07-21-2021, 09:55 AM #1
How do you like to change workout on cycle/off cycle?
Anyone have any workout programs they like to use off-cycle? I start work in August and my cycle will end in September so I’m going to have to modify my workout schedule.
I’m doing PPLx2 right now about 6 days most weeks and 5 at the least. Off cycle I’m thinking of going to PPLx1 but I want to look at other options.
Anyone have any workout programs they like off cycle?Last edited by DinAZ; 07-22-2021 at 07:33 PM.
07-22-2021, 09:00 AM #2
I’ve been reading the HIT dungeon and am thinking I could also get away from PPL.
Maybe follow a 3-4 day per week HIT program that hits all the major compound movements but with less extra supplementary lifts? Maybe go from sets of 4x12 to 5x10 or failure?
07-25-2021, 12:15 PM #3
My experience has been a little different than those of the majority on this one. Supplementary lifts are essential for me! My arms blew up when I started doing direct arm work. My shoulders blew up when I started doing cable laterals.
Folks back then swore that deadlifts were all you needed for a great back. We all know that isn't true now. If your program doesn't have accessory lifts or only has very few of them, you are truly missing out.
07-25-2021, 01:34 PM #4
Yeah I have noticed that doing some of the accessory lifts I didn’t do when I was younger has helped a lot. So I think I will try to keep all the same lifts like you are saying but possibly cut down on gym trips if work is busy. Maybe something like 3-4 gym trips and 1-2 home days instead of 4-5 gym trips with 1-2 home DB days. And each week I can alternate what muscles I train at home so nothing gets neglected by only getting DBs every week.
07-26-2021, 05:12 AM #5
Sounds like a good plan. Even if you alternate I still suggest you do it in a methodical way. Maybe plan your workouts in 5-6 week blocks. That way you'd know what exact muscles you'll be working in the gym and which ones you'd be training at home on a given week. Also, being methodical feels good and keeps you motivated.
08-04-2021, 08:32 AM #6
I personally don't change my workout when I'm on cycle vs off. I probably can do a little more weight on cycle, but I can't do as many reps because I get cramps and painful muscle pumps. Honestly, though, I don't go for weight anymore. I still do heavy, compared to an average gym guy, but weight I can move around 15 times.
I do 2 body parts per day, 2 exercises per body part, usually. I go by instinct and what is sore and what isn't sore. I'm not trying to be Ronnie Coleman, and my joint health is important to me now, so I don't go crazy.
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