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  1. #41
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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  2. #42
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katelette81
    Nice to know guys think about this stuff so much too.... but it all sounds like such a game. Call when you want, don't call when you don't wanna.... i think it shows confidence if you follow that ... a guy who isn't worried about little crap is more attractive to me.. JMO... good luck!!
    I dont think about stuff like that Call he whenever man, she obviously likes you so just do it !!!

  3. #43
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    in your girls panties
    If I get a number on Friday or Sat I usually wait until Wednesday to call.

    Sometimes I'll call the day after or Sunday.

    It all depends on the situation.

  4. #44
    steve0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Huck
    Give me her number i will call her right now, that way you wont have to worry about counting days, this is not rocket science you know.

    hahahahahah, give him the #

  5. #45
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    ill teach you a nice trick. has a higher percent success rate than getting phone #'s once you perfect it but DONT tell anyone lol.
    when your talking to a chick, ask her about her job. girls love to talk about thier jobs. she'll tell you where she works and how much she actually loves/hates it.
    Ask her what her heritage is.
    She'll say italian/irish/wtc. Girls are proud of thier heritage most of the time.
    Than you say oh im italian my last names ****
    Ask her what her last name is.
    Remember her last name and where she works. These are things you slip into the conversation but the other 99% of the conversation is simply to do ONE thing to make her REMEMBER you. Sometimes ill give them a stupid gift from the environment, like slip a rubber band on thier wrist and flick it, anything that anchors YOU to her in any type of way is good. A lot of times theyll leave it on as it makes them feel good when they look at it.

    Dont get her phone #

    Look it up in the phone book and call her. She'll be really EXCITED and SURPRISED, emotions women LOVE. if she doesnt like you she'll quickly screen you and find a way to get off the phone, so much better than being rejected in person, so much more likely shell be honest too. But this RARELY happens. Your destroying convention, making a bold move, women LOVE that. And as far as the the when to call her rule. Call WHENEVER you want. It doesnt matter.. trust me. (as long as its not like 2 weeks) you get the point.

    Try it one time. You'll shit your pants, because this is a NEW thing. Will only happen to a given women once maybe not even in her lifetime. Makes it that much harder for her to flake out and not reward you.

    If someone called me at work i would say who the fuck is this and why are you calling me here! I'm at work! Piss off!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #46
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

    If someone called me at work i would say who the fuck is this and why are you calling me here! I'm at work! Piss off!
    Carlos that is so New York .... ROTFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #47
    OSTIE's Avatar
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    TWO Days for sure...

    Callin the next day is alittle quick... she was out just like you were... who knows if she was drunk or what her intentions where.... im sure it alteast takes one day for her to think about the person (you) she gave her number to in a crowded club...

    Think about it this way... a guy could give out his number to several women at the club... the ones that call back right away the next day (ya it can be a sign of an easy bootycall) but flags have to go up... like "I was so drunk last night, and this girl who I supposedly gave my number too, is calling me before Im able to try and remember last nigt????, this girl must be crazy" (or an EASY lay which reeks of disease)".....

    Id give it two days.... Three maybe text book according to some, but on the third day, the girl has almost forgot about her night at the club and most likely you... and those that remember and are waitin for the magic number of days for a guy to call are to crazy to fck with anyways.... IMO...


  8. #48
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    the whole waiting thing is so stupid. "do it too early, you seem desperate, too late and it looks like youre not interested" just call her whenever the hell you want to.
    This guy right here and kale are 100% right!!!!!! You call her when you feel like calling her, if she is one of those immature women that even thinks about the fact about when you called her and if it was to soon or to late then you don't want ther anyway, she is just goint to be trouble. Good quality mature women don't care about when you call some might even pray that you call the next day because they really like you. That how long do i wait stuff is nothing but NONSENSE!!!
    Last edited by STYLE74; 08-08-2006 at 07:10 AM. Reason: Forgot

  9. #49
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    This guy right here and kale are 100% right!!!!!! You call her when you feel like calling her, if she is one of those immature women that even thinks about the fact about when you called her and if it was to soon or to late then you don't want ther anyway, she is just goint to be trouble. Good quality mature women don't care about when you call some might even pray that you call the next day because they really like you. That how long do i wait stuff is nothing but NONSENSE!!!
    I agree. But then, I'm single. What do I know.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  10. #50
    DamnYouMSN's Avatar
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    playing games are dumb....if a girl gives you her number (sober) she obvisiously wants you to call her. its simple..

  11. #51
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!


    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I agree. But then, I'm single. What do I know.
    Your only single because your picky and you have high standards, you know what you want and until you find it you won't settle for less. Nothing wrong with that!!! You have knowlege and you know plenty!!

  12. #52
    Mike_Huck's Avatar
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    Carlos im gonna call you @work tomorrow, and im gonna ask for big papi chulo hheheheehehehehehhehe

  13. #53
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

    If someone called me at work i would say who the fuck is this and why are you calling me here! I'm at work! Piss off!
    who said work?? thats to ease her into talking about personal aspects of her life, not to get her work phone. you get her last name (assuming you got her first name in the begining of the conversation) check phone book, call her. unless shes an insecure arrogant bitch she'll answer with a simple "hello, whos this"
    "its (insert name) the guy you met at (insert location) whats up??"
    "OMG how are you? howd you get my phone number?"
    you dont say i looked it up in the phone book. you can tell her later when your together, has a completely different impact on her.
    you say something like
    "i guessed it.. but anways phone numbers arent important, whats important is that im taking you out tonight"
    her: "you are??.. where we going?" (always giddy at this point)
    "its a surprise, just like this phone call"
    than about 10 mins of general humor and comfort building
    make a date, tell her what to wear.

    see the problem here is 99% of guys are afraid to labeled a "stalker" maybe because deep down thier afriad of some repressed inner tendencies, or maybe because they care THAT MUCH what other people think of them.
    encase you didnt realize what a stalker is:

    1. To pursue by tracking stealthily. (stealthily: Marked by or acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice, implies hiding)
    2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

    stalking means to hide and watch a person, and usually be obssessed with them.
    boldly calling them on a phone and telling them your going out is FAR from stalking.
    its being direct, unique, and confident.. which is precisely why this only works for confident people and anyone who labels it stalkerish behavoir lacks confidence to ever contemplate actually trying it.

    fact is this is not an "idea" its an "action", its been field tested by me, many others, and rarely fails, WHY you ask? because it takes a completely confident person to pull it off, chicks know this, and they love it, they are sick of the conventional lameass "can i have your phone number line" (especially the hot ones)

    they want someone different, someone who breaks conventions, someone bold. if your none of those obviously you'll sit back, belittle the idea and never try it, which is precisely why it works so good, because it seeds out all the average, common, everyday chumps who barage women with comments like "nice shoes.. soo uhh you wanna go outsumtime??"

    so mainpoint, if its stalking than.. women must LOVE stalkers because it works that well.


  14. #54
    305GUY's Avatar
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    It could be hours from seeing her or even the next weekend.... it all depends on how your game went.

  15. #55
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    who said work?? thats to ease her into talking about personal aspects of her life, not to get her work phone. you get her last name (assuming you got her first name in the begining of the conversation) check phone book, call her. unless shes an insecure arrogant bitch she'll answer with a simple "hello, whos this"
    "its (insert name) the guy you met at (insert location) whats up??"
    "OMG how are you? howd you get my phone number?"
    you dont say i looked it up in the phone book. you can tell her later when your together, has a completely different impact on her.
    you say something like
    "i guessed it.. but anways phone numbers arent important, whats important is that im taking you out tonight"
    her: "you are??.. where we going?" (always giddy at this point)
    "its a surprise, just like this phone call"
    than about 10 mins of general humor and comfort building
    make a date, tell her what to wear.

    see the problem here is 99% of guys are afraid to labeled a "stalker" maybe because deep down thier afriad of some repressed inner tendencies, or maybe because they care THAT MUCH what other people think of them.
    encase you didnt realize what a stalker is:

    1. To pursue by tracking stealthily. (stealthily: Marked by or acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice, implies hiding)
    2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

    stalking means to hide and watch a person, and usually be obssessed with them.
    boldly calling them on a phone and telling them your going out is FAR from stalking.
    its being direct, unique, and confident.. which is precisely why this only works for confident people and anyone who labels it stalkerish behavoir lacks confidence to ever contemplate actually trying it.

    fact is this is not an "idea" its an "action", its been field tested by me, many others, and rarely fails, WHY you ask? because it takes a completely confident person to pull it off, chicks know this, and they love it, they are sick of the conventional lameass "can i have your phone number line" (especially the hot ones)

    they want someone different, someone who breaks conventions, someone bold. if your none of those obviously you'll sit back, belittle the idea and never try it, which is precisely why it works so good, because it seeds out all the average, common, everyday chumps who barage women with comments like "nice shoes.. soo uhh you wanna go outsumtime??"

    so mainpoint, if its stalking than.. women must LOVE stalkers because it works that well.

    Above is why I am unlisted. I don't want random people calling me. If I want you to have my number I will give it to you. Plain and simple. Any guy who goes and looks up someone's name and number and calls them out of the blue is weird. You don't know their living situation and you're invading their privacy.

    I also IMed 2 women and presented your scenario. They said "not only is he a stalker, he is stupid. Why would someone give him their last name if they just met? What if he gets the spelling incorrect. The idea is stupid. My number is unlisted. He should just ask"

    I asked 30 something year old women. I don't know if your scenario only works with kids. By the way, how old are you?
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 08-08-2006 at 11:48 PM.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  16. #56
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Bojangles seems like a cool ass guy, but i agree getting a girls number from the phonebook is CRAZY! it sounds like it may work in movies but not real life.

  17. #57
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    I don't know if it works with college girls but the women I asked thought the entire idea was weird.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  18. #58
    305GUY's Avatar
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    i have a college girl next to me right now.. her responce hell yeah its weird.. but different strokes for different folks.... what works for some doesnt always work for others...

  19. #59
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Above is why I am unlisted. I don't want random people calling me. If I want you to have my number I will give it to you. Plain and simple. Any guy who goes and looks up someone's name and number and calls them out of the blue is weird. You don't know their living situation and you're invading their privacy.

    I also IMed 2 women and presented your scenario. They said "not only is he a stalker, he is stupid. Why would someone give him their last name if they just met? What if he gets the spelling incorrect. The idea is stupid. My number is unlisted. He should just ask"

    I asked 30 something year old women. I don't know if your scenario only works with kids. By the way, how old are you?
    ...many guys make the mistake of listening to females for romantic advice. Don't listen to them, THEY DON'T KNOW WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT, and they WILL steer you wrong. They will tell you what they THINK they want, instead of what they actually RESPOND to. And furthermore, a large part of the female sexual experience IS the inability to admit these things BECAUSE they derive sexual pleasure from putting up resistance and being overwhelmed by it.

    also.. when you obviously side with a given perspective, and steer the conversation already having done the prelinimary work to display your beliefs. A LOT of people will agree with you simply to demonstrate loyalty to you, not your beliefs, because most of the time thier not even sure what to believe.

    age is not a factor. age is never a factor in the male/female dynamic in context of approaching people and initiating relationships with them.

    again someone with a stakerish vibe will provoke the worst from a real life situation like this, and EVEN in a fake situation of just asking a girl her opinion.
    the fact alone that you have to ASK permission to do this devalidates you automatically in a womans eyes in every aspect of the idea.

    but yeh, simply out, if you know and believe it will work, it will. if you dont believe it will work, she'll smell your insecurity, chalk you up to stalker/ bunny boiler type material and flake really quick.

  20. #60
    305GUY's Avatar
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    lol. somebody should change bojangles title to "THE LADIES MAN"

    he really sounds like analyzes this shit!

  21. #61
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    lol /\ /\ time for bed, this may turn into one of those heated bojangle debates again, im out before it even starts.

  22. #62
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  23. #63
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    how old is this girls?? did she pass u a note to check a box "do you like me, [ ] YES [ ] No"

  24. #64
    IronFreakX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    how old is this girls?? did she pass u a note to check a box "do you like me, [ ] YES [ ] No"

    I've never called a girl in my life without her calling me 1st, either asks me for my number or asks one of my friends for it.

    But If I ever did ask for a girls number with the intention to call her, Id do it whenever I feel like it, Im not playing some lil 2-3 day game, call for only 6.5 minutes dont do this dont do that, fvck that.

  25. #65
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    the whole waiting thing is so stupid. "do it too early, you seem desperate, too late and it looks like youre not interested" just call her whenever the hell you want to.
    there ya go

  26. #66
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    look at it this way... if your not all about callin her, your not really into her. If your really into someone you'll call them.

  27. #67
    bor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

    If someone called me at work i would say who the fuck is this and why are you calling me here! I'm at work! Piss off!
    You didn't have this bitter quality when i first joined the board, WTF happened

    It seems all of your posts are like this lately

  28. #68
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Cmon Stallion where is the up date. You have either crashed and burned by now or you are knee deep in pussy juice, so which is it ?

  29. #69
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    who said work?? thats to ease her into talking about personal aspects of her life, not to get her work phone. you get her last name (assuming you got her first name in the begining of the conversation) check phone book, call her. unless shes an insecure arrogant bitch she'll answer with a simple "hello, whos this".
    I lie if a guy asks me my last name - I think he's a weirdo.. Why does he want to know my last name.

    If a guy wants my phone number and doesn't have the confidence to ask - why am i interested? confidence is a wonderful thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    "its (insert name) the guy you met at (insert location) whats up??"
    "OMG how are you? howd you get my phone number?"
    you dont say i looked it up in the phone book. you can tell her later when your together, has a completely different impact on her.
    you say something like
    "i guessed it.. but anways phone numbers arent important, whats important is that im taking you out tonight"
    her: "you are??.. where we going?" (always giddy at this point)
    "its a surprise, just like this phone call"
    than about 10 mins of general humor and comfort building
    make a date, tell her what to wear. ".
    I would not like this. Confidence is one thing - this conversation is cocky and would get a good bye pretty fast. I would want to know how he got my number. I have had ppl get my number from other ppl and i am not fond of it.

    Tell me what to wear? If he found me attractive in the first place and i had picked my outfit, why is he telling me what to wear? In my head i would be thinking what a weirdo..

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    see the problem here is 99% of guys are afraid to labeled a "stalker" maybe because deep down thier afriad of some repressed inner tendencies, or maybe because they care THAT MUCH what other people think of them.
    encase you didnt realize what a stalker is:

    1. To pursue by tracking stealthily. (stealthily: Marked by or acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice, implies hiding)
    2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

    stalking means to hide and watch a person, and usually be obssessed with them.
    boldly calling them on a phone and telling them your going out is FAR from stalking.
    its being direct, unique, and confident.. which is precisely why this only works for confident people and anyone who labels it stalkerish behavoir lacks confidence to ever contemplate actually trying it.".
    Obviously you have never had a guy find out hwere you live by following you home. Or got a msg on a computer from someone you didn't know saying that they saw you outside your house the night before and described exactly what you were wearing - this is creepy and it has happened to me.

    I see a fine line between your definitions and when your a single women faced with any of them - you feel compelled to be afraid when someone is using there NUT/ Wacko tactics to find you or get a date with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    fact is this is not an "idea" its an "action", its been field tested by me, many others, and rarely fails, WHY you ask? because it takes a completely confident person to pull it off, chicks know this, and they love it, they are sick of the conventional lameass "can i have your phone number line" (especially the hot ones).
    i love ingenuity, but this tactic you have described is scary as hell. It's true i have only given my number to a few ppl, and most have done it in an interesting way, but the way you described is creepy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    they want someone different, someone who breaks conventions, someone bold. if your none of those obviously you'll sit back, belittle the idea and never try it, which is precisely why it works so good, because it seeds out all the average, common, everyday chumps who barage women with comments like "nice shoes.. soo uhh you wanna go outsumtime??"

    so mainpoint, if its stalking than.. women must LOVE stalkers because it works that well.

    most women are not looking for common men - you have to do something to make yourself stand out - but their are limits and some methods that are just off. - Use discretion. when a woman doesn't know a man and he appears to be a little crazy - NUTS from the get go - it's easier to stop the man in his tracks before you get to know him!

  30. #70
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Obviously you have never had a guy find out hwere you live by following you home. Or got a msg on a computer from someone you didn't know saying that they saw you outside your house the night before and described exactly what you were wearing - this is creepy and it has happened to me.
    I have a guy who emails and IMs telling me he watches me walk to the subway every morning. And has watched me walk to the grocery store and barber shop on the weekends. That means this idiot lives near me. How creepy is that???

    "I saw you in Brooklyn going to the grocery store and you took my breath away you are so amazing - built like tank and beautiful."

    He sends this crap about once a week. I'm being polite to him so I can get a picture so I know who the hell is following me around. If that isn't creepy I don't know what is.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #71
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    I was staying at a resort in Pattaya just south of Bangkok for a few days. I had had a workout in the gym that day, and later that night I had this guy call my room and proceeded to tell me what he wanted me to do to him. He was Thai by the way. So I then handed my phone to my Thai GF who went balistic on the phone at this guy who then hung up. Now the weird thing is this guy had to have my name and room number to get a call through the switch board to my room, and he had both. I can only presume he saw me register at the gym then wrote down my name and room number to use later. Seriously creepy

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I have a guy who emails and IMs telling me he watches me walk to the subway every morning. And has watched me walk to the grocery store and barber shop on the weekends. That means this idiot lives near me. How creepy is that???

    "I saw you in Brooklyn going to the grocery store and you took my breath away you are so amazing - built like tank and beautiful."

    He sends this crap about once a week. I'm being polite to him so I can get a picture so I know who the hell is following me around. If that isn't creepy I don't know what is.
    I once had a guy tell me he saw me taking groceries out of my car - he knew the colour and everything outside my exact address - the ****ed up part was - it was my twin sister. My car, we lived to gether at the time.

    But yes it's scary

  33. #73
    Italion Stallion07's Avatar
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    hahah some funny responses so far... the update is that i plan on calling her today. i was really busy this week with work... ill let everyoen knwo how it goes... im sure ill be ok becasue she went out of her way to give me her number. i barey even talked to her.. lol

    what do you guys think we should do first seeing i dont know anythign about this girl... dinner?

  34. #74
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    hahah some funny responses so far... the update is that i plan on calling her today. i was really busy this week with work... ill let everyoen knwo how it goes... im sure ill be ok becasue she went out of her way to give me her number. i barey even talked to her.. lol

    what do you guys think we should do first seeing i dont know anythign about this girl... dinner?
    sex in the back of the car of course

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    hahah some funny responses so far... the update is that i plan on calling her today. i was really busy this week with work... ill let everyoen knwo how it goes... im sure ill be ok becasue she went out of her way to give me her number. i barey even talked to her.. lol

    what do you guys think we should do first seeing i dont know anythign about this girl... dinner?
    Yes dinner

  36. #76
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    the ****ed up part was - it was my twin sister
    Whoa - there are two of you?

  37. #77
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Whoa - there are two of you?
    yeah when I first read that I was amazed!!! does she work out, too?

  38. #78
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    ill teach you a nice trick. has a higher percent success rate than getting phone #'s once you perfect it but DONT tell anyone lol.
    when your talking to a chick, ask her about her job. girls love to talk about thier jobs. she'll tell you where she works and how much she actually loves/hates it.
    Ask her what her heritage is.
    She'll say italian/irish/wtc. Girls are proud of thier heritage most of the time.
    Than you say oh im italian my last names ****
    Ask her what her last name is.
    Remember her last name and where she works. These are things you slip into the conversation but the other 99% of the conversation is simply to do ONE thing to make her REMEMBER you. Sometimes ill give them a stupid gift from the environment, like slip a rubber band on thier wrist and flick it, anything that anchors YOU to her in any type of way is good. A lot of times theyll leave it on as it makes them feel good when they look at it.

    Dont get her phone #

    Look it up in the phone book and call her. She'll be really EXCITED and SURPRISED, emotions women LOVE. if she doesnt like you she'll quickly screen you and find a way to get off the phone, so much better than being rejected in person, so much more likely shell be honest too. But this RARELY happens. Your destroying convention, making a bold move, women LOVE that. And as far as the the when to call her rule. Call WHENEVER you want. It doesnt matter.. trust me. (as long as its not like 2 weeks) you get the point.

    Try it one time. You'll shit your pants, because this is a NEW thing. Will only happen to a given women once maybe not even in her lifetime. Makes it that much harder for her to flake out and not reward you. usually really interested in a lot of your posts, you have a lot to say that the majority of people dont...However, this one seems like it has potential to have restraining orders against you lol...All I can say is if you actually do this little trick you're talking about with success, then you got brass ones bro...

  39. #79
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Whoa - there are two of you?
    There are two of me as well. I have an identical twin brother.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #80
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    hahah some funny responses so far... the update is that i plan on calling her today. i was really busy this week with work... ill let everyoen knwo how it goes... im sure ill be ok becasue she went out of her way to give me her number. i barey even talked to her.. lol

    what do you guys think we should do first seeing i dont know anythign about this girl... dinner?
    id feel her out on the phone first...honestly, if a girl cant hold at least a small 5 minute interesting conversation with me I wont even bother taking her out, it sucks and its really awkward to be sitting at dinner with some hot bitch in silence because she has no personality...i rush these types a girls home as quick as

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