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  1. #1
    daytrader's Avatar
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    9-11 conspiracy video

    what do you guys think?
    O im just the messanger too i dont nessecarily agree so please dont flame me!!

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    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    it was out a while ago but its starting to get noticed more now... a bunch of bull$shit.. theres always somebody creating something twisted.. i agree it makes you think but just not what really happend..

  4. #4
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    theres a bunch of those ill find the other link

  5. #5
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    yea i think there are 3 or 4 parts.. its called loose change.. but there are probably more..

  6. #6
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    It's the one i have seen. Very long but i did manage to watch most of it. Some interesting stuff on it. Not sure if its true though?!

  7. #7
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    It's the one i have seen. Very long but i did manage to watch most of it. Some interesting stuff on it. Not sure if its true though?!
    ya i just finished it all.... Im not gonna say it was casued by the Govt... but there is some stuff theyre def not telling us

  8. #8
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    we'll never know for sure what really went down but all u can do is watch read and make up ur decision

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    "Reality is only your pereception of what the f*ck is really going on."

    - me


  10. #10
    Neo's Avatar
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    I've seen the conspiracy videos that said there was no plane wreckage found at the Pentagon. That's a load of sh*t. I have a close friend that was part of the rescue crew that responded. There was wreckage everywhere. I hate these videos....

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
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    Benn looking for this for awhile thanks.

  12. #12
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo
    I've seen the conspiracy videos that said there was no plane wreckage found at the Pentagon. That's a load of sh*t. I have a close friend that was part of the rescue crew that responded. There was wreckage everywhere. I hate these videos....
    Well there WAS wreckage just not from a boeing 757....

  13. #13
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I personally believe 9/11 is all one huge smoke/mirrors trick to set the stage for what "someone" wanted to do the next 6-7 years as the one in charge. Huge events all on one day to try and justify what would happen the next 6-7 years which is war, invasion of privacy, gas prices out the ass, homeland security bullshit to invade your personal space, etc. etc.

    Time cannot pass quick enough.


  14. #14
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Well there WAS wreckage just not from a boeing 757....
    exactly.. were there any bodies found? any blood? any plane seats? and dont tell me they got vaporized cuz only a jackass would believe that

  15. #15
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Well there WAS wreckage just not from a boeing 757....

    What a load of crap that is....Tell that to the 100's of people that witnessed a plane plow into the Pentagon as I watched with my OWN eyes the planes that slammed into the Twin Towers.

  16. #16
    daytrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    as I watched with my OWN eyes the planes that slammed into the Twin Towers.
    Well they acknowledge that happened.... along with bombs going off.... some of that stuff is hard to dispute..... I wont argue either way.. because i dont like to take any stances till i know ALL the facts.... I wont make my decision from watching that video.... same way i wont make it listening to the media or the adminstration

  17. #17
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    What a load of crap that is....Tell that to the 100's of people that witnessed a plane plow into the Pentagon as I watched with my OWN eyes the planes that slammed into the Twin Towers
    we arent saying that didnt happen, the plane that hit the Pentagon or "plane" evaporated? ummmm, there has been hundreds of plane crashes and NEVER has a plane just gone into thin air

  18. #18
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, great, people saw an airplane hit the Pentagon.

    Okay, now, where the f*ck is it?

    They can't find it, WTF??


  19. #19
    daytrader's Avatar
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    the thing that really makes me wonder is what happened to the passengers on flight 93???..... Ofcourse its kinda dumb to think about because we will never really know what happened

  20. #20
    ascendant's Avatar
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    look guys, if you're going to remark, you have to at least watch the whole video. many of you are commenting on pieces of it without hearing the whole thing out and giving misleading information.

    IMO, there definitely was more to this whole thing than our govt would like us to think. did our govt do it? we can't really deduct that for sure from these kinds of videos. some of the videos are ridiculous, some are very credible, but to dismiss all of them because of a few that weren't very credible (or even correct) is a little ignorant.

    personally, i think at minimum, our govt knew something was going to happen that day and allowed it to, seeing their window of opportunity to target saddam with it. after all, we went after bin laden for what? a couple months? years later and we're STILL in iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11.

    you people thinking this is bs need to realize that if you read the news from another country, you find very different views on the information than you get from our press. i know this cause my wife lived in hong kong and singapore, both for quite some time. having lived there, they heard about very f*cked up things the US would do that we never heard about here cause our press was not allowed to release the information.

    i think very few people will ever know the truth about 9/11 and those who do will probably be too intimitated by our govt to speak up about it, but there are unquestionably possibilities for both sides. the thing is, there's so much questionable information that doesn't add up with this whole thing that makes you realize there was well more going on than our govt wants you to know about.

  21. #21
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    Has anyone seen the new movie that re-created the hijack on the PA plane?

  22. #22
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    United 93? i saw that movie

  23. #23
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's easy to be lied to through the mass media.

    That's all we have to go on.

    That's the same exact way SCAMMERS work on the boards.


  24. #24
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, great, people saw an airplane hit the Pentagon.

    Okay, now, where the f*ck is it?

    They can't find it, WTF??


    Bro there was TONS of airplane wreckage EVERYWHERE. All of this shit about missiles hitting the Pentagon and no wreckage found is utter horseshit. Every source that has reported it was been totally debunked over and over it's laughable. Nobody cares to even make a big deal out of this because these sources are so uncredible acknowledging them is idiocy itself.

  25. #25
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    just let it go.

  26. #26
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    this whole video is true. no militant muslims have ever existed in the history of the world EVER- they're all paid actors with grime rubbed on their faces. the cia bombed london and spain too. they also faked the moon landing. they also invented crack and slavery. they is bad.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    this whole video is true. no militant muslims have ever existed in the history of the world EVER- they're all paid actors with grime rubbed on their faces. the cia bombed london and spain too. they also faked the moon landing. they also invented crack and slavery. they is bad.

  28. #28
    doctorherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    this whole video is true. no militant muslims have ever existed in the history of the world EVER- they're all paid actors with grime rubbed on their faces. the cia bombed london and spain too. they also faked the moon landing. they also invented crack and slavery. they is bad.
    yes, they is very bad

  29. #29
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    Put it like this.......conspiracy theorists can also say the U.S. had prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attacks as well. World War 2 as a direct result brought us out of the Great Depression. You dont hear those theorists saying that. Do you know why? Because those compu-faggots werent born yet. I didnt watch that whole video Daytrader i will admit so I'm not knocking that specific video, but as someone who has lost people on Sept 11th full well knowing who was in the Trade Center at the time it came down it does nothing but aggravate me when I see losers who lost nothing sit around and happily think of conspiracy theories with no rhyme nor reason and in most cases no credibility to just gain some publicity from it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Put it like this.......conspiracy theorists can also say the U.S. had prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attacks as well. World War 2 as a direct result brought us out of the Great Depression. You dont hear those theorists saying that. Do you know why? Because those compu-faggots werent born yet. I didnt watch that whole video Daytrader i will admit so I'm not knocking that specific video, but as someone who has lost people on Sept 11th full well knowing who was in the Trade Center at the time it came down it does nothing but aggravate me when I see losers who lost nothing sit around and happily think of conspiracy theories with no rhyme nor reason and in most cases no credibility to just gain some publicity from it.

  31. #31
    xmenWolverine is offline Junior Member
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    yeah saw the footage. Wouldn't put it past the bush administration to do this to there own people so they could go to war.

    How come we haven't seen the families of the dead on tv talking about it.
    How do planes disappear for the first time in history.
    In all plane crashes the black box has been found yet the us investigation teams can find nothing.

    fire fighters said they heard explosions and that the gold bullion had gone that was good timing.

  32. #32
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm going to find the video I have, and post IT. Youll all love thise one. I think it shows a shockwave shaking the camera some moments before the buildings collapse.
    Gimme a minute here...

  33. #33
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Okay here is one that's just a flash... kinda neat.

    (Heres something i just found.

    This is cool too:

    Can't find the one i want yall to see, i'll post it tomorrow for sure.

    THis talks about the demolition fo the buildings

  34. #34
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    I have watched that video more than one time. I think its the truth, I think it was planned out. No one will know for sure but it is EXTREMELY interesting to take in the information presented on the video. How the towers fell down exactly like how a demolition goes down, that shit jus dont happen like that from planes. And they found the dudes passsport LMAO what a joke, the black boxes were destroyed (which has never happened before) yet a passport made of paper someone wasnt damaged. There are sooo many pieces of information presented its hard to dismiss.

    Since I am not an American citizen I cant say any of this really affected me at all but I feel extremely disturbed to think that the US gov't had somethin to do with this, when so many lives were taken. That is disgusting to say the least that they would sacrifice all of those lives in their own greed.

  35. #35
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah. I need to find the video that talks about the documents that would need to have "catastrophic events" on homeland soil in order to target foreign countries. Also read about remote control planes that almost missed the towers because they were large and hard to control/ the flash at the nosecone of the planes (nosecones have no fuel to cause a flash).

    You know what the biggest thing is.... that if the govt came out and said "Yeah we planned it all".

    What are we the people going to do about it?

    It almost seems like we are the terrorists to the rest of the world. Never worry about our own actions, and we're sectretly trying to take over the world.

    So a small faction in a foreign country destoryed some buildings and caused roughly 3000 deaths. What if it had been some new group out of france or britain? Would we have gone as ballistic on THEM? How do we get off rampaging over an entire country from the action of such a small number of people? Easy, we use the pain of the families, and outraged US Citizens via: jingoism. It's easy to run on peoples' emotions when they've been trained not to have to use them so often.
    If people learned that, Yes it hurts to lose someone, but we don't have to right to go do what we're doing... then THAT is some awesome realization by us.

    Do we even know the faces of our govt? These people who have so much "power" over us and make such decisions.
    There was a woman in berlin who once wrote on the wall, "What if our governments declared war, but nobody came?"
    Last edited by SnaX; 05-14-2006 at 12:24 AM.

  36. #36
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    What a load of crap that is....Tell that to the 100's of people that witnessed a plane plow into the Pentagon as I watched with my OWN eyes the planes that slammed into the Twin Towers.
    yea theres no doubt in my minda plane struck it..but thats like the TWA flight that "went down" south of long island a while back..

    i personally knew someone who had video tape of the incident with TWA they called and said they had video cause they were asking if anyone had it to send it in. when he called 2 'FBI' agents came took the video said theyu were going to give it back after investigation.well as you may know time went by so he called..the FBI never heard of the 2 agents he mentioned and said he was scammed...who believes that?!

    well if your not familiar with it the conspiracy that it was shot down, and on his video tape he personally told us that there was a streak before the this guy lives on the southern shore of long island and just moved in and was filming in his new backyard..witch oversaw the bay and ocean..anyway do i think it was teroism maybe but do i think the gov. knew about it yes def. 100%. theres a lot more to it then whats been told i believe.
    but after 9/11 it got the whole nation pumped for war over there witch was originally afganistan not iraq!!

    sorry for the long post but this shit bothers me cause bush is a ****ing idiot if you ask me..should've voted gore in after of the last election its kind've hard to vote a new president in during war. IT HAS NEVER HAPPEND during a period of war so was it bush cementing his 8 year term or otherwise..think about it..the guys a ****ing moron! okay im done sorry

  37. #37
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    One last thing.. there was a guy who we had in our custody... and he was a terrorist.... and he said "You all want to know why we hate you so much? I will tell you the truth." That seemed like a good thing to look into. I think we executed him. We've let ourselves get out of control. We sit back and take what our govt feeds us. But we truely have no say in the future of our country. Why the **** not? What would we want out of it?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Since I am not an American citizen I cant say any of this really affected me at all but I feel extremely disturbed to think that the US gov't had somethin to do with this, when so many lives were taken. That is disgusting to say the least that they would sacrifice all of those lives in their own greed.
    that's the US govt for you. the mentality of politicians is one of the biggest factors that makes me think they might have either known it was going to happen and let it for political gain, or that they might have even been involved. politicians are all about money and power, that's it. they have shown time and time again throughout history that they don't care about human life or health.

    if those who dismiss this info right off the bat actually knew some politicians and govt personell personally, they might have a different perspective on things. though i've only briefly known a couple in my life, i can say without question that the only thing they care about "the people" for is the polls.

  39. #39
    Neo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Well there WAS wreckage just not from a boeing 757....
    He specifically told me there was wreckage of the airplane everywhere....

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    I think that a lot of things mentioned in the movie "could" possible be truth and thats enough to take a closer look [...]

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