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  1. #81
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    it was a bad day at that, and it lasted more than a year..ive never seen the city move slow like that before, it was unusally queiter for a long time..depressing

    the day of was kind of weird though not as many cabbies and some stores stayed closed before it even happend? coincidence?

    I didnt see that. Just seemed at normal as the day before.

  2. #82
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    a tomahawk cruise missle can be launched from an aircraft. Its called a
    boeing agm-86 calcm.

    usfighterfc the first aircraft to say radio in and say it had terrorists on board made the decision for all aircraft to land asap. These two flights were confirmed as landed. The planes that hit the towers were drone planes as air line investigation teams use them to test things.

    secondly you don't ring your mom before you crash and hi mom its mike smith. Why would you even tell you mom who it was. When i call my parents they know its me.....sounds fishy to me...

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    a tomahawk cruise missle can be launched from an aircraft. Its called a
    boeing agm-86 calcm.

    usfighterfc the first aircraft to say radio in and say it had terrorists on board made the decision for all aircraft to land asap. These two flights were confirmed as landed. The planes that hit the towers were drone planes as air line investigation teams use them to test things.

    secondly you don't ring your mom before you crash and hi mom its mike smith. Why would you even tell you mom who it was. When i call my parents they know its me.....sounds fishy to me...

    Funny because nobody had any contact with the airliners with the hijackers in it. They shut off the flight tracker so the air traffic controller could not communicate or track the planes movements or altittude.

  4. #84
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    I stand corrected on the cruise missile thing.

    If it was a cruise missile, why didn;t anyone report seeing a FREAKING CRUISE MISSILE DECENDING TOWARDS THE PENTAGON?

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    I stand corrected on the cruise missile thing.

    If it was a cruise missile, why didn;t anyone report seeing a FREAKING CRUISE MISSILE DECENDING TOWARDS THE PENTAGON?

    Dont know....their top speed is only 500 mph

  6. #86
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    imagine if the tomahawk cruise missle is painted white in colour not its usual red tipped self with silver body. When it is released it doesn't have to activate itself straight away. it can free fall and then ignite and do the last part of its journey. Secondly the towers had just been hit, so would you be outside or watching the new on the towers of your own country.
    thirdly video footage from the hilton hotel was taken by the fbi and clips taken from the video and released. At no point do you see a big boeing come through the screen. However a cruise missile could make it.

    Lastly if you watch the actually video they confirm the two flights that had hit the tower had indeed landed. usfighterfc get your info right.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    imagine if the tomahawk cruise missle is painted white in colour not its usual red tipped self with silver body. When it is released it doesn't have to activate itself straight away. it can free fall and then ignite and do the last part of its journey. Secondly the towers had just been hit, so would you be outside or watching the new on the towers of your own country.
    thirdly video footage from the hilton hotel was taken by the fbi and clips taken from the video and released. At no point do you see a big boeing come through the screen. However a cruise missile could make it.

    Lastly if you watch the actually video they confirm the two flights that had hit the tower had indeed landed. usfighterfc get your info right.

    Hey asshole I saw 2 planes hit the World Trade Center live on the ground 100 yards away not on some fvckin tv 3000 miles across the ocean. I watched it with my own eyes. Take your "facts" and shove them up your ass.

  8. #88
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    Lastly if you watch the actually video they confirm the two flights that had hit the tower had indeed landed. usfighterfc get your info right.
    what makes you think the video is a more credible soruce than the official reports?

  9. #89
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    oh oh, here we go.

  10. #90
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    got to love how people read a few conspiracy sites and all of a sudden they know everything about what happened...

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    i'd like to see that info if you ever have the time johan. after some thorough research last night, it does seem to me as if the buildings may very well have simply crashed down upon themselves without the assistance of any explosives. however, there is still the issue of the ground floor(s) experiencing what could only be described as an explosion. well, all the info is here already, so i'll leave it at that.
    yeah when I get time to. Very simple maths just tedious.

  12. #92
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    He need to stick with reading the comic books cuz reality is a bit too much for him.

  13. #93
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    actual speed is 550mph or 880km/h.

    don't you also think it funny that the towers were almost empty.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    actual speed is 550mph or 880km/h.

    don't you also think it funny that the towers were almost empty.

    Yeah they were so empty almost 3,000 people died in them. And no they werent empty they were as busy as an other day. Get your facts straight once again cuz I dont know where you get this shit from.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Hey asshole I saw 2 planes hit the World Trade Center live on the ground 100 yards away not on some fvckin tv 3000 miles across the ocean. I watched it with my own eyes. Take your "facts" and shove them up your ass.

    I'm sticking to the dudes in turbans theory.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack

    I'm sticking to the dudes in turbans theory.
    Ok, I'm calling it a day. I don't want to piss off anymore super heroes.

  17. #97
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    no they weren't as busy as any other day shops in the area were closed and some sections of the tower had people on holiday.

    Those two buildings hold more than 3,000 people. They didn't anticipate when the would set the charges off and bring down the bulding. People didn't die from the plane hitting the buildings as those levels were empty due to power failure 24 hours earlier. People died when the explosions brought down the building. The first time in history two buildings after 1 hour of burning have ever fell. And for it to come down under control and not topple over.

  18. #98
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    so you saw it 100 yards away. thats almost at the entrance of the towers then. so after the first plane hit you actually stood there and watched the second.

    Actually usfighterfc i have been to Baghdad and served with your military over there and we have respect for each other. we are in iraq doing the dirty work while you sit at home talking about it but really do nothink about it. Terrorists are every where. i saw two of my mates in the us marines die on a patrol as a car bomb took them out. I am fighting this war of terror and soldiers from you country have the same beliefs that this was done for bush's gains. I feel sorry for people that lost there lives in the towers, but innocent soldiers from your country are paying the price and the are leaving wifes and kids at home and moms and dads. Every buried your best mate cos he's protecting what your country stands for and yet you have your ass on the couch at home.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    a tomahawk cruise missle can be launched from an aircraft. Its called a
    boeing agm-86 calcm.

    usfighterfc the first aircraft to say radio in and say it had terrorists on board made the decision for all aircraft to land asap. These two flights were confirmed as landed. The planes that hit the towers were drone planes as air line investigation teams use them to test things.

    secondly you don't ring your mom before you crash and hi mom its mike smith. Why would you even tell you mom who it was. When i call my parents they know its me.....sounds fishy to me...
    Show me the proof.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    so you saw it 100 yards away. thats almost at the entrance of the towers then. so after the first plane hit you actually stood there and watched the second.

    Actually usfighterfc i have been to Baghdad and served with your military over there and we have respect for each other. we are in iraq doing the dirty work while you sit at home talking about it but really do nothink about it. Terrorists are every where. i saw two of my mates in the us marines die on a patrol as a car bomb took them out. I am fighting this war of terror and soldiers from you country have the same beliefs that this was done for bush's gains. I feel sorry for people that lost there lives in the towers, but innocent soldiers from your country are paying the price and the are leaving wifes and kids at home and moms and dads. Every buried your best mate cos he's protecting what your country stands for and yet you have your ass on the couch at home.

    I believe nothing you say of serving in Iraq because you've spewed nothing but horseshit out of your mouth. And yes 100 yards isnt far from the entrance of the building and YES I stood there and watched as the Tower burned and YES I was right there when the second plane hit. But after that I decided it would be wise if I moved much further off. Anymore questions??

  21. #101
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    And just so you know jackass I served in the US Marine Corps as well.

  22. #102
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    i watched a show on the towers and how they were constructed..they were meant to colloapse that way not topple over they were meants to fall in-words. the towers were built around a big shaft and the heat from the burning gas melted most of the supporting structure when the upper half was resting on the lower sections it started to collapse inwards, then all that weight just brought it down...then again it was a tv show lol

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    i watched a show on the towers and how they were constructed..they were meant to colloapse that way not topple over they were meants to fall in-words. the towers were built around a big shaft and the heat from the burning gas melted most of the supporting structure when the upper half was resting on the lower sections it started to collapse inwards, then all that weight just brought it down...then again it was a tv show lol

    You're right and I've been trying to explain how the towers were built saying the walls werent load bearing walls and the tower was supported by a core load bearing system.

  24. #104
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    Truth is. None of us here really know what actually happened. The cause, who was behind it, why it happened etc...We can believe what we want and often believe whats been portrayed to us.

    Did terrorists do it....Possibly.

    Did the US government do it....Maybe.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, none of us really know what happened that day. Peroid.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Truth is. None of us here really know what actually happened. The cause, who was behind it, why it happened etc...We can believe what we want and often believe whats been portrayed to us.

    Did terrorists do it....Possibly.

    Did the US government do it....Maybe.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, none of us really know what happened that day. Peroid.

    I know what happened. Terrorists boarded a plane, hijacked it, and flew it into buildings. End of story. Funny thing is you have not one solid piece of evidence to tell me otherwise.

  26. #106
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    Dude, it was the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Magneto, right Wolverine?

  27. #107
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    thats right maxima5.

    usfighterfc respect for being in the marine corp. Its good how banter starts of amusing getting people thinking about what happened and speculating. Then people like usfighterfc have to call you a jack ass.
    The towers were constructed to survive a hurricane, tornado or plane hitting it. The heat in the towers was not hot enough to cause the structure to melt or collapse. The structure/ support for the towers would have to have a heat of 2800F to melt and buckle. Jet fuel can only reach 1900f for a split second so this could not melt the structure in any way.

    Britain has had terrorism for years and we have learned to deal with it....

    As for evidence can you prove that terrorists boarded the plane, video footage maybe the black box. oh thats right the fbi say they can't find these indestructable black boxes.

    Chill guys, its just everyones opinions....

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    thats right maxima5.

    usfighterfc respect for being in the marine corp. Its good how banter starts of amusing getting people thinking about what happened and speculating. Then people like usfighterfc have to call you a jack ass.
    The towers were constructed to survive a hurricane, tornado or plane hitting it. The heat in the towers was not hot enough to cause the structure to melt or collapse. The structure/ support for the towers would have to have a heat of 2800F to melt and buckle. Jet fuel can only reach 1900f for a split second so this could not melt the structure in any way.

    Britain has had terrorism for years and we have learned to deal with it....

    As for evidence can you prove that terrorists boarded the plane, video footage maybe the black box. oh thats right the fbi say they can't find these indestructable black boxes.

    Chill guys, its just everyones opinions....

    Hey bro what the fvck was flight 93....a phantom aircraft? Or was it a plane hijacked and suicidally flown into the ground. Maybe you've missed the news for the past 5 or so years but they recovered the blackboxes and heard the hijackers on the plane as well as the struggle against the passengers. In fact they heard them screaming "Allah Akbar" 8 times as they dove the plane into the ground. You've hardly dealt with terrorism at the magnitude we have.

    Also the building was designed to take the impact of a 707 during landing approach not a 757 that was travelling close to 600mph. Also the integrity of the building was totally comprimised after the 4 load bearing columns were destroyed. Last i looked the tower collapsed from a plane hitting it so yeah I guess your theory sucks ass.

  29. #109
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    Also i dont find this "banter" amusing since their is nothing to speculate about. I lost alot of family friends and my father lost a ton of his co-workers and friends. You sat there on the other side of the world eating fish and chips just wondering.

  30. #110
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I know what happened. Terrorists boarded a plane, hijacked it, and flew it into buildings. End of story. Funny thing is you have not one solid piece of evidence to tell me otherwise.
    I 100 percent agree.

    Who the fuk brainwashed wolverine?

    His posts scare me....

  31. #111
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    typical american attitude think your the only people in the world. black boxes can be editted things added and changed.
    usfighterfc you should know. when being interrogated you only use certain info anythink else they can edit and add to video or recordings.

    See the news today the pictures of the pentagon getting hit. There is no aircraft visible in any of the clips. good editting.

    britain has had terrorism since the 70's dip shi# its called the IRA..... They blew up loads of people on their terror campaign. But that soon stopped because all there funding came from america, now bush has clamped down on terrorism any problems and america would have to attack ireland. remember most of you are american irish. My arse you are. Your americans
    What about the suicide bombers in the subways last year.
    Terrorism has hit america and its a culture shock.

  32. #112
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    cruising speed of a boeing 757 is 490mph, alot less than the 600 that usfighterfc thinks.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    typical american attitude think your the only people in the world. black boxes can be editted things added and changed.
    usfighterfc you should know. when being interrogated you only use certain info anythink else they can edit and add to video or recordings.

    See the news today the pictures of the pentagon getting hit. There is no aircraft visible in any of the clips. good editting.

    britain has had terrorism since the 70's dip shi# its called the IRA..... They blew up loads of people on their terror campaign. But that soon stopped because all there funding came from america, now bush has clamped down on terrorism any problems and america would have to attack ireland. remember most of you are american irish. My arse you are. Your americans
    What about the suicide bombers in the subways last year.
    Terrorism has hit america and its a culture shock.

    Bro we've had hijackings of planes in the 70's and the Iran embassy hostage crisis as well as Americans being kidnapped all the time, Oklahoma City. Lockerby Scotland is another where MOSTLY Americans died. And just so you know 3,000 people were killed by the IRA over 30 years. We lost almost as many in 1 DAY!! We've been the target for a loooooong time. Sept 11th was the largest terrorist attack in HISTORY anyone would be shocked by it. Believe me America is a place where people dont get "culture shocked"

    Where do you get most of us are Irish? Check your stats again.

    Also the film doesnt need editting, the frames are done in half second incriments. A plane flying at 500mph would easily pass right through it.

    Call me one more name and I'll ban your fvckin ass from here.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    cruising speed of a boeing 757 is 490mph, alot less than the 600 that usfighterfc thinks.

    Thats why when the plane hit it was at terminal velocity. Experts estimated it at 600 mph and were suprised the plane was still in the air because it had passed the maximum velocity for its model.

  35. #115
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    go to your search engine...type boeing 757..

    Scroll down and read the article and look at the pictures of a site called Hunt the Boeing

  36. #116
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    haha, does anyone really want to be involved with this thread

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    go to your search engine...type boeing 757..

    Scroll down and read the article and look at the pictures of a site called Hunt the Boeing

    There is a lot wrong with that website. Of course there are questions that leave you thinking for a second but most can be explained in a second.

    on question number 1: parts of the plane were found all the way into the 4th ring of the Pentagon and you can even see a hole in the second ring of the Pentagon in the pic they;re using as an example.

    Question 2 : Looks like the whole bulding is fvcked up to me I see much more damage than just the ground floor.

    Question 3: How long after was that picture taken? The Pentagon fire burned for several days. How do I know that pic isnt taken a few days later? The scene doesnt look as chaotic as when it first hit, and the building had collapsed at the point so we know for a fact the pic wasnt taken right away.

    Question 4: This is just retarded. When starting a major construction site this is how to create a temporary road to use while working that can be cleaned up afterwards. Rocks give the ground a hard stability and the sand just fills in making it even more so like a road. I've done this on construction sites so that was just dumb when I first saw it.

    Question 5 : The plane could've entered at an angle and not head on like that super imposed plane is. If so than both engines could fit in the space between where the walls came down. Officials have said the plane hit the ground right before the plane met contact with the building.

    And to those 2 questions. Their could be 100 reasons why they didnt answer them as to maybe they were ill informed as to the situation as everyone was or the fact that they had no fvckin clue what was going on.

    And maybe they can think of a better question than "Where's the jet fuel?" Last i heard jet fuel burns and when a plane crashes chances are it will ignite.

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    haha, does anyone really want to be involved with this thread

    Not anymore to be honest.

  39. #119
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for your input usfighterfc. Didn't say i believed it all just gets you thinking thats all...

  40. #120
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    I'm going to bed. I'll leave your response for tomorrow x-man.

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