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    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Hybrid HIT training, critique please

    Hey, I've been in the process of shedding alot of weight for quite some time, and now it's time to put a bit of mass on my frame.
    Initially I'll still be cutting, slowly increasing cals to a slight surplus to do a fairly lean bulk. I really really really dont want to put on too much fat again after just having gotten rid of it.

    Goals would be to eventually get a 6-pack, get my muscle imbalances sorted, and over time add 20'ish lbs of muscles.
    I'm in no rush however, so my training does not have to be absolutely perfect, if that means that my whole life would have to be built around eating and training, cause it's not and I would loose my motivation.
    But then again, I want to make the most of what I have with my particular circumstances.

    Anyways, I thought I'd post my intended workout, to have you guys point out my flaws.
    But first, here's a link to my post in the nutrition section, for those interested in that aspect of my newfound healthier living. Beware though, its a really bloody long post! :P

    Ok, so the training.

    *5-10 mins on the crosstrainer before each lifting session, nothing fancy just to get the blood flowing
    *All weightlifting will be done at home, with the limitations that come by doing so, I will explain why if you want me to
    *Friday and Sunday are the only absolutes, they will not change. Other then that nothing is set in stone.
    *I will warm up every muscle group by doing 1 light and 1 moderate set, before doing my workset. If it's already primed from previous compound movements, I will do one warm up, or not bother
    *All worksets will be 2 per exercise, performed strictly and to failure in the 6-8 rep range unless otherwise specified. Slowly and and focusing on controling the eccentric part. Second set will be done incorporating Forced negs, or dropset, or forced possitive with the help of my GF if she's avaiable. And that is 6-8 clean reps, and THEN forced reps upon that.

    Monday - Pull day
    -DB Rows, elbows in, pulling towards my tummy
    -DB Rows, chest supported on an incline bench, elbows out, pulling towards chest. Kind of a row/rev fly hybrid.
    -Pullovers, stopping while I still have some tension on my Lats, invovles pecs as well, I know, but I do em mainly for lats.
    -Pullups, reverse grip? palms towards me so biceps are in a stronger possition.
    -Isolated DB curls
    -Standing curls, W-bar and hammer curls alternating every other week.
    -Good mornings, I dont force these, or do negs.
    -Decline crunches, more reps rather then added weight. Got weak-ass abs anyways, so I dont manage many reps.
    -Side bridge for Obliques

    Tuesday - Push day
    -Shoulderpress, seated, *slightly* leaned backwards so that I lift a little bit in front of my body. This is because my shoulders are buggered. Careful not to overload, forced only ig GF is available.
    -Front raise
    -DB pull ups, chin ups? I have no idea what this exercise is called. I grab two DB's and pull them up towards my chin, stopping before elbows goes any higher then my shoulders.
    -Flys, on the floor so I dont overextend.
    -Decline bench, DB's
    -Incline bench, DB's, one set cause I'm generally out of puff in pecs by now.
    -DB extenders, if still able to. Lying flat on a bench, not overhead

    Wednesday - Crosstrainer
    -1h-1h30m on the crosstrainer, pulse at 120-130 bpm

    Thursday - Leg + misc
    -Inner rotators, shoulder, lying on a bench with light DBs, no forced reps
    -Outer rotators, shoulder, lying on a bench with light DBs, no forced reps
    -One legged squats, holding DB's, three sets for each leg.
    -Stiff legged deadlifts, also with DB's. They hold 70kg'ish each, which is more then enough for me. No forced reps
    -Bent knee deadlifts, see the above
    -Crunches if not too winded, one set

    Friday - HIIT
    -Kick-n-punch training, at a gym, with a partner.
    Very varied training, alot of hiit, also some high rep weight training
    Punching and kicking mitts
    All sorts of ab-training

    Saturday - OFF
    saturday is my off/cheat day. I tend to spend it with my girl, but if I'm alone and at home I'll most often hit the crosstrainer. Could be anywhere from an intense 10min to 1hr+ in front of a movie. Very irregular though

    Sunday - HIIT
    -Kick-n-punch again, this time there's less focus on weights and more focus on mitts and sandbags though


    Ok, so I did it again, and wrote a longer post then intended, I hope some of you managed to get through all that :P

    Last edited by ma_fighter; 11-27-2012 at 06:24 AM.

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