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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmenWolverine
    thanks for your input usfighterfc. Didn't say i believed it all just gets you thinking thats all...

    LOL sounded like you believed it. It's all good tho, its probably the greatest of conspiracy theories but its just something I dont buy for a second. There is just too much evidence pointing the other way.

  2. #122
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    there is also to much missing to finish the jigsaw.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Truth is. None of us here really know what actually happened. The cause, who was behind it, why it happened etc...We can believe what we want and often believe whats been portrayed to us.

    Did terrorists do it....Possibly.

    Did the US government do it....Maybe.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, none of us really know what happened that day. Peroid.
    my feelings exactly. my only issue is that when terrorist attacks happen, there's never been even remotely this much controversy revolving around it. then again, there has never been an attack this large scale, but the fact that so many people are calling "conspiracy" here makes me question it's validity. there were even investigations into why precautionary measures weren't taken after so many warning signs that something was planned that day by terrorists. we all heard about that in the news. that right there shows at bare minimum a negligence that we don't know the reason for.

    usfighter, i know you must be loving your heated debate right now (i say with extreme sarcasm), but still waiting to hear back about the ground floor explosion issue? you working on that? there were numerous survivors who reported the incident in at least one if not both of the towers, so it's unquestionably a valid issue.

    also, not sure if i ever mentioned this yet, but i used to actually live in NY on long island and was living there when this happened. i indirectly knew 2 survivors, of which both gave info regarding odd happenings the day of the attacks. were they looking for a correlation? maybe. could they be saying those things for attention? again, maybe. however, now that this seems to be a very controversial debate, i want to try to get back in touch with some of those people who were actually survivors from within the building and try to see what info is accurate and what isn't. just wanted to make sure you knew i wasn't one of those "was half way round the world when it happened and think i know all the answers" kind of guy. though i was not there at the time of the incident, i did hear from people who were, and i remember much of that info was very questionable as to why certain things were going on. the only thing i remember off the top of my head was one of them mentioned something about elevators being closed, either that day or shortly prior. i can't really remember to be honest.

    i will work on getting a hold of those people and getting some more info. i can't make any guarantees, but i can assure you my interest is enough now after this thread that i will make every attempt to do so.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    haha, does anyone really want to be involved with this thread
    well i did, but it seems like it's getting some people really fired up, not to mention names, but you know who you are.

    look, i don't think anyones "stupid" by thinking either way on this as some of you are arguing back and forth about. there's plenty of valid reasons to think either way, though some of the conspiracy theories are a little ridiculous and seriously lack credible sources.

    the best thing to do is to not just buy into the latest "conspiracy theories" and do some in-depth research to find out about their credibility and validity. i'm in the process of doing that now, and it's helping to make more sense of a lot of it.

  5. #125
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    i personally believe every single word of that video.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays
    i personally believe every single word of that video.
    that right there is a perfect example of what i was telling people NOT to do. don't just buy into anything one person tells you with a video or webpage. do the research man!

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    that right there is a perfect example of what i was telling people NOT to do. don't just buy into anything one person tells you with a video or webpage. do the research man!
    bro. i didn't believe that out of nowhere as u say, i've done so much research about already, matter of fact my research paper for my English class is based on 9/11.
    the US govt. have all what it takes to commit such act.
    if u want more info. search for this: the power of nightmares, it's a documentary by BBC holds alot more facts than this one.

  8. #128
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    all i have to say is (hopefully no one would get mad): the US govt. is one bad, mad, angry and lier beast.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays
    bro. i didn't believe that out of nowhere as u say, i've done so much research about already, matter of fact my research paper for my English class is based on 9/11.
    the US govt. have all what it takes to commit such act.
    if u want more info. search for this: the power of nightmares, it's a documentary by BBC holds alot more facts than this one.
    excuse me for assuming you hadn't researched it, but that video does have some evidence on it that is unquestionably ridiculous.

    one thing is how they act as if it's impossible that the building would've lost it's structural integrity from those planes and the temps caused from the fires. people act as if the jet fuels temp wasn't high enough to "melt" the steel. thing is, just heating the steel alone will cause it to expand and warp, breaking the cement foundation around it and weakening it's structural integrity. also, combustible materials in the building could've brought the temp up far higher than what the jet fuel did. there is too many things the video doesn't take into consideration.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays
    all i have to say is (hopefully no one would get mad): the US govt. is one bad, mad, angry and lier beast.
    this i do agree with. most people don't realize how the govt has very little to no regard for it's civilians and focuses primarily on money and power.

    though the us is better than many countries all things considered, you have to consider this countries origins...

    this country was established by pilgrims who came here in ships paid for by england and the entire trips were provided for by them. then what do the pilgrims show them in appreciation? they basically disconnect themselves from them and say they're establishing themselves as seperate, with no appreciation whatsoever for the ships and supplies that got them here in the first place.

    next, the US ruthlessly killed off the indians in their desire for expansion. they sunk so low as to pretend to be the indians friends and give them blankets that were diseased with illnesses they knew the indians couldn't survive. it was a sick, underhanded slaughter.

    the US after that had continually fought to stretch their borders as far as they could through war and killing, establishing what we know today as our US. history books try to glorify our "expansion" as if it were some great journey and progressive movement. however, in the process of this expansion, there was more underhanded backstabbing, greed, and slaughtering than what was experienced with Hitler.

    today, the US continues to meddle in other countries affairs when they have absolutely no place to, which is why Bin Laden hates us so much. personally, i can't blame him for his hatred against our govt, but i don't see how he thought he'd target them through the trade towers.

    all in all, if there were a better country to live in with a better govt that has truly genuine good intents, i'd do it. however, you'll find govt's in all countries to all be about the same money motivated greed that drives this one.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    this i do agree with. most people don't realize how the govt has very little to no regard for it's civilians and focuses primarily on money and power.

    though the us is better than many countries all things considered, you have to consider this countries origins...

    this country was established by pilgrims who came here in ships paid for by england and the entire trips were provided for by them. then what do the pilgrims show them in appreciation? they basically disconnect themselves from them and say they're establishing themselves as seperate, with no appreciation whatsoever for the ships and supplies that got them here in the first place.

    next, the US ruthlessly killed off the indians in their desire for expansion. they sunk so low as to pretend to be the indians friends and give them blankets that were diseased with illnesses they knew the indians couldn't survive. it was a sick, underhanded slaughter.

    the US after that had continually fought to stretch their borders as far as they could through war and killing, establishing what we know today as our US. history books try to glorify our "expansion" as if it were some great journey and progressive movement. however, in the process of this expansion, there was more underhanded backstabbing, greed, and slaughtering than what was experienced with Hitler.

    today, the US continues to meddle in other countries affairs when they have absolutely no place to, which is why Bin Laden hates us so much. personally, i can't blame him for his hatred against our govt, but i don't see how he thought he'd target them through the trade towers.

    all in all, if there were a better country to live in with a better govt that has truly genuine good intents, i'd do it. however, you'll find govt's in all countries to all be about the same money motivated greed that drives this one.
    iam not comparing th US to other countries, i'm just strictly speaking about the US who is acting as the world's bulley/guard at the same time which makes no sense.
    it's like if u were the security guard of a bank, yet u r the one who robbed it.

  12. #132
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    I'm not a big fan of out government either, especially since 9/11. But, just because many of us believe they are capable of staging an attack to benefit their agenda does not mean that they did in this case.

  13. #133
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    Well the only thing I can tell you about the ground floor explosion is what I said in an earlier thread. There were French documentary filmmalers covering the story inside of the WTC when it came down with cameras rolling and they showed no footage of any sort of explosion when the first tower came down next to them. No sound of an explosion was recorded. The only thing you hear is the rumble of the building coming down and then filiming of the building coming down itself while they were in the second tower. The film was shown on CBS numerous times and no gov't editting took place on that. I watched it and saw nothing.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Well the only thing I can tell you about the ground floor explosion is what I said in an earlier thread. There were French documentary filmmalers covering the story inside of the WTC when it came down with cameras rolling and they showed no footage of any sort of explosion when the first tower came down next to them. No sound of an explosion was recorded. The only thing you hear is the rumble of the building coming down and then filiming of the building coming down itself while they were in the second tower. The film was shown on CBS numerous times and no gov't editting took place on that. I watched it and saw nothing.
    if what u sayin' is true and that film wasn't fabricated then why other channels didn't broadcast it? according to it it's a hard evidence that the Govt. has nothing to do with it and that's would clear their name, instead the govt. showed us those lousy frames from the Pentagon that shows nothing. plus CBS?!! we r talkin' about a major global incident here, wtf is a CBS?!

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays
    if what u sayin' is true and that film wasn't fabricated then why other channels didn't broadcast it? according to it it's a hard evidence that the Govt. has nothing to do with it and that's would clear their name, instead the govt. showed us those lousy frames from the Pentagon that shows nothing. plus CBS?!! we r talkin' about a major global incident here, wtf is a CBS?!

    Bro it was all over the place. It was an hour long documentary made by these guys. Plus your misreading everything I wrote these guys were in the WTC and not at the Pentagon.

  16. #136
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    well usfighter, i can respect that you have strong grounds for your decisions on this whole matter. some things we see eye to eye on, some we don't, but i completely respect your decisions as they were well thought through and based on concrete evidence, or at least what would appear to be.

    at this point, i'll be leaving this alone until i can get that extra info i mentioned in an earlier post. until then, this situation is still undecided for me on a lot of issues. just too much info missing.

  17. #137
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    Here's , a thought.

    If the Government wasn;t so tight lipped about EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME and did not try to DECEIVE the public about stupid little things, then everytime something of this magnitude happened, less people would jump to the conspiracy theories.

    I think this all stems back to extensive mistrust for our government by the public.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    Here's , a thought.

    If the Government wasn;t so tight lipped about EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME and did not try to DECEIVE the public about stupid little things, then everytime something of this magnitude happened, less people would jump to the conspiracy theories.

    I think this all stems back to extensive mistrust for our government by the public.
    very good statement. this right here gives excellent justification behind the people believing some of the conspiracy theories and why their reasoning holds ground. not saying all the theories do, but the thought of conspiracy within our govt is well founded from past experience.

    i know much of what our govt conceals from the public is for "confidentiality" reasons, of which most is to make sure new research and technologies are kept hidden from other countries. however, in doing so, they continually delude and lie to the public to conceal their studies. though they say much of it is in the publics best interest, isn't our govt supposed to work for us rather than as a big brother? they need to get over that complex.

  19. #139
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    I agree I think this gov't is so corrupt I can only imagine what happens that we dont know about. It needs huge changes and ascendent I think you summed it up with " though they say much of it is in the publics best interest, isn't our govt supposed to work for us rather than as a big brother?"

    That is so very true and to our credit. I dont even think this gov't has the brain power to think up of something as diabolical as Sept 11th and actually pull it off.

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