Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
I only bench open handed - my wrists are fvcked and roll back to hard when I do closed hand bench. But, I haven't even focused on bench much - mainly DB presses, flies and all cables

To each is own - safety is always first, it took me years to perfect my bench routine

Close bench is cool - I do it once every two weeks or so, high rep to just complete burn out

There are a few real solid tricep exercises - but, the close grip is def up there

I have been focusing on my arms here for a solid month, tri's 1st - bi's 2nd
I know other guys with that prob so they pretty much do all if there bb work in the rack. I was taught about the dif between wrapping the thumb and not and I def noticed a huge dif at the top rom of the Rep with the thumb not wrapped around the bar. You started out with decent arms if I remember correctly....lucky sob (lol). I have had to work mine super hard but I really saw a dif when u started taking these exercises more serious and dropping some others ...that long tricep head going down the back of your arm really woke up.