Mon: Chest-tric
tues: Back-bic
wen: cardio_abdominal
tues: legs-calf
frid: shoulder-femoral

Bech inclined press: 5x5 3 "
Inclined dumbbell bench press: 12-10-8-8 2 "
Crosses of flat: 15-12-10-10 1.30 "
Pullover: 20-15-12 1 "
Dip: 3x6 2 "
Close Grip Bench Press: 3x10 2 "
Supersets: french press - rope: 3x15 1.30 "

tractions: 8-6-4-4 3 "
Rower balance: 6-8-8-10 2 "
Supersets: lat forward - pulley: 3x12 1.30 "
Deadlifts: 3x8 2 "
Curl barbell bench scott: 06/08/10 1:30 "
Curl dumbbells up: 12-10-10-8-6 1.30 "

Abdominal crunch normal 3x20
Abdominal inverse: 2x15
abdominal oblique 2x50
hip-oblique 4x50
Cardio 30 "


Leg press: 4-6-8-10-12-12 3 "
Hack squat: 4-6-6-8 2 "
Leg ex: 8-10-10-12 1.30 "
Dumbbell Lunges: 3x10 1.30 "
Calf: 5x20


Shoulder press: 12-10-8-8 2 "
Lateral Raise: 4x8 2 "
Pull the chin: 06/08/10 1:30 "
Alzate90: 6-6-8-8 1.30 "
Scroll: 20-15-15-12 1.30 "
Leg curl: 6x8 2 "

Good workout? 17years old, I train for 2 yrs, I have to improve shoulder width chest and quads ....