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Thread: soooo unfit

  1. #1
    mrshanemccarthy is offline New Member
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    soooo unfit

    well thought today ill try and get my head back in the game

    about 8 months back i stopped my daily joggin as i started a new job and its long hours
    back then run 8 miles a day in work thats 5 days a week,
    that killed but but got used to it an loved it

    now have not run for 8 months, have not done anything, untill today

    i started my warm up and thought im ready, ipod in, hood up (raining) and away i went, 1,3 miles later my god i thought i was goin to die lol. just could not keep goin, so walkde 1.3 mile back

    any tips how to bring myself bk up i like to do only about 15 - 20 mile a week. over course 3 days.

    i do smoke, i knw that dun help but i have cut down and workin towrards the stoppin, just 10 years smoking takes its toll an not easy as just stoppin

  2. #2
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrshanemccarthy View Post
    well thought today ill try and get my head back in the game

    about 8 months back i stopped my daily joggin as i started a new job and its long hours
    back then run 8 miles a day in work thats 5 days a week,
    that killed but but got used to it an loved it

    now have not run for 8 months, have not done anything, untill today

    i started my warm up and thought im ready, ipod in, hood up (raining) and away i went, 1,3 miles later my god i thought i was goin to die lol. just could not keep goin, so walkde 1.3 mile back

    any tips how to bring myself bk up i like to do only about 15 - 20 mile a week. over course 3 days.

    i do smoke, i knw that dun help but i have cut down and workin towrards the stoppin, just 10 years smoking takes its toll an not easy as just stoppin
    I personally would stop smoking, then just gradually build yourself up to where you were. Its not going to happen overnight

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrshanemccarthy View Post
    well thought today ill try and get my head back in the game

    about 8 months back i stopped my daily joggin as i started a new job and its long hours
    back then run 8 miles a day in work thats 5 days a week,
    that killed but but got used to it an loved it

    now have not run for 8 months, have not done anything, untill today

    i started my warm up and thought im ready, ipod in, hood up (raining) and away i went, 1,3 miles later my god i thought i was goin to die lol. just could not keep goin, so walkde 1.3 mile back

    any tips how to bring myself bk up i like to do only about 15 - 20 mile a week. over course 3 days.

    i do smoke, i knw that dun help but i have cut down and workin towrards the stoppin, just 10 years smoking takes its toll an not easy as just stoppin
    I feel your pain!!!
    I am an ex competitive long distance runner, and have tried many times to get back into it. For me, it's all over, too many injuries. but for you at 23, this shouldn't be too tough.

    First of all, let's fill in some blanks, shall we?
    What are your stats?
    Age = 23
    Body Fat%

    you already know about smoking, so i won't preach. Just take care of this, and we'll move on.
    next, i'm thinking you could probably stand to lose a few lbs? Knowing your body fat% will tell me. If you don't know, you can buy a set of body fat calipers off the internet for $20, or just go on down to GNC.

    The first thing you need to do is to start moving! This you've already started, so kudos. But physically you are not ready. Your knees and ankles are probably weaker, you have more weight, your cardio is down. So your goal is 6 or 7 miles a day, three times a week? Your first goal is to walk/jog this distance. Start off walking (after proper stretching), then after 5 or 10 minutes, do a little jogging. Nothing too much. We are going to take a cycle approach, so after jogging 5 minutes or so, slack off and start walking again. But don't stop. Alternate between walking and jogging for 5 minutes each, until you've finished your mileage. Stretch, but rest the next day. The following day, same thing. Stretch, then walk the first 5 minutes or so. Begin jogging for 5 minutes, and then walk. Instead of increasing the time jogging in any one stretch, do it the other way, and reduce your walking time to 4 minutes each time. The subsequent day you run, reduce walking time to three minutes, and so on. Within a week or so, you should be able to knock out the full 6 or 7 miles, but if you don't, don't sweat it. But you Will be knocking it out the following week. 6 miles is NOT that far, and at a healthy clip, depending on your abilities, you should be able to do 6 in under 40 minutes. but not right at first. A 7 minute mile is fairly moderate, unless your BF% is high.

    With running, weight is the enemy, and the leaner you are, the better you run.

    The joys of running!
    Good luck

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