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  1. #1
    MotoXracer's Avatar
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    Why do people who throw sucker punches think the're a good fighter?

    First this one, I don't see how this guy can rant on and on about himself after throwing a sucker punch to some one that wasn't even paying attention.

    Then there is this fat ass who sucker punches a guy half his size.

    You want to impress me, pull this off in a real fight.

  2. #2
    Testsubject's Avatar
    Testsubject is offline Anabolic Member
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    that last one is badass!!

  3. #3
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    double post
    Last edited by USfighterFC; 03-03-2006 at 03:48 PM.

  4. #4
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Only fags throw sucker punches. It means they cant fight for shit....that fat fuck threw a heavy punch standing but couldnt do shit with the kid on the ground. The other one with the black dude was just pure vagina. Also Tae Kwon Do sucks....and both fighters defenses in the 3rd MATCH was horrid.

  5. #5
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    aahhhhh the suckerpunch...

    I know everyone here is far too much of a man to attack someone by suprise, fortunetly most men confront there opponent, ask them to consent to a mutual dual, sign a contract, have witnesses sign there names, ensure they're is an unbias referee to represent both parties, w/friends of the fighter whom respect the dignity of the fight and do not involve themselves in anyway other than quiet, mature spectating...

    However, i am not one of those men

    I KO'd a guy while he was taking a piss at a urinal in a nightclub washroom, for no other reason but calling me an asshole... though obviously this example does indeed show that the victim was making a relatively truthful statement, he himself wasn't a very good person (he sold drugs btw, i know that bought the support of a few people reading this post).

    Anyways, i dare anyone to top that as far as the most dishonorable thing (as it regards fighting) any member of AR has done!!

    .... and yes, he pissed himself.
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 03-03-2006 at 03:50 PM.

  6. #6
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    wow your quite a man bro.....

  7. #7
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be proud of hitting sombody why there pissing not much of a man if you ask me.

  8. #8
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah people who like to throw a sucker punch, are just afraid to get there ass kicked in front of people.

  9. #9
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic CEO
    Yeah people who like to throw a sucker punch, are just afraid to get there ass kicked in front of people.

  10. #10
    extreme22's Avatar
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    They are just pussy's just this

  11. #11
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by extreme22
    They are just pussy's just this

    Is that a sucker punch or a brawl?

  12. #12
    Abenaki Blood's Avatar
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    I agree. A sucker punch isn't fair because if you aren't expecting a hit, it's 10x more potent than a normal punch in which your brain is able to brace yourself. Weak.

  13. #13
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    look beyond what you see
    violence isn't suppose to be fair

  14. #14
    chest6's Avatar
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    Man..that first guy wtf? Ur not badass you pussy that guy had no idea that was coming. Fight like a real man.

  15. #15
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    aahhhhh the suckerpunch...

    I know everyone here is far too much of a man to attack someone by suprise, fortunetly most men confront there opponent, ask them to consent to a mutual dual, sign a contract, have witnesses sign there names, ensure they're is an unbias referee to represent both parties, w/friends of the fighter whom respect the dignity of the fight and do not involve themselves in anyway other than quiet, mature spectating...

    However, i am not one of those men

    I KO'd a guy while he was taking a piss at a urinal in a nightclub washroom, for no other reason but calling me an asshole... though obviously this example does indeed show that the victim was making a relatively truthful statement, he himself wasn't a very good person (he sold drugs btw, i know that bought the support of a few people reading this post).

    Anyways, i dare anyone to top that as far as the most dishonorable thing (as it regards fighting) any member of AR has done!!

    .... and yes, he pissed himself.
    Fuck me, even for you this is a bad post.

  16. #16
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Fuck me, even for you this is a bad post.
    seems like every month or so he'll make one of those..

  17. #17
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    seems like every month or so he'll make one of those..

    "every month" is pretty generous IMO...

  18. #18
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    he says stuff this gay wtf

  19. #19
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    you are one dishonorable person if some one tops that i'll be surprised and proud of it why don't you grow up and be a man.

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D

  21. #21
    Abenaki Blood's Avatar
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    Not saying I am a bad ass or whatever, but in my town all we had was fighting growing up (lived in the middle of no where), so we all got into a lot of fights. I can't remember anyone around here ever throwing sucker punches, there was always a confrontation first and you both said "let's do this" and scrapped. That's just weak.

  22. #22
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    just like my grandfather used to always tell me before he passed. "theres no such thing as a clean fight. all fights are dirty." tho im not a big fan of sucker punching if you feel that your in a bad situation for yourself, do what you gotta do.

  23. #23
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    stupid computer. repost.. my bad

  24. #24
    Chookster's Avatar
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    sucker punches are for pussies

  25. #25
    edmen2's Avatar
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    ive sucker punched (if u can call it that) a person from the front for example they talk shit and i knock them out most times they dont see it coming but whats the old saying "protect urself at all times". but i would never sucker punch from behind thats just a staight pussy!

  26. #26
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    meh, i was 19 - the guy was a $hithead

    keep in mind a universal truth, @ssholes only communicate via violence - he didnt even know me, yet the next time he meets another person he will think twice before bullying anyone else just because he is a drug dealer

    Dont ever dismiss the psychological implications to random violence (to that degree) on a person
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 03-03-2006 at 08:03 PM.

  27. #27
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    meh, i was 19 - the guy was a $hithead

    keep in mind a universal truth, @ssholes only communicate via violence - he didnt even know me, yet the next time he meets another person he will think twice before bullying anyone else just because he is a drug dealer

    Dont ever dismiss the psychological implications to random violence (to that degree) on a person
    i actually agree with this statement. and have done it before whilst working at nightclubs and bars. if someone for instance shows me complete disrespect for no other reason than their own ignorance and arrogance, then i usually respond with a right hook. this humbles most people

  28. #28
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    i actually agree with this statement. and have done it before whilst working at nightclubs and bars. if someone for instance shows me complete disrespect for no other reason than their own ignorance and arrogance, then i usually respond with a right hook. this humbles most people

    Is this you?.....

    Btw, I've never sucker punched anyone in my life. I think its a pretty disgusting thing to do actually, regardless of the circumstances.

  29. #29
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER

    Is this you?.....

    Btw, I've never sucker punched anyone in my life. I think its a pretty disgusting thing to do actually, regardless of the circumstances.
    Agreed 100 percent suckerpunching is just wrong

  30. #30
    63190's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoXracer
    First this one, I don't see how this guy can rant on and on about himself after throwing a sucker punch to some one that wasn't even paying attention.

    Then there is this fat ass who sucker punches a guy half his size.

    You want to impress me, pull this off in a real fight.
    Have you seen that one of Danzing getting knocked the **** out by some security backstage? That one's funny. Danzing was paying attention.

  31. #31
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    yea i really hate pieces of sh!t who do that... happened to me, i walked into a room after taking a piss and this kid i hated ran from the side and hit me twice in the face with his hardest hits...i was disoriented the rest of the fight and lost. kids a pu$$y if you ask me, if he really thought he was such a good fighter he would've squared off with me

  32. #32
    BIGRTHABETTR is offline Banned
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    He better have killed me.

  33. #33
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    look beyond what you see
    just to clarify,

    i dont invoke violence in order to prove i'm a better fighter, I invoke it in order to hurt someone (diff when working the door, honestly now, fighting is more of a chore than anything and i can ussually de-escalate things)

    BOUNCER - would you consider sneaking up and choking someone out the same thing as suckerpunching someone? as it falls under the same categorie in terms of suprising an unprepared opponent
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 03-03-2006 at 10:57 PM.

  34. #34
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    i actually agree with this statement. and have done it before whilst working at nightclubs and bars. if someone for instance shows me complete disrespect for no other reason than their own ignorance and arrogance, then i usually respond with a right hook. this humbles most people
    Your doing society a favour, most important your doing the person you KO'd a favour. The problem is that parents arent hitting there kids, so they think they can act out and insult anybody they want with out any inert fear of physical repercussion.

    What happens the the child who lips of a vietnamese gang member? the point is, the lesson should be learned early in life

    I'm 100% behind you on this one Timm
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 03-03-2006 at 11:05 PM.

  35. #35
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    i dont suckerpunch, by the way, as when ive hit people for being assholes, it has been face to face, not from out their view. again, this is whilst working the doors

  36. #36
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Your doing society a favour, most important your doing the person you KO'd a favour. The problem is that parents arent hitting there kids, so they think they can act out and insult anybody they want with out any inert fear of physical repercussion.

    What happens the the child who lips of a vietnamese gang member? the point is, the lesson should be learned early in life

    I'm 100% behind you on this one Timm
    yeah, what would they prefer? mouth off at a bouncer and get a sore head/jaw, or mouth off at some gang member and get killed? it makes people think

  37. #37
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoXracer
    First this one, I don't see how this guy can rant on and on about himself after throwing a sucker punch to some one that wasn't even paying attention.

    Then there is this fat ass who sucker punches a guy half his size.

    You want to impress me, pull this off in a real fight.

    honestly i think the skinny ass white boy deserved what he got in the first video. did you here what he said? he said hed take everyone there. if i was there and he said that to me id flip the fu_k out. hes all stickin his tiny ass shoulders out trying to look tough and bad ass in his beater. its too bad he didn't get more of a beating. the video where the fat dude beats down the skinny kid is kinda fu_ked up. that fat kid is much much bigger, and he really let that little kid have it. but who knows, maybe the skinny kid really deserved it.

  38. #38
    spywizard's Avatar
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    there is no honor amoung these thugs and want to be....
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  39. #39
    Join Date
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    I see this shit all the time. Pretty much every fight at the bar is a one punch cheep shot that results in a KO. Then the still run their f*ckin mouths thinkin there the biggest man in the world. Nothin but Fu*kin punk ass litlle B*tches

  40. #40
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    ive been sucker punched before... hit repetedly by some fat fool who was trying to flex nuts in front of his girlfriend (who kept callin me six pack and was all rubbing on my biceps and sh_t). fu_k that kid. id love to see him again. show him how much stronger ive gotten.

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