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  1. #121
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Cheats- me i b d, bino, pbeast, nark, mavs and few other never cheat...

    it's a crutch...
    add me. But im always fat still..

  2. #122
    bigsd67's Avatar
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    haven't cheated since my wedding in july...people think im nuts, but I have never looked or felt better in my life.

  3. #123
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Good stuff man.. Balance... let your life control you not your hobby ! I know its hard man... I'm trying too but im learning...
    Thanks bro.....I'm learing and these last two weeks, Ive made more progress than I did in 2 years on my own.

    As far as "cheating" If it's any cosolation, I haven't cheated on my diet save 1 or 2 cookies in well over 7 YEARS.........SO, I think I can afford to be lax on my diet just for the weekends if I so chose with absolutely no reprecussion. Hell, I'm prob. 6%. If I get to 10% then Ill cut em out. I am also not going to FORCE te situation (i.e. go to Wendys, etc.) but if I am invited to go out, you better believe I'm not gonna waste the opportuinity. For example, my pop calls me last night (we have had a rough relatinship these last couple of years because diet/training/mentaility had taken over my life. He says "You know I haven't eaten meat in 10 years (red meat, he eats chicken). And you are batteling your problem too. So why don't we go out and get a big ass Corn Beef Snadwhich, some slaw and fries and talk. Normally, I would have told him forget it......but WHY? What is the damage going to be even if I put down 5K in one meal???? Once a week or a few times a month? Not 5k, but you know what I'm saying.

    Well, I'm not much for corn I did say not really interested. HOWEVER, let's go here:

    What would you guys get? Damn I love looks incred. too....and they have these meatballs the size of you head!

    give me your serious. I just may take it with me....

  4. #124
    shwamin2004's Avatar
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    I thought this thread was going to be about "ass fat". Not an extremely low percentage. Buy an xbox 360 and see if you dont gain some weight...

  5. #125
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    I would go with the ps3, movies in blu-ray are fantastic. As far as his bodyfat goes I can just see him picking up chics in chat rooms with those abs. Of course when he actually meets them and they see his face looks like a holocaust victim things change.

    I am really not trying to flame you. You know you have an eating disorder. Can this thread die now?

  6. #126
    Columbus's Avatar
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    jealousy suck hill you fat **......I got no prob. picking up chicks as I am a pretty damn good looking dude...a tad skinny....but good looking if I do so say so or others....

  7. #127
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    I can't even think of a witty comeback.
    Last edited by hillshooter; 01-20-2007 at 01:35 PM.

  8. #128
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    jealousy suck hill you fat **......I got no prob. picking up chicks as I am a pretty damn good looking dude...a tad skinny....but good looking if I do so say so or others....
    ladies and gentlemen, may I present: The Understatement of the year!

    j/k bro..

    go eat!

  9. #129
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Don't flame the guy, he's deff on a better path than he was before..
    Props Columbus.. just don't get too obsessive about the whole thing..

  10. #130
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    I wasn't flaming, I've encouraged him in several threads before. Columbus knows it was a joke I'm sure. Maybe you were talkin to hillshooter?

  11. #131
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I skimmed through this thread long enough to see how ****ing pathetic it is.

    If you have'nt gotten the point from 3-4 pages of are hopeless.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  12. #132
    Columbus's Avatar
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    IBF thanx bro...not without you remeasured today 4pt at 7.9%.....aint no way many are under 8% like they, nark and a handfull of others.....that's it and it's hard....think about sitting at this bf for yers.....I need fat bro now or y organs are gonna suffer.....chippole anytone? I can cut better or as good as anyone, what he hell am I worrid about?

  13. #133
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what you're even talking about? Not sure what is happening to your organ?

    I'm not under 8%, that's for sure.

  14. #134
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think it's about time i move this

    Welcome to the lounge.


  15. #135
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Alll I was saying IBF was that a few pieces of pizza are pretty rational and will have no effect on my overall physique other than adding in some good glycogen. boosting my cals, etc. Everyone does it, and If I recall you did it not too long along. Was it detremental? Nah....

    As for the organs, they need BF and sustaining that low of BF all year HAS to play havoc on them.......with me.....I'll be sane today......some sushi and a personal pan pizza......nuttn crazy, no ill effects.......anyone else in?

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    Alll I was saying IBF was that a few pieces of pizza are pretty rational and will have no effect on my overall physique other than adding in some good glycogen. boosting my cals, etc. Everyone does it, and If I recall you did it not too long along. Was it detremental? Nah....

    As for the organs, they need BF and sustaining that low of BF all year HAS to play havoc on them.......with me.....I'll be sane today......some sushi and a personal pan pizza......nuttn crazy, no ill effects.......anyone else in?

    Send me some sushi!

    You can't get good sushi outside of London here.

  17. #137
    Columbus's Avatar
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    what kind of effect would this have on my physqiue.......nada?

  18. #138
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I doubt the BF test is accurate, post up some recent pics of yourself so we can compare.

    Also if you're at around 5-6% up from a couple months ago when you were probably around 3% then what you're doing is working very well.. stay on track.
    FARRRRR FROM ACCURATE I GUESS BRO....I'm 7.9 on the 4pt test.....which is scewed 2-3 max? so I could be 6, but I doubt any higher or lower.....just cant imagine sitting at this bf all year...10% here I come...seems ideal!

  19. #139
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    what kind of effect would this have on my physqiue.......nada?
    Cheese and Dairy... bloat city... terrible effect. Not my choice by anymeans

  20. #140
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I'm doing a 4wk run at approx 3800calories/day and then I'll begin to "prime" for 6wks in order to shed some bodyfat.
    IMO stop worrying so much about eating junk etc but rather eat healthy whole foods and get your calories up as much as you can for a consistant timeframe.

    Shoot for 3500calories/day for 4-6wks, after that is done report back and let us know how things went.
    Pretty simple bro, go with 7 meals at 500calories/meal.
    You'll be looking at something like this:
    Prot: 350
    Carb: 350
    Fat: 70

  21. #141
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I'm doing a 4wk run at approx 3800calories/day and then I'll begin to "prime" for 6wks in order to shed some bodyfat.
    IMO stop worrying so much about eating junk etc but rather eat healthy whole foods and get your calories up as much as you can for a consistant timeframe.

    Shoot for 3500calories/day for 4-6wks, after that is done report back and let us know how things went.
    Pretty simple bro, go with 7 meals at 500calories/meal.
    You'll be looking at something like this:
    Prot: 350
    Carb: 350
    Fat: 70
    thanks...I just think a good cheat meal every so often is well deserved, as long as it's got some good properties.....instead of pizza I had a few big plates of shimp/scallops and whole wheat Sunday I'm really craving a big corn beef sandwhich on rye.......that kind thing, junk isn't my focus, eating clean and train hard IS......that's what I'm doing but a reward here and there in the off season is perfect. If yyou say up my cals and macros, I will....were you being serious? Why would I take in just 300 cals less than you when you got me by 60lbs? I'll lay the before and after and you tell me what you think.

  22. #142
    Columbus's Avatar
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    7am PRO CARB FAT
    1/2 cup oats 6.00 27.00 3.00 150.00
    5 oz black berries 2.00 14.00 0.70 65.00
    egg whites 13.00 1.00 - 65.00
    1/2 scoop blend 10.00 2.00 1.50 60
    31.00 44.00 5.20 340.00

    2oz Flank Steak 14.00 - 3.50 90.00
    2oz Buffalo 18.00 1.50 85.00
    1 cup brown rice 2.00 45.00 2.00 220.00
    34.00 45.00 7.00 395.00

    5oz chicken 33.75 - 3.13 162.50
    3/4 cup oats 7.50 40.50 4.50 225.00
    10 almonds 2.60 2.50 6.10 70.00
    43.85 43.00 0 13.73 0 457.50

    5oz chicken 33.75 - 3.13 162.50
    1/2 cup brown rice 2.50 23.00 1.00 150.00
    1/2 tb flax - - 7.00 60.00
    36.25 23.00 11.13

    1.5 SCOOPS BLEND 30.00 7.00 3.00 180.00
    1/2 CUP OATS 5.00 27.00 3.00 150.00
    35.00 0 34.00 0 6.00 330.00
    TRAIN (445-615)

    1/2 CUP OATS 5.00 27.00 3.00 150.00
    1 SCOOP VIRTAGO - 30.00 - 125
    1.5 SCOOPS BLEND 30.00 7.50 3.00 190.00
    POST SUPPS - - - -
    35.00 0 64.50 0 6.00 0 465.00

    4 oz all white meat turkey 36.25 - 1.25 162.50
    2 cups squash 1.30 16.00 0.20 70.00
    37.55 0 16.00 0 1.45 232.50

    20 almonds 5.20 5.00 12.20 140.00
    egg whites 13.00 1.00 - 65.00
    1 SCOOPS BLEND 20.00 5.00 2.00 120.00
    38.20 11.00 0 14.20 0 325.00

    290.85 280.50 - 64.70 - 2,917.50
    39.88% 38.46% 0.39 19.96%

    1,163.40 1,122.00 0 582.30
    1,181.60 1,181.60 590.80 2,954.00

  23. #143
    Columbus's Avatar
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    IBF** revision

    7am PRO CARB FAT
    3/4 cup oats 7.50 40.50 4.50 225.00
    5 oz black berries 2.00 14.00 0.70 65.00
    egg whites 13.00 1.00 - 65.00
    1 scoop blend 20.00 6.00 3.00 120
    42.50 61.50 8.20 475.00

    2oz Flank Steak 14.00 - 3.50 90.00
    2oz Buffalo 18.00 1.50 85.00
    1 cup brown rice 2.00 45.00 2.00 220.00
    34.00 45.00 7.00 395.00

    5oz chicken 33.75 - 3.13 162.50
    3/4 cup oats 7.50 40.50 4.50 225.00
    10 almonds 4.00 5.00 11.00 110.00
    45.25 45.50 0 18.63 0 497.50

    5oz chicken 33.75 - 3.13 162.50
    3/4 cup brown rice 4.00 34.00 2.00 225.00
    1 tb flax - - 14.00 120.00
    37.75 34.00 19.13 507.50

    1.5 SCOOPS BLEND 30.00 7.00 3.00 180.00
    1/2 CUP OATS 5.00 27.00 3.00 150.00
    35.00 0 34.00 0 6.00 330.00
    TRAIN (445-615)

    3/4 cup oats 7.50 40.50 4.50 225.00
    1 SCOOP VIRTAGO - 30.00 - 125
    2 SCOOPS BLEND 40.00 8.00 3.00 220.00
    POST SUPPS - - - -
    47.50 0 78.50 0 7.50 0 570.00

    4 oz all white meat turkey 36.25 - 1.25 162.50
    1/4 cup raw oats 3.00 13.00 1.00 75.00
    2 cups squash 1.30 16.00 0.20 70.00
    40.55 0 29.00 0 2.45 307.50

    20 almonds 5.20 5.00 12.20 140.00
    egg whites 13.00 1.00 - 65.00
    2 SCOOPS BLEND 40.00 8.00 3.00 220.00
    58.20 14.00 0 15.20 0 425.00

    340.75 341.50 - 84.10 - 3,507.50
    38.86% 38.95% 0.39 21.58%

  24. #144
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You're constantly complaining about not gaining weight fast enough so I suggested to up calories. Apparently you don't mind gaining fat so this was my solution.

    If you look back on my previous posts I suggested otherwise as did everyone else but you seemed to not take us seriously or think much of what we said, SO now I'm suggesting what YOU want to hear.
    Eat more if you want to gain weight, eat the "right" amount of calories/day if you want to take it slow and grow properly.
    My weight has only changed by a couple lbs in the last 3months but my strength has increased almost every workout.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  25. #145
    Columbus's Avatar
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    I listen to everyone me.....I'll stick to the above, its 3400 cals.....I'm not going to get fat at 6'1 and sub 100lbs........agreed? I'll post back in a month.....

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