I知 posting this to get some advice. My goals are strength and hypertrophy without gaining fat. I知 able to get to the gym nearly every morning but I take 1 rest day every 2 days. I have an upper lower split. I知 baby blasting/high cruising at .6 ml Test-e 300 twice a week.

I知 asking for general advice on exercises reps and sets, preventing imbalances, and volume recommendations. I tend to lean onto high volume because it makes me feel I致e worked harder. I値l add in where I知 getting burned out.

Workout A- upper strength (3-5 min rest periods)

1-barbell Bench Press - 3 work sets 3-5 reps Weight increased when all 3 sets are at 5 reps.

2- Chest supported Rows -5 work sets of 5 reps. Weight increased when I can pull more than 5 quality reps on last set.

3- decline cable flys (freedom trainer) - 3 sets of 10 reps with 2 minute rest. When all sets are 10 I increase weight next workout.

4- Lat Pulldown (cue quality reps)- 3 sets of 6-10. When all sets are 10, increase weight next workout.

5- zercher press (overhead press) - almost always burned out and skip this exercise. Goal is 3 sets of 8-10. At 10 I would move up in weight.

After lifts I complete Stretches recommended by my PT and cycle in leg lifts on the throne.

Workout B- lower body squat (long rest times(

1- safety bar squat. Long warmup and 3 sets of 3 reps move up after reaching 3 reps for the 3 sets. For this I use a box that sits a few inches below my knees. I touch the box and raise back up

2- safety bar squat- bar is reloaded and I sit on the box and explode up. Goal is 3 sets of 8 before moving up in weight.

Calf raises- 20 reps increasing weight until I can稚 reach 20.

Leg raises and walking the track to warm down.

Workout C- Upper Hypertrophy rest per set is limited to 2 minutes using a watch.

1-Barbell bench press- Goal is 3 sets of 15 before moving up.

2-Cable close grip row- 3 sets of 12 before Moving up

3-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 3 sets of 12 before moving up

4-Cable Straight arm pullover/push down- 3 sets of 15 before moving up.

5-Lateral raises- slow quality 3 sets of 12 woth 15lb dumbbells.

6-Incline Dumbbell curls- 3 sets 12-15
Triceps extensions (burned out here) 3 sets 10

After lifts I do pt stretches and leg raises.

Workout D- lower body dead (long rest times)

1-Deadlifts (trap bar) - I work up each working set to failure 5/3/1. Keep doing sets of about 6 until I知 burned out.

2-Shrugs with trap bar - 3 sets of 12

3-Calf raises - sets of 20

Leg raises - sets of 12 with short rest