When I played football in college I regularly experienced what our trainer called "burners" or "stingers". It generally happened when I tried to hand block another player that was outside of my torso. I'd experience a burning sensation and my arm would go limp. I'd take 2 or 3 plays off and then I'd be fine - relatively.

My trainer told me it had to do with weak rotator cuffs and put me on a program to strengthen them - mostly dumbell raises with light weight to the front and side.

Let's skip forward 10 years to present day. I generally don't have any shoulder problems at all. However, I just added dumbell flyes to my chest routine and whenever I bring the dumbells down, my left shoulder "clicks". It makes a loud snapping or clicking noise. It doesn't hurt but it is disconcerting, especially when I think that it may be my shoulder being torn away from my body.

Does anyone know what is happening? How concerned should I be?

Thanks in advance...