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  1. #81
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    There are two of me as well. I have an identical twin brother.
    Is he built like a damn fighter tank as well

  2. #82
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Is he built like a damn fighter tank as well
    He's built but he's a fitness model so he's not big. He thinks I am way too big. I tell him there is no such thing.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #83
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Haha, to each their own bro. I rather have the fitness "underwear model" look than the bodybuilder look, but the bodybuilder look is where I pull my motivation from to stay focused.

  4. #84
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Whoa - there are two of you?
    Yes, two of carlos too

  5. #85
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I lie if a guy asks me my last name - I think he's a weirdo.. Why does he want to know my last name.
    if thats what makes a guy weird, you truley need to reevaluate some shit. weird depends totally on the context of everything thats happening, not on a simple question. if a guy has done the previous footwork to earn that label, asking your last name MAY push him over the edge and into weirdoland indeed. but if your gonna think im weird because im curious what nationality you are, than ask your last name to verify it (a simple trust test) than you miss are the wierdo for being so damn eager to pin other people in that respect. they say people are most likey to identify traits in other people that they identify in themselves, which is absolutely 100% true from my experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    If a guy wants my phone number and doesn't have the confidence to ask - why am i interested? confidence is a wonderful thing.
    confidence IS a wonderful thing. but confidence ISNT dictated by following some lame ass social structure set forth by a bunch of average unattractive guys who say the right way to meet a girl is to ask her for her number. Confidence is having the courage to push the envelope, develop different ways of connecting with people, and having the balls to break conventions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I would not like this. Confidence is one thing - this conversation is cocky and would get a good bye pretty fast. I would want to know how he got my number. I have had ppl get my number from other ppl and i am not fond of it.
    its actually cocky and funny, not just cocky. most people i know who are FUNNY use some degree of COCKINESS. This is most people though not everyone so lets not tear apart useless details. If you prefer someone whos not FUNNY thats your choice. And again im not getting your number from your friends, im getting your number from a phone book.. and maybe thiers too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Tell me what to wear? If he found me attractive in the first place and i had picked my outfit, why is he telling me what to wear? In my head i would be thinking what a weirdo..
    ok simple misunderstanding, i can see why you would want to respond that way.. let me rephrase. NOT "WHAT TO WEAR" but "HOW TO DRESS" is more appropriate. And yes if i tell you casual and you come formal you need to go the hell home for not following simple directions. This isnt weird again. This is a guy trying to surprise you giving you hints on the surprise. She thinks ooo formal = fancy place. At that point i usually take them to micky dees. But you would prob say that wouldnt work either.. RIGHT? WRONG?? Girls love memorable moments, like wearing a gown at mc donalds thinking they were going to Nicholas's or some shit. (fancy restaraunt)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Obviously you have never had a guy find out hwere you live by following you home. Or got a msg on a computer from someone you didn't know saying that they saw you outside your house the night before and described exactly what you were wearing - this is creepy and it has happened to me.
    this is great, im glad you attract weirdo's. i notice some really goodlookn women NEVER attract weirdo's, its really WEIRD when you think about it. but i just think most of the time its a weirdo attracted to a weird aspect of another person. called commonality bonding. not saying your weird, but id call these guys crazy, lifeless loners..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I see a fine line between your definitions and when your a single women faced with any of them - you feel compelled to be afraid when someone is using there NUT/ Wacko tactics to find you or get a date with you.
    hahaa ok so getting a phone #'s not a tactic, you condone that but not this??. this is why i say never ask women for advice. logic is never thier most famed possession.

    but i think i understand that.. your saying woman have reasons to be afraid and compelled to identify characteristics in other men that would raise a red flag. i agree. but again your using the words NUT/WACKO/WEIRD too much for me to feel secure about your nature. What makes guys weird a lot is thier not goodlooking, and thier not woman. Because to a goodlooking woman, almost ANYTHING is weird. Its partly for thier survival yes, but a lot of woman overgeneralize because of it ie: "telling me what to wear is weird".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    i love ingenuity, but this tactic you have described is scary as hell. It's true i have only given my number to a few ppl, and most have done it in an interesting way, but the way you described is creepy.
    ok so you've validated this just as ONE females perspective. again men seeking to take more meaning from this than they should need to understand shes not a man approaching various woman and seeing what works and what doesnt and what women claim works on them and what doesnt. shes giving you instructions on what works for her. but imo, a girl who thinks a guy is confident BECAUSE he asks for her number MAY and im saying MAY have been living under a rock for a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    most women are not looking for common men - you have to do something to make yourself stand out - but their are limits and some methods that are just off. - Use discretion. when a woman doesn't know a man and he appears to be a little crazy - NUTS from the get go - it's easier to stop the man in his tracks before you get to know him!
    true, your a woman and it sucks that you have to walk this earth being soo afraid of being attacked by horny aggressive sexually repressed men. But if you have some good up to par guy friends, or even a bf.. this fear shouldnt be that high at all. because at a certain point you have the same chance as getting assualted by a man as i do by a girl like you, well not like you, you know what i mean.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 08-09-2006 at 12:06 PM.

  6. #86
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    good post bojangles

  7. #87
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    if thats what makes a guy weird, you truley need to reevaluate some shit. weird depends totally on the context of everything thats happening, not on a simple question. if a guy has done the previous footwork to earn that label, asking your last name MAY push him over the edge and into weirdoland indeed. but if your gonna think im weird because im curious what nationality you are, than ask your last name to verify it (a simple trust test) than you miss are the wierdo for being so damn eager to pin other people in that respect. they say people are most likey to identify traits in other people that they identify in themselves, which is absolutely 100% true from my experience.

    confidence IS a wonderful thing. but confidence ISNT dictated by following some lame ass social structure set forth by a bunch of average unattractive guys who say the right way to meet a girl is to ask her for her number. Confidence is having the courage to push the envelope, develop different ways of connecting with people, and having the balls to break conventions.

    its actually cocky and funny, not just cocky. most people i know who are FUNNY use some degree of COCKINESS. This is most people though not everyone so lets not tear apart useless details. If you prefer someone whos not FUNNY thats your choice. And again im not getting your number from your friends, im getting your number from a phone book.. and maybe thiers too.

    ok simple misunderstanding, i can see why you would want to respond that way.. let me rephrase. NOT "WHAT TO WEAR" but "HOW TO DRESS" is more appropriate. And yes if i tell you casual and you come formal you need to go the hell home for not following simple directions. This isnt weird again. This is a guy trying to surprise you giving you hints on the surprise. She thinks ooo formal = fancy place. At that point i usually take them to micky dees. But you would prob say that wouldnt work either.. RIGHT? WRONG?? Girls love memorable moments, like wearing a gown at mc donalds thinking they were going to Nicholas's or some shit. (fancy restaraunt)

    this is great, im glad you attract weirdo's. i notice some really goodlookn women NEVER attract weirdo's, its really WEIRD when you think about it. but i just think most of the time its a weirdo attracted to a weird aspect of another person. called commonality bonding. not saying your weird, but id call these guys crazy, lifeless loners..

    hahaa ok so getting a phone #'s not a tactic, you condone that but not this??. this is why i say never ask women for advice. logic is never thier most famed possession.

    but i think i understand that.. your saying woman have reasons to be afraid and compelled to identify characteristics in other men that would raise a red flag. i agree. but again your using the words NUT/WACKO/WEIRD too much for me to feel secure about your nature. What makes guys weird a lot is thier not goodlooking, and thier not woman. Because to a goodlooking woman, almost ANYTHING is weird. Its partly for thier survival yes, but a lot of woman overgeneralize because of it ie: "telling me what to wear is weird".

    ok so you've validated this just as ONE females perspective. again men seeking to take more meaning from this than they should need to understand shes not a man approaching various woman and seeing what works and what doesnt and what women claim works on them and what doesnt. shes giving you instructions on what works for her. but imo, a girl who thinks a guy is confident BECAUSE he asks for her number MAY and im saying MAY have been living under a rock for a while.

    true, your a woman and it sucks that you have to walk this earth being soo afraid of being attacked by horny aggressive sexually repressed men. But if you have some good up to par guy friends, or even a bf.. this fear shouldnt be that high at all. because at a certain point you have the same chance as getting assualted by a man as i do by a girl like you, well not like you, you know what i mean.
    Hun i attract all kinds - i'm from a big city - 1/2 of the people in the city are a little off.

    Also i dion't mind telling someone i just meet my nationality - but you can do a lot with a last name - it's been done to me.. so i am weary to tell ppl i just meet too much information. If they want to get to know me - they gotta take the time to do so.

    Originality is awesome - love it, and i do like a good looking guy with a sense of humour.

    Also please remember i'm from Canada - i use the term weird losely because obviously it may not be something you are accustomed to using - i am..

    I'm also a little confused why you seem to think i would waste my time with someone i am not attracted too - for the most part men who are not attractive either come off too strong to over compensate for what they lack in looks, or they are shy - as i said maybe things r different where you are

  8. #88
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Hun i attract all kinds - i'm from a big city - 1/2 of the people in the city are a little off.

    Also i dion't mind telling someone i just meet my nationality - but you can do a lot with a last name - it's been done to me.. so i am weary to tell ppl i just meet too much information. If they want to get to know me - they gotta take the time to do so.

    Originality is awesome - love it, and i do like a good looking guy with a sense of humour.

    Also please remember i'm from Canada - i use the term weird losely because obviously it may not be something you are accustomed to using - i am..

    I'm also a little confused why you seem to think i would waste my time with someone i am not attracted too - for the most part men who are not attractive either come off too strong to over compensate for what they lack in looks, or they are shy - as i said maybe things r different where you are
    well im from suburbia, so yeh you guys operate under a whole nother set of rules. like when i go to NYC and people sit on the subway and are afraid to look at each other. Or when a parents child is doing something stupid (where i come from) and you can just eye code them and they correct thier childs behavoir without them pulling out a gun and shooting you. So yeh, the city is a different world.

    But personally, everytime i go to the city and am on the subway, i find it AMAZING and somewhat WEIRD that people exhibit behavoir similar to someone who would have been living in a maximum security penetentiory for the last 10 years ie: not looking at each other, eyes locked on one object, etc. I UNDERSTAND why people would act that way, but also think its humorous. I choose not to live my life in fear regardless of who i am or where i live. I lived in Newark for a year in a gang infested region and yeh it sucked. I am a man, you are a woman, but carry a friggan can of mace and an unconcealed weapon. Guys will get the point real quick.. trust me.

    The problem with this whole "tactic" or w/e you want to call it is that it can only be pulled of by an elite few, who know how to calibrate the shit out of a situation AND the way a girl feels about them. Not just speaking about attraction here, theres a lot more to it like trust etc. If a girl ever says "your weird" ill say "well you know whats even weirder?" ... click, end of conversation. Next. I try millions of different things. I love it. Anytime i fail i only learn how to do better next time.

    and you said men who arent physically attractive come off too strong, again i dont mean to ruffle your feathers, but thats generalizing. Men who are GOODLOOKING often have a deservedness complex, often feel MORE validated to women because of it, and MORE likely to come on strong and more likely to interpret her resistance or behavoir as hard to get, because he IS goodlooking and she EXPECTS him to behave in that way... or maybe its Canadians again, i just know what happens here, and that Ted Bundy the rapist serial killer was good looking, and that a goodlooking guy is more likey to commit date rape than an ugly one. Maybe because they get more dates, whos knows, but thats a can of worms id rather not dive into.

  9. #89
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    AAaaaaaa so did he call her ?

  10. #90
    Mike_Huck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    AAaaaaaa so did he call her ?
    His gonna go ahead and wait for jimmy hoffa to give him a call, and tell him what the right time to call is, so it could take a while.

  11. #91
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    Come on stallion, the suspense is killing me! Did you get denied??

  12. #92
    statuZ's Avatar
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    in your brainz
    im with bojangles on this one, good job pimpen

    put her in place!

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by statuZ
    im with bojangles on this one, good job pimpen

    put her in place!
    lol, not tryn to form alliances here, but much love brotha!!

  14. #94
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    well im from suburbia, so yeh you guys operate under a whole nother set of rules. like when i go to NYC and people sit on the subway and are afraid to look at each other. Or when a parents child is doing something stupid (where i come from) and you can just eye code them and they correct thier childs behavoir without them pulling out a gun and shooting you. So yeh, the city is a different world. .
    Yes exactly why I don’t take the subway. But even in a car – you have truck drivers and other cars following along sometimes – I don’t have tints – so it’s a little intimidating and I’m not a weak woman or afraid to speak my mind. I’m not afraid to make eye contact with people but do find that it often gives another person the thought that they can come talk to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    The problem with this whole "tactic" or w/e you want to call it is that it can only be pulled of by an elite few, who know how to calibrate the shit out of a situation AND the way a girl feels about them. Not just speaking about attraction here, theres a lot more to it like trust etc. If a girl ever says "your weird" ill say "well you know whats even weirder?" ... click, end of conversation. Next. I try millions of different things. I love it. Anytime i fail i only learn how to do better next time. .
    So try try again huh? Trust me as I read what your writing I am thinking of a few interesting ways men have gotten my number- but the thing is – all the time sit has been done it was so smooth I didn’t even realize it and never had the chance to feel intimdated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    and you said men who aren’t physically attractive come off too strong, again i don’t mean to ruffle your feathers, but that’s generalizing. Men who are GOODLOOKING often have a deservedness complex, often feel MORE validated to women because of it, and MORE likely to come on strong and more likely to interpret her resistance or behavior as hard to get, because he IS goodlooking and she EXPECTS him to behave in that way... or maybe its Canadians again, i just know what happens here, and that Ted Bundy the rapist serial killer was good looking, and that a goodlooking guy is more likely to commit date rape than an ugly one. Maybe because they get more dates, whos knows, but thats a can of worms id rather not dive into.
    I guess in some respect I am more willing to give a good looking guy more of a chance. Obviously if he looks appealing to me – I want to see if what he has to say matches the outside.

    I agree with your comment about good looking men being more likely to attempt date rape – I think it is because they get more dates and expect more from their dates.

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