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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Who else here can't stand smokers?

    just had to vent here a bit on something i think is absolutely disgusting and disrespectful that i'm just getting sick of, smokers. now, i may stereotype to an extent here, but we all know this truly is how the majority of smokers are.

    first of all, i'm sick of going out to a nightclub or bar to hang out, play some pool, have a couple drinks, and coming home wreaking of cigarette smoke. the bastards light up right next to you, blow the smoke in just about every direction they possibly can and have absolutely no regard for anyone else around them. motherf*cker, you're polluting my air! maybe you want to slowly kill yourself, but i don't!!!

    that's one thing i love about NY is that they passed the law which banned all indoor smoking in any public place. smokers p*ssed and moaned about it, but you know what? there were a lot more people who were happy about it, being able to finally go out to a club without the nauseating smoke vapors overhwhelming them from peoples pathetic habits. they could still go outside to smoke, yet they still complained. it was really pathetic, like they were upset of the inconvenience of having to walk 30 feet to the exit to smoke, yet they expected us non-smokers to deal with their filthy habits and have their second-hand smoke pollute our bodies as well? regretfully here in FL though, you have to deal with the smokers. that's one of the very few things i do miss about NY.

    another thing i can't stand about smokers is they're littering bastards with no regard for the environment whatsoever. cars have ashtrays, yet you see them all the time throwing their cigarettes out the window, usually bouncing back up and hitting the car behind them. at the clubs, they'll drop the cigarette wherever they are, half the time not even putting it out afterwards. now, even though this is littering, since it's "socially acceptable", you never see anyone get in trouble or fined for it, which is ridiculous. cops need to learn to actually do their job and bust these guys rather than being lazy and sitting around setting up speed traps. though a speeder could potentially do more damage short term in an accident, all those cigarette butts tossed out sitting around on the roads will do far more damage to our environment in the long run.

    the best part is that the smokers know for a fact now what the tobacco companies have known since they first started selling them, which is how toxic they are and deadly, yet the fools keep smoking!!! to make matters worse, the fda actually allows tobacco companies to add small amounts of things like ammonia, arsenic, and rat poison into cigarettes to make them more addictive. weed is actually far safer for your body than cigarettes (not safer than tobacco, but what's in cigarettes is only partially tobacco), yet weed isn't legal and cigarettes are? again, ridiculous.

    personally, i think cigarettes should be taken off the market, or at least the fda should stop being the evil bastards they are and make the tobacco companies stop putting poisons in the tobacco which make them so deadly. between the pollution they cause and the deaths, there's plenty more than justifiable cause to take them off the market.

    if someone wants to kill themselves, fine by me, but don't bring me down with you in the process!!! just buy a gun, put it in your mouth and aim for the roof of your mouth, and pull the trigger. simple as that. but no, these people have to drag it out over the course of years, saying they're a "victim" of their addiction. get over yourselves! there's no one forcing you to go to the store and buy your cigarettes, and it's not like if you don't have them you'll die. but they like to pretend as if they're victims.

    well, like i said i just had to vent about something that i'm really getting sick and tired of. if any of you smokers are offended by this, imagine how us non-smokers are offended by your disguisting habit that we have to deal with everyday!!!

  2. #2
    big L 17's Avatar
    big L 17 is offline Female Member
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    same here i hate walking into a a public bussine and people are outside smoking and i go in smelling like smoke.

  3. #3
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    i feel u bro...comine back from a club and absolutly stinkin of smoke is gross as **** in the same boat as u, i was in ny and now in fla...shit is alot dif...i couldnt really give a **** as to what they put in it though...if the people wanna smoke they know they'll die, i dont smoke so i have no worries...

  4. #4
    squatdaddy's Avatar
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    so I think you are hinting around that you don't like smokers?

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
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    tottally agree with you.....i hate the fvcks at work who smoke in our kitchen...i go home and have to take my jumper/tee shirt off before i can hold/cuddle my baby..................
    disgusting habit.........................

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  6. #6
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    +1 here. thats why i love NY!!!! no smoking indoors anywhere(bars, clubs included)!!!! go the **** outside to kill yourself!

  7. #7
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    You listening bojangles?

  8. #8
    chest6's Avatar
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    Damn very interesting. I usually wont read a long post like that..but very interesting and right on point. I think it sucks how wherever I go I have to breathe in smoke. Maybe u wanna smoke..but I dont. In college it seems everyone starts smoking. Right before I go in my dorm theres like 100 smokers outside..same with every building before class. Before I enter any building herem I get a big whiff of smoke right before I enter. More and more I hear fat chicks saying "oh, I'll lose weight by smoking". Are you serious, first you are 70lbs overweight, now u add lung cancer to the equation...greaaat. Lets just see who can die the quickest.

  9. #9
    RA's Avatar
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    When Im at the bar I dont mind the smoke as long as they arent sitting right next to me blowing it in my face.

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Damn very interesting. I usually wont read a long post like that..but very interesting and right on point. I think it sucks how wherever I go I have to breathe in smoke. Maybe u wanna smoke..but I dont. In college it seems everyone starts smoking. Right before I go in my dorm theres like 100 smokers outside..same with every building before class. Before I enter any building herem I get a big whiff of smoke right before I enter. More and more I hear fat chicks saying "oh, I'll lose weight by smoking". Are you serious, first you are 70lbs overweight, now u add lung cancer to the equation...greaaat. Lets just see who can die the quickest.
    yeah, in school is the worst...everyone is smoking..i wouldnt be able to walk in class smellin like shit...i have sworn off hookin up with smokers too...

  11. #11
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    uggggh...smoking is disgusting......i can't stand it under any circumstances

  12. #12
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    the worst was sitting in the car when i was younger when its cold out. my mother would smoke and have the windows pretty much all the way up, heat blasting.. i used to bitch everytime..

  13. #13
    squatdaddy's Avatar
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    parents smoke, sister smokes, wife's parents smoke... hate it all... nothing like coming home from a visit and stinkin' the whole house up PLUS there has been some very compelling studies that suggest that second hand smoke is actually worse for you than if you lit up yourself... so they are killin' you also...

  14. #14
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
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    I hate it walking into a cloud of death always ruins my day....i wish they would let us have the juice and ban the cancer sticks

  15. #15
    Hunter's Avatar
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    yeah smoking is not cool and a huge turn off with any female

  16. #16
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    its just so pointless

  17. #17
    oldman's Avatar
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    In Oklahoma you can still smoke in restaurants but many have gone to Smoke Free rather than meet the new guidelines which means they have to stuff all smokers into a room fully enclosed where non-smokers do not have to walk through at all. Sweet deal.. I think smoking is gross.


  18. #18
    chest6's Avatar
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    Yeah dont matter how hot the girl is..if she lights one up...neext

  19. #19
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Im right there with you bro.. i HATE ciggs.. hate the smell and everything about smoking.. problem is not only does it effect the persons health who is smoking it- the 2nd hand smoke effects us all.. i really hope they pass the no smoking indoors everywhere or ban ciggarettes..

  20. #20
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yeah dont matter how hot the girl is..if she lights one up...neext
    Couldnt agree more bro.. what a disgusting habit..

  21. #21
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    you got my vote

  22. #22
    Steve80's Avatar
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    I am with ya man. I hate smoke. It literally makes me sick, ****s up my throat and sinuses. I dont get why they think they have the right to make us smell like shit and feel like crap when we are out. Imagine if you went to the club and started spraying something that smells like shit, they would kick ya out, but smoke is way worse and they allow it.....

  23. #23
    thegunsh0w is offline New Member
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    I was about to make the same thread today.

  24. #24
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
    BEER WHORE is offline Member
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    I only smoke cigars

  25. #25
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    As an ex smoker I really agree. I find it worse. but the littering thing is so true. my fave is when someone dumps their ashtray from the car out on the ground instead of throwing them away.

  26. #26
    chest6's Avatar
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    In honor of this hour ago when I was starting my chem test..this kid sat next to me and REEKED of smoke hardcore..I was like "fvckin gross" and moved 5 seats to the left. Thought of this thread too

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  28. #28
    RussianVodka's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more bro. I hate smokers, they make me sick

  29. #29
    NOREGRETS's Avatar
    NOREGRETS is offline Senior Member
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    They just banned smoking in bars and restaurants last week in NJ and couldn't be happier! I don't have some assh!le blowing smoke in my face all night.
    One of the other problems with smoking is the healthcare costs due to smoke related illnesses. An estimated $75 billion (yes BILLION) dollars is wasted each year due to medical costs for smoke related illnesses. This in turn effects health insurance premiums for both smokers and non-smokers alike, the more an insurance company pays out the more the premiums will be. Half of that $75 billion is paid out through Medicare and Medicaid carriers, which is paid for from by taxes. So the next time you look at your pay stub and see those deductions for federal, medicare, and state, you can feel good about yourself, knowing that a portion of your hard earned money is going to help some smoker with their health issue.
    Anyone in the healthcare industry also knows that increases in healthcare costs also puts stress on physicians as well as their patients. As healthcare cost increase insurance plans will cut doctors reimbursements for their services. This action will usually result in lower quality of care for the patient, whether smoker or not. I could go on, but does it really matter?
    Smoking effect all people on so many different levels, it's a wonder the why the government hasn't stepped in yet? I guess when your pockets are that heavy it's hard to move.

  30. #30
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    I hate smokars too dey suck doodie.

  31. #31
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOREGRETS
    They just banned smoking in bars and restaurants last week in NJ and couldn't be happier! I don't have some assh!le blowing smoke in my face all night.
    One of the other problems with smoking is the healthcare costs due to smoke related illnesses. An estimated $75 billion (yes BILLION) dollars is wasted each year due to medical costs for smoke related illnesses. This in turn effects health insurance premiums for both smokers and non-smokers alike, the more an insurance company pays out the more the premiums will be. Half of that $75 billion is paid out through Medicare and Medicaid carriers, which is paid for from by taxes. So the next time you look at your pay stub and see those deductions for federal, medicare, and state, you can feel good about yourself, knowing that a portion of your hard earned money is going to help some smoker with their health issue.
    Anyone in the healthcare industry also knows that increases in healthcare costs also puts stress on physicians as well as their patients. As healthcare cost increase insurance plans will cut doctors reimbursements for their services. This action will usually result in lower quality of care for the patient, whether smoker or not. I could go on, but does it really matter?
    Smoking effect all people on so many different levels, it's a wonder the why the government hasn't stepped in yet? I guess when your pockets are that heavy it's hard to move.
    yea man this law rules!!! same in NY. Manahattan has never been a cooler place to hang out because of this. i dont have to put my clothes in another room after i stumble home....

  32. #32
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOREGRETS
    They just banned smoking in bars and restaurants last week in NJ and couldn't be happier! I don't have some assh!le blowing smoke in my face all night.
    One of the other problems with smoking is the healthcare costs due to smoke related illnesses. An estimated $75 billion (yes BILLION) dollars is wasted each year due to medical costs for smoke related illnesses. This in turn effects health insurance premiums for both smokers and non-smokers alike, the more an insurance company pays out the more the premiums will be. Half of that $75 billion is paid out through Medicare and Medicaid carriers, which is paid for from by taxes. So the next time you look at your pay stub and see those deductions for federal, medicare, and state, you can feel good about yourself, knowing that a portion of your hard earned money is going to help some smoker with their health issue.
    Anyone in the healthcare industry also knows that increases in healthcare costs also puts stress on physicians as well as their patients. As healthcare cost increase insurance plans will cut doctors reimbursements for their services. This action will usually result in lower quality of care for the patient, whether smoker or not. I could go on, but does it really matter?
    Smoking effect all people on so many different levels, it's a wonder the why the government hasn't stepped in yet? I guess when your pockets are that heavy it's hard to move.
    wow, thanks for the info. not like there's much we can do about it, but just another example of why smoking needs to go.

    as far as why the government hasn't stepped in yet, it's purely for the money. remember how numerous times there have been increases of taxes for cigarettes and they continue to tax the cigarette companies more and more? basically, it's an indirect bribe. in order to continue poisoning the public, the tobacco companies basically settled for paying our government off through taxes so the bribe wasn't actually illegal, and the government doesn't care about the public, they care about their pockets.

    the fda is the worst, cause they have all the documentation indicating exactly how dangerous cigarettes with their additives are, but for financial reasons, they still allow those toxins to be put in cigarette smoke. reason being is the more people who smoke, the more health problems people have. the more health problems people have, the more prescription and non-prescription drugs people buy. the more drugs they buy, the more side-effects they get from those drugs, increasing the likelihood of taking another, and another, and so forth. now, the fda receives money both directly and indirectly through pharmaceuticals, not to mention more taxes means more money for the government as well. so, they have no incentive to take cigarettes off the market. no one with the authority to do so has anything to gain and the majority have a lot to lose financially.

    i just don't get how smokers don't understand their inconsideration of non-smokers and the environment? then again, they're stupid enough to be inhaling toxins into their lungs on a daily basis, so that alone seems to indicate they're fairly clueless about the world around them. either that or at least they have no regard for it whatsoever.

  33. #33
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    yea man this law rules!!! same in NY. Manahattan has never been a cooler place to hang out because of this. i dont have to put my clothes in another room after i stumble home....
    almost forgot to add a comment in my last post about those laws there. when i did live in ny and got to enjoy that non-smoking law in bars/clubs, you know people still tried to smoke indoors! i know you guys from ny know what i'm talking about, then they'd get annoyed when you'd tell them they have to put it out! some clubs bartenders would actually smoke as well!

    enjoyably though, i got to see a few undercover cops write out tickets to those clubs management for it though, so good to see that they were actually enforcing it. but nonetheless, what audacity to get p*ssed at someone for expecting you to follow the law, eh?

    they need to make that law nation-wide, cause there's no justification as to why us non-smokers should have to deal with that cigarette smoke in public places. make those bastards wear bags on their heads so only they gotta deal with their smoke! oh, not enough oxygen, so sorry, hee hee.

  34. #34
    NOREGRETS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    yea man this law rules!!! same in NY. Manahattan has never been a cooler place to hang out because of this. i dont have to put my clothes in another room after i stumble home....
    Haven't been to NY in couple of years, I use to go the Limelight, Tunnel, and SF when I was younger and you could barely breath in those places. You got me thinking about NY now, been thinking about going to Crobar and Scores for a night, maybe this weekend. Definitely won't miss the smokey cloths and the cigarette burns.

  35. #35
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I HATE people who start smoking in your car without asking. I sure don't feel bad about kicking them out of the car though. It's so disrespectful.

  36. #36
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Yeah I used to smoke. I'm so glad I quit. It is gross. Can't imagine doing it while on the sauce, kinda like inviting a heart attack. What do you guys think about dip? I quit that stuff too. Man, my buddy left a pepsi can with dip spit in it and I picked it up and started chugging it 'cause I thought it was pepsi LOL. Gross!

  37. #37
    NOREGRETS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I HATE people who start smoking in your car without asking. I sure don't feel bad about kicking them out of the car though. It's so disrespectful.

    That takes balls, I would through their asses out while the car was still moving.

  38. #38
    NOREGRETS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbone1975
    Yeah I used to smoke. I'm so glad I quit. It is gross. Can't imagine doing it while on the sauce, kinda like inviting a heart attack. What do you guys think about dip? I quit that stuff too. Man, my buddy left a pepsi can with dip spit in it and I picked it up and started chugging it 'cause I thought it was pepsi LOL. Gross!
    Bro, that must have been the worst tasting sh!t, I'm guessing you tossed after that.

  39. #39
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You listening bojangles?

    arrhh me matey..
    i remember i lit a cig at a bar once and blew the smoke out
    some asshole thought i blew it in his face..
    i said "yo, this is a bar, go cry about it outside." Im not purposely locating myself next to you so i can annoy you with a smoke, but i sure as hell aint gonna relocate cuz your little bitch ass wants to whine and complain about your precious virgin lungs (especially if you live in NY or NJ) certain situations i can understand, but a bar?? i mean, come on, thats just tradition.
    and i dont smoke for the record. i just support smokers

  40. #40
    NOREGRETS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    wow, thanks for the info. not like there's much we can do about it, but just another example of why smoking needs to go.

    as far as why the government hasn't stepped in yet, it's purely for the money. remember how numerous times there have been increases of taxes for cigarettes and they continue to tax the cigarette companies more and more? basically, it's an indirect bribe. in order to continue poisoning the public, the tobacco companies basically settled for paying our government off through taxes so the bribe wasn't actually illegal, and the government doesn't care about the public, they care about their pockets.

    the fda is the worst, cause they have all the documentation indicating exactly how dangerous cigarettes with their additives are, but for financial reasons, they still allow those toxins to be put in cigarette smoke. reason being is the more people who smoke, the more health problems people have. the more health problems people have, the more prescription and non-prescription drugs people buy. the more drugs they buy, the more side-effects they get from those drugs, increasing the likelihood of taking another, and another, and so forth. now, the fda receives money both directly and indirectly through pharmaceuticals, not to mention more taxes means more money for the government as well. so, they have no incentive to take cigarettes off the market. no one with the authority to do so has anything to gain and the majority have a lot to lose financially.

    i just don't get how smokers don't understand their inconsideration of non-smokers and the environment? then again, they're stupid enough to be inhaling toxins into their lungs on a daily basis, so that alone seems to indicate they're fairly clueless about the world around them. either that or at least they have no regard for it whatsoever.
    It's all about the money. Anything you can be depended on, the government will find some way to keep around.

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