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  1. #1
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Stupidest things you hear in the gym...

    Mine was from a friends friend and my friend was talking to the guy about how much he should work out, techniques and etc. some begginer info, and while he was telling him how much and how long he was supposed to work out. The guy says "Whoah there, I don't want to get too big."

  2. #2
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    nos so much here it but when I see people lifting an hour and a half a day 5-6 days a week and then ask them why and tell them it makes no sense the response I get is, I can handle it I'm not even that sore, mind you these are not people on AAS. like to dropkick them in the face.

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I stopped trying to help years ago. For some reason people think that they can know everything about exercise without having some formal training or education. I had some bodybuilder try telling me that I wasnt training my back in-correctly one time. I explained to him that I was trying to hit my rhomboids and that the way he was telling me would cause my traps to be the prime mover in the exercise. He got pissed and started ranting about how he was a lot bigger than me and how I should take his advice and things like that. I explained to him that I was coming off a shoulder surgery from baseball and that I needed to focus on my strenght and stability as opposed to just getting big muscles, because I was using very light weights to do my exercise and I guess that tripped his switch. He then told my brother who was working out with me that I was full of sh^t and didnt know what I was talking about. My brother then explained to him that at that time I was a semester away from graduating with my masters in exercise physiology and had my CSCS from ACSM, and that I had also been working in a Exercise physiology lab for 2 years. The guys was pissed off but said that that doesnt mean I know what im talking about. I didnt even say a word, cause you can explain all you want to a guy like that and he will never admit he is wrong. Its like me telling and investment banker about day trading. How the hell am I ever going to have as much knowledge as a guy that does this stuff as a career vs a guy that has a couple of mutual funds that paided out well. People are so arrogant sometime. I dont even like going to the gym were people know me anymore cause they will ask me stuff then when they dont agree with what I have to say they will go ask the personal trainer on staff that flunked exercise physiology 3 times and say this guy says this and you told me this. they will think that the bigger guys knows best. All he has over me is a ton more cycles because I didnt feel ready at a young age to do one. But whatever thats my rant.

  4. #4
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    while doing good mornings...

    "hey bro you're doing squats wrong"


  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    while doing good mornings...

    "hey bro you're doing squats wrong"

    Lmao, thats classic

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    I'm often asked, "What are you taking?". I tell them "nothing" and they usually don't believe me.

  7. #7
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I'm often asked, "What are you taking?". I tell them "nothing" and they usually don't believe me.
    Yeah, I always reply "food" and they give me this confused look

  8. #8
    davieric's Avatar
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    "I don't need to workout my legs, they're already too big" - Idiot

  9. #9
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davieric
    "I don't need to workout my legs, they're already too big" - Idiot
    Oh man like nobody does legs at my gym, it doesnt matter how busy it gets if i have to do squats i have 95% that the squat rack wont be used or if it is used there doing something other than squats on it.

  10. #10
    davieric's Avatar
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    I love it when it's like waiting. Specially with calves, I have NEVER had to wait for it, i work em every Monday and the settings on the machine usually don't change from week to week...
    Last edited by davieric; 01-17-2007 at 12:07 AM.

  11. #11
    xpijeonx is offline Associate Member
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    There is a big bellied "power lifter" in my gym, early 40's. One of the dudes I perceive as, "I will look like a power lifter cause I have a gut and I wear a weight belt to the gym everytime I go". He is a fair size guy but has a bigger gut than anything else.

    I have heard a bunch of pretty stupid things from him from time to time.

    I dont talk to anyone so I just over hear things as I am in between my sets.

    So this dude is talkin to these highschool kids, tellin them how he isnt the average power lifter, and that he doesnt look for the 2.5 lb gains in weight he looks for and gets the 25-45 lbs lift gains. (I dont know what power lifters do but if I improve a lift I happy...)

    The funny thing about it is in the two or so year I have seen him in the gym, not once have I seen him do any compound type movements. I usually just see him do curls, the other day I actually saw him using a glute machine though. Oh wait I saw him do shrugs once too.

    I have heard lots of assinine sh*t at the gym and seen even more...

  12. #12
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    Oh man like nobody does legs at my gym, it doesnt matter how busy it gets if i have to do squats i have 95% that the squat rack wont be used or if it is used there doing something other than squats on it.
    Thats a good thing. I am always certain the squat rack will be free at all times. Now if I want to do flat bench press (which ill do once every blue mood) then it may take 45mins to start one up

  13. #13
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Thats a good thing. I am always certain the squat rack will be free at all times. Now if I want to do flat bench press (which ill do once every blue mood) then it may take 45mins to start one up
    Oh mannnnnn, all everybody ever does is bench and bis. And I get so sick of looking at these guys do barbell curls, its more of a back work out then anything.

  14. #14
    chest6's Avatar
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    Yep..I just laugh and keep listenin to mi ipod

  15. #15
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I like the guys that come in and start everywork out 4-5 days a week with bench. What made bench the ego lift? I use to do that in highschool, and I got strong fairly quick but my chest size was lagging bigtime. Now I get guys smaller than me that give me looks because they can bench more than me, well ofcourse when you bounce it off your sternum and crack ribs. Or the guys that pick up 45lbers to curl. and look at me like im retarted when im going slow with 25's or 30's. They have no Idea! Wait Wait Wait! I got it, the best is people with huge guts or really fat that do all the abb machines in the place, like there going to spot reduce the fat off there guts. It kills me

  16. #16
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Oh theres this guy in my gym, everything about him is average sized but you look at his chest and its like wtf. I think thats gonna happen to a lot of these guys doin nothing but bench and bis 5 days a week. Their going to look so unproportianal and wierd as hell. Or if you see the guys on squats, doing like 315 lbs and they go quarter way down, or doin leg press and move there legs down like 2 inchs for a rep.

  17. #17
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Dece you saying he has a huge chest? How could he have a big chest if he overtrained that much? Mine is lagging compared to the rest of my body from it. That sucks, I wish my chest was bigger

  18. #18
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Dece you saying he has a huge chest? How could he have a big chest if he overtrained that much? Mine is lagging compared to the rest of my body from it. That sucks, I wish my chest was bigger
    I dont know how he does it but just looking at his chest in comparison to everything else it just looks so funky.

  19. #19
    kevlev1's Avatar
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    There's a few things that piss me off when I'm in the gym.

    #1 The idiots that think that their workout should consist of 80% talking, 10% working out, 10% walking around the gym.

    #2 The "experts" who teach the newbies how to workout, when they themselves don't know WTF they are talking about...or look the part.

    #3 The "clicks" or "groupies" that huddle and talk shit about other people in the gym due to their own insecurities.

    Thank god for personal MP3 players...they are a great deterrent from

    Sorry, just had to vent.

  20. #20
    davieric's Avatar
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    this happens to me whenever i see someone i haven't seen in a while it happens everywhere, not only the gym. I've gained about 30-35lbs since high school (3 yrs ago), they see me and say "what's happened to you?". then the first F*CKIN question they always ask is "how much can you bench". is this the exercise that determines strength and how big you are? i always answer with saying "i dunno" or "100lbs" and i always say it w/ a straight face. i have nothing 2 prove...

  21. #21
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I got another one, CELLPHONES seriously, cant you wait an hour????

  22. #22
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevlev1
    #1 The idiots that think that their workout should consist of 80% talking, 10% working out, 10% walking around the gym.
    My number one pet peeve in the gym. You'd think it was social hour at Gold's Gym East Tokyo. Last year one guy asked me (in Japanese) what was wrong with me. I asked what he meant and he said I never talk to anyone - d'uh...that's 'cause I'm there to lift!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    My number one pet peeve in the gym. You'd think it was social hour at Gold's Gym East Tokyo. Last year one guy asked me (in Japanese) what was wrong with me. I asked what he meant and he said I never talk to anyone - d'uh...that's 'cause I'm there to lift!


    If I could Hi-five you, I would. The funny thing is, I too have been asked why am I so serious looking and seem unapproachable once I get in the gym.

    I tell most people that I take my workouts seriously because if I wanted to be social..."I would be in a night club, not in a gym." Or that I take my hobby/sport very seriously and so should they.

    Sorry, but that's the truth. If most gym members actually spent the time in the gym to work out...they would have something to show for it.

  24. #24
    zimmy's Avatar
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    i hate TALKERS. Especially people who sit there and talk the whole time in spanish no less. Annoying people. They sit there 4 people using a machine and even though there are 4 they still have time between them where no one is using the bench or machine they are on. SHUT THE **** UP AND MOVE!

  25. #25
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevlev1
    Csar, If I could Hi-five you, I would.
    Long distance optic fiber high five!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stupidest things you hear in the gym...-highfive_1.gif  
    Last edited by CSAR; 01-17-2007 at 06:14 AM.

  26. #26
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i have a former high school football coach who "lives" at the is in his 80s and still works out....not much, but he keeps moving...he has a thrid award purple heart from wwII. he always wants to talk...i mean every time we meet...i respect him but i got to dodge him..... i will miss the old bastard when he passes.....

  27. #27
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Back on the subject of hearing stupid shit. I once heard the gym instructor teach some beginers incline bench, he said... incline pressing works the upper portion of the chest called "pectoralis minor". This wasnt some teenage instructor its a guy in his late 50's been doing it for years.

  28. #28
    fenceguy's Avatar
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    I had a guy ask me last night "how do I get big biceps"?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Back on the subject of hearing stupid shit. I once heard the gym instructor teach some beginers incline bench, he said... incline pressing works the upper portion of the chest called "pectoralis minor". This wasnt some teenage instructor its a guy in his late 50's been doing it for years.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by the hulkster
    Its wrong thats all, pectoralis minor is a different muscle altogether, as most people are aware Im sure the upper portion of the pecs is part of pectoralis major.... Sounded pretty stupid to me when I overheard it or am I just pedantic.

  31. #31
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    anywhere my son lives
    i always hear,"damn your fine as hell wanna do me?" or "hey big boy my husbands out of town and..." or the best "wanna beep my beep until I beep and take your beep and beep me until you beep" thats great....wait that doesnt happen

  32. #32
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    Oh man like nobody does legs at my gym, it doesnt matter how busy it gets if i have to do squats i have 95% that the squat rack wont be used or if it is used there doing something other than squats on it.
    SO TRUE. My gyum is packed from about 4-10 and I try to get a pump befor then. The only times I go up at those times are when I do legs. It is very quiet and lonely over by the squat rack

  33. #33
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    my ipod keeps stupid thoughts out of my head. i get distracted easily so i need it to keep focused.

  34. #34
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    The high school I went to was for little shit hads that got into trouble. I ran into this fatass wigger mother fvcker that was tripping on acid at the gym. the kid was from my school and the nextr day he told people that LSD helped his bench jump 60lbs

  35. #35
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I got another one, CELLPHONES seriously, cant you wait an hour????
    no sh*t.

  36. #36
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    I was doing leg extensions and a trainer with a client stopped his session for a second and started commenting to me about my stretching in between a set. I was like um, did I ask for your advice????

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy
    I had a guy ask me last night "how do I get big biceps"?
    Implant and steroids . Thats the only way the pros do it. LOL

  38. #38
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitown Raider
    no sh*t.
    ditto, i hate cellphones in gyms. theres one guy that trains at our gym, he talks real fast, and asks you a question but doesnt let you finish as he cuts you off with absolute crap. he swaggers round the gym like he is popular and everyone knows him, has crappy tattoos, a crappy physique, whistles loudly, actually believes he knows a thing about training and diet, and will talk VERY loudly on his phone, whilst sat on a machine. cheeky twat

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    ditto, i hate cellphones in gyms. theres one guy that trains at our gym, he talks real fast, and asks you a question but doesnt let you finish as he cuts you off with absolute crap. he swaggers round the gym like he is popular and everyone knows him, has crappy tattoos, a crappy physique, whistles loudly, actually believes he knows a thing about training and diet, and will talk VERY loudly on his phone, whilst sat on a machine. cheeky twat
    Who the fvck whisles in the gym.

  40. #40
    donberry427's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    while doing good mornings...

    "hey bro you're doing squats wrong"

    HAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA .... I dont think ive laughed this hard in awhile!!!

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