer sweep)
    4 sets of leg press
    2 sets of leg extensions (toes slightly pointed inward for outer sweep)

    4 sets of lying leg curls
    3 sets of stiff leg dead lifts

    4 sets of standing calf raises on machine
    2 sets of seated calf raise

    3 sets of rope crunches

    DAY 7


  2. #2
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    lol none hey?

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