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  1. #41
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Americans above all are no longer expected to have "Personal Accountability". Instead they point the finger at something else. It is always someone elses fault.

    America ****ing disgusts me and it will never be the country it could have been.

    A population brainwashed to be good consumers, buy this, eat that. A land where "bigger is better". If you really think about it, it is sad. A country so young as ours and ****ed up beyond repair.

    Look at all the drug commercials on TV. A population that is kept sick and has drugs pushed on them constantly. The FDA are criminals that are making billions keeping people addicted to their drugs.

    Is it truly any wonder why health care costs are sky high? The TV has got to be the number one brainwashing tool ever invented, and most Americans sit in front of it on average 6hrs47m everyday. We have become a nation of over consumption and have forgotten how to take things in moderation.

    Wow great rant

    Your smart..

  2. #42
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Americans above all are no longer expected to have "Personal Accountability". Instead they point the finger at something else. It is always someone elses fault.

    America ****ing disgusts me and it will never be the country it could have been.

    A population brainwashed to be good consumers, buy this, eat that. A land where "bigger is better". If you really think about it, it is sad. A country so young as ours and ****ed up beyond repair.

    Look at all the drug commercials on TV. A population that is kept sick and has drugs pushed on them constantly. The FDA are criminals that are making billions keeping people addicted to their drugs.

    I could go on and on.

    Is it truly any wonder why health care costs are sky high? The TV has got to be the number one brainwashing tool ever invented, and most Americans sit in front of it on average 6hrs47m everyday. We have become a nation of over consumption and have forgotten how to take things in moderation.
    i was gonna say wheewwww i'm not in the most category....then i remembered.....cnbc is tv....and i watch it ALL day

  3. #43
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    i maybe watch an hour of tv every few days, if that. but the amount i spend on this forum has to be similar to 6+ hours a day

  4. #44
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Another rant on the drugs.

    Why do people not see the marketing and "end game" of all these drug commercials. Not a ****ing one of them actually "cure" anything. It is always the same "This drug treats bla bla bla condition"..."Take this bla bla bla". "Live a normal life with (insert drug)". On that one, they might as well say "Live a life addicted to Xanax, Prozac etc" never curing anything, only masking it.
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  5. #45
    Fat Guy's Avatar
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    This thread is funny with all the hatin on the fattys…

    I am fat and don’t give a shit about what most of you guys say or think (and yeah I still get laid regularly).

    I like to eat and that is my decision. It’s similar to smoking or other vices or outlets or whatever you want to call them. It’s just what I do but I think you’ll find that to be the nature of humanity for most people to do what they want to do and not really think about or ignore long term consequences (just look at the state of our world’s environment and political policy towards it).

    What I find funny about this thread is the hypocrisy of most of the fatty haters talkin sh!t about personal health issues and societal cost on a steroid forum. It could and has been argued that steroids can cause personal health problems and significant societal cost with the illicit activity that comes with it. So for everyone who is throwing those stones of discontent towards the fattys might want to examine their own lives and figure out why they have such aggression for someone who has an obvious vice, outlet, or addiction. Many times people don’t like the things that reflect their own weaknesses such as addiction (to food, drugs, adrenaline, work, exercise, etc.). So the adage of “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is so true in this case…

    Well all this work has made me hungry so I am off to Micky D’s ….
    Peace & Lard!

    Yours truly,
    Fat Guy

  6. #46
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    You do realize that you could not be fat if you chose to, right? That's the whole thing about the fat acceptance movement is that they're in denial about personal accountability and ability.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    You do realize that you could not be fat if you chose to, right? That's the whole thing about the fat acceptance movement is that they're in denial about personal accountability and ability.
    This is the chicken or egg question… Is addiction real? Is homosexuality a choice? Do people screw up because they didn’t have a mommy or daddy? Do African Americans need affirmative action? Should the Olympics allow supplement enhancers? Is it nature or nurture? Is it freedom of choice or social responsibility?

    Who knows? Maybe the Fat Acceptance Movement has a point. What I am saying is people need to be more tolerant of people no matter of there stance/ position in life.

    There is a lot of discrimination towards people and then labels like “lazy, irresponsible, glutinous, lard a$$, fat bastards, ect.” become attached to a group of people and then people are denied certain rights (employment & mobility) because of associated negative characteristics and stereotypes that are so commonly accepted in society.

    Do you think this is fair to someone who may have a true addiction to food or a genuine medical condition such as a thyroid problem that does not allow for weight loss to inhibit their right to gainful employment on deny access to an event or place? I don’t think so. I think it is no different than someone with a disability being denied employment based on their disability, which in short is just plain discrimination. And for the comments about well that is just societies norm… Well at one point and time it was not O.K. to be a Jew in Germany and that was society’s norm. Was that O.K.?

    So my point here is to be more tolerant or accepting of people because we don’t know what they go through in life to get to the point they are at. And remember if we are tolerant of people then we can begin to understand and others will begin to understand us which makes us stronger as an individual and as a society.

    And that’s one to grow on BEAUTCH!

    And by the way you can bet the fattys will not be doing much marching during their protest
    Last edited by Fat Guy; 11-03-2007 at 11:14 PM.

  8. #48
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    This is the chicken or egg question… Is addiction real? Is homosexuality a choice? Do people screw up because they didn’t have a mommy or daddy? Do African Americans need affirmative action? Should the Olympics allow supplement enhancers? Is it nature or nurture? Is it freedom of choice or social responsibility?

    Who knows? Maybe the Fat Acceptance Movement has a point. What I am saying is people need to be more tolerant of people no matter of there stance/ position in life.

    There is a lot of discrimination towards people and then labels like “lazy, irresponsible, glutinous, lard a$$, fat bastards, ect.” become attached to a group of people and then people are denied certain rights (employment & mobility) because of associated negative characteristics and stereotypes that are so commonly accepted in society.

    Do you think this is fair to someone who may have a true addiction to food or a genuine medical condition such as a thyroid problem that does not allow for weight loss to inhibit their right to gainful employment on deny access to an event or place? I don’t think so. I think it is no different than someone with a disability being denied employment based on their disability, which in short is just plain discrimination. And for the comments about well that is just societies norm… Well at one point and time it was not O.K. to be a Jew in Germany and that was society’s norm. Was that O.K.?

    So my point here is to be more tolerant or accepting of people because we don’t know what they go through in life to get to the point they are at. And remember if we are tolerant of people then we can begin to understand and others will begin to understand us which makes us stronger as an individual and as a society.

    And that’s one to grow on BEAUTCH!

    And by the way you can bet the fattys will not be doing much marching during their protest
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    This thread is funny with all the hatin on the fattys…

    I am fat and don’t give a shit about what most of you guys say or think (and yeah I still get laid regularly).

    I like to eat and that is my decision. It’s similar to smoking or other vices or outlets or whatever you want to call them. It’s just what I do but I think you’ll find that to be the nature of humanity for most people to do what they want to do and not really think about or ignore long term consequences (just look at the state of our world’s environment and political policy towards it).

    What I find funny about this thread is the hypocrisy of most of the fatty haters talkin sh!t about personal health issues and societal cost on a steroid forum. It could and has been argued that steroids can cause personal health problems and significant societal cost with the illicit activity that comes with it. So for everyone who is throwing those stones of discontent towards the fattys might want to examine their own lives and figure out why they have such aggression for someone who has an obvious vice, outlet, or addiction. Many times people don’t like the things that reflect their own weaknesses such as addiction (to food, drugs, adrenaline, work, exercise, etc.). So the adage of “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is so true in this case…

    Well all this work has made me hungry so I am off to Micky D’s ….
    Peace & Lard!

    Yours truly,
    Fat Guy

    ^^^Current member of "Fat Acceptance" I assume?
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  9. #49
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    This is the chicken or egg question… Is addiction real? Is homosexuality a choice? Do people screw up because they didn’t have a mommy or daddy? Do African Americans need affirmative action? Should the Olympics allow supplement enhancers? Is it nature or nurture? Is it freedom of choice or social responsibility?

    Who knows? Maybe the Fat Acceptance Movement has a point. What I am saying is people need to be more tolerant of people no matter of there stance/ position in life.

    There is a lot of discrimination towards people and then labels like “lazy, irresponsible, glutinous, lard a$$, fat bastards, ect.” become attached to a group of people and then people are denied certain rights (employment & mobility) because of associated negative characteristics and stereotypes that are so commonly accepted in society.

    Do you think this is fair to someone who may have a true addiction to food or a genuine medical condition such as a thyroid problem that does not allow for weight loss to inhibit their right to gainful employment on deny access to an event or place? I don’t think so. I think it is no different than someone with a disability being denied employment based on their disability, which in short is just plain discrimination. And for the comments about well that is just societies norm… Well at one point and time it was not O.K. to be a Jew in Germany and that was society’s norm. Was that O.K.?

    So my point here is to be more tolerant or accepting of people because we don’t know what they go through in life to get to the point they are at. And remember if we are tolerant of people then we can begin to understand and others will begin to understand us which makes us stronger as an individual and as a society.

    And that’s one to grow on BEAUTCH!

    And by the way you can bet the fattys will not be doing much marching during their protest

    well obviously they can do whatever they want with their lives....doesn't mean it's gonna be ok with me, and as if you hang out with fat people you have a better chance of becoming fat i'm not goin there

    addictions are no excuse for anything, and as alluded to in the previous post, most of us i bet are not addicted to steroids like the 700 pounders of the world are addicted to food, i don't have any gear right now and unfortunately don't even know how to get any so that's that. now as to the thyroid thing, it's not an excuse either, if in fact one does have a dysfunctional thyroid they can take medecine to correct it and in time, as my mom did, make her thyroid come back to normal......rofl it could be a result of the incredibly crappy eating to begin with that the thyroid shuts down.

    and no.....**** no my tax dollars should not be used to create bigger dorrways and fatty accessibility points because they're so grossly unhealthy. and if i owned an airline you WOULD pay a fatty rate and buy two a CEO there's no way i'd be losin money on the fat asses of the world.....they should walk to where ever they're going anyway so they can lose some poundage.

    ur Nazi point reminded me of something.....i'm not remembering the name of it right now but i know hitler engaged in something that selected certain genes for continuation down the line? like not letting the mentally handicapped or.....MORBIDLY OBESE....create kids because it clouded the gene pool....i agree with this concept totally and as time went on it would reduce many things the government has to spend money on as the need would be mentally "special" schools....etc etc....not saying do it for any other purposes like he did lol....that craziness with the blonde hair blue eyes thing isn't cool

  10. #50
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    No self-respect, thats all it is!!!
    No sympathy here whatsoever..................

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    ^^^Current member of "Fat Acceptance" I assume?
    Viva La Fattys… Taken over one Mc Donald’s at a time!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    ur Nazi point reminded me of something.....i'm not remembering the name of it right now but i know hitler engaged in something that selected certain genes for continuation down the line? like not letting the mentally handicapped or.....MORBIDLY OBESE....create kids because it clouded the gene pool....i agree with this concept totally and as time went on it would reduce many things the government has to spend money on as the need would be mentally "special" schools....etc etc
    Seig Heil! Long live Der Fuehrer!

    Here is a poem for you:

    First they came for the potheads,
    and I did not speak up
    because I wasn't a pothead;

    Then they came for the druggies,
    and I did not speak up
    because I wasn’t a druggy;

    Then they came for the handicaps,
    and I did not speak up
    because I wasn't a handicap;

    Then they came for the Homosexuals,
    And I did not speak up
    Because I wasn’t a Homosexual;

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up
    because I wasn't a Jew;

    Then they came for all the Black People,
    and I didn't speak up
    because I wasn't Black;

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one
    left to speak up for me ....

    And one more thing for you…

  13. #53
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    While I certainly dont AGREE with the lifestyle, I also do not agree with discriminating someone based on their lifestyle choice. There are many people who do not agree with our lifestyle choice and believe we're obsessed with "vanity." Thats fine, to each their own, but its certainly not my place to tell ANYONE else how to live, especially when for the most part it does not affect me.

    You guys say that health costs go up for all of us because of the problems caused by obesity? However, I like to look at it a little differently. If a human choses to pursue a lifestyle which is for the most part unhealthy, and increases their risk of death, this is in essence eliminating them from our gene pool much quicker. So, I believe you should let a person pursue whatever lifestyle choice they wish, be it eating and being a whale, taking recreational drugs, engaging in other high risk/potentially dangerous activities.

    I also believe that in a decade or so the obesity problem will go away. We are making great advances, one example is the lap-band surgery, as well as other drugs being developed to aid people with low/none self-motivation to change their body in a positive way(relative to societal norms).

    Also..regarding "THYROID PROBLEMS." That is such a cop out, and an excuse for lacking the motivation or will to live a healthy lifestyle and do the things nessecary to watch ones weight. Again, I completely respect a persons right to be a fat pile of shit, but please dont make excuses for it by stating things such ast thyroid problems, which represents a VERY SMALL PORTION OF OBSESE PEOPLE!... The obesity rate is not at an all time high because half of the populations thyroids are shutting down, it's because of unhealthy diet&lifestyle choices.

    As long as a person is comfortable in the skin/body they are in, more power to them. There are probably plenty of people who would like to make the argument that using steroids or lifting weights can lead to health problems (joints, heart, etc). We wouldn't want htem to say we have to pay a larger amount towards health insurance because we disproportionately impact it. I think if you were to examine the numbers, this has very little impact. One of the biggest impacts over the last 20 years in healthcare, is that we are keeping people alive MUCH LONGER, and therefore they are keeping their medical benefits for a longer period of time and using them with more frequency than the average person....

    Anyway...those are TheGodfathers thoughts on that little issue...

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i know hitler engaged in something that selected certain genes for continuation down the line? like not letting the mentally handicapped or.....MORBIDLY OBESE....create kids because it clouded the gene pool....i agree with this concept totally and as time went on it would reduce many things the government has to spend money on as the need would be mentally "special" schools....etc etc....not saying do it for any other purposes like he did lol....that craziness with the blonde hair blue eyes thing isn't cool

    See my above post....Sorry but this is completely impractical and improbable, and well disturbing to say the least....You will not really ever be able to ELIMINATE certain genes from the population, only reduce them. So, ignoring the fact that you just advocated genocide, let me make a purely scientific point. Because of dominant and recessive alleles, people that appear phenotypically to have a certain "trait", actually in their genotype contain other "traits" which you would believe are 'undesirable.' You would also never be able to create any race/group of people which will ALL have the same 'trait' such as "blue eyes," because the process of Meiosis ensures that we have genetic diversity. If you were ever to get to this point, the catch22 is that these people would be so close genetically their progeny would have much higher rates of mutations than would a normal population.

    Also, see my above post...we have no right to tell anyone what to do with their bodies, we can certainly have our opinions on it. We would not want someone to tell us we cannot do steroids because of this or that, so should we not ever advocate telling a land whale not to eat a big mac.

  15. #55
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    Oh, god. People brining up WWII BS!

    Stay the **** on the subject people.
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    See my above post....Sorry but this is completely impractical and improbable, and well disturbing to say the least....You will not really ever be able to ELIMINATE certain genes from the population, only reduce them. So, ignoring the fact that you just advocated genocide, let me make a purely scientific point. Because of dominant and recessive alleles, people that appear phenotypically to have a certain "trait", actually in their genotype contain other "traits" which you would believe are 'undesirable.' You would also never be able to create any race/group of people which will ALL have the same 'trait' such as "blue eyes," because the process of Meiosis ensures that we have genetic diversity. If you were ever to get to this point, the catch22 is that these people would be so close genetically their progeny would have much higher rates of mutations than would a normal population.

    Also, see my above post...we have no right to tell anyone what to do with their bodies, we can certainly have our opinions on it. We would not want someone to tell us we cannot do steroids because of this or that, so should we not ever advocate telling a land whale not to eat a big mac.
    i stated i didn't even want that....burdens to society however are a different story

  17. #57
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    i didn't say anything about genocide or even killing anyone either...simply don't allow people to reproduce that are a burden to society this wont remove all of it at once but in time...after generations it would get rid of most of our negative diseases that are genetically passed on

  18. #58
    goose is offline Banned
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    These are the type of gals ruhl like to have sex with:

    lots of meat.Most fat people are lazy,not all.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    These are the type of gals ruhl like to have sex with:

    lots of meat.Most fat people are lazy,not all.

  20. #60
    toofatbuilder's Avatar
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    being fat isnt a disease, its not genetic, its not any of the other excuses people use. its 1 part procrastination. "ill start eating healthy tomorrow" 1 part lazy, it takes time to cook healthy. fast food is quick, cheap and easy. im fat not because im hungry all the time, but because i eat shit. i dont move half as much as i should because its easier not to, and my job prohibits movement. everything in this world is made easier for two people who were a minority but quckly growing to being a majority. drive-thru windows because people are too fat and lazy to get out of their cars. drive-thru starbucks cause why not get a huge blast of sugar and calories and not waste any of them on walking inside the ****in place.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    These are the type of gals ruhl like to have sex with:

    lots of meat.Most fat people are lazy,not all.
    omg, whats sicker... the fact that she is the most disgusting fat hog ive ever seen or the fact that everyone who posted a responce to that loved the video.

  22. #62
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    Title should be "leave your clothes on"

    Damn thats nasty

    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    These are the type of gals ruhl like to have sex with:

    lots of meat.Most fat people are lazy,not all.

  23. #63
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    LOL @ food addiction.

    It could have been argued I had food addiction when I was younger. I ate w/e the fvck I wanted to. I always hear fat ppl say, "I just really love food". Really? Who doesn't??

    Everyone loves food. You are just too weak minded to not limit the amt of crap you put it your body.

  24. #64
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    how about a mother ****en steroid acceptance movements.......a freaken juicehead accpeptance organization

    what the ****......if they can do it, we should to....equal rights

    but on a serious note......i tihnk this organization is a piece of shit......the person who sued the airline is a ****en idiot, and the person responsible for allowing the lawsuit is a bigger ****en idiot....and the lawyer, well if he got payed, thats fine....but if the lawyer was obese, than **** him too.

    i hate this bullshit.......if theirs any organization that should be taken out, its this crap

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    This thread is funny with all the hatin on the fattys…

    I am fat and don’t give a shit about what most of you guys say or think (and yeah I still get laid regularly).

    I like to eat and that is my decision. It’s similar to smoking or other vices or outlets or whatever you want to call them. It’s just what I do but I think you’ll find that to be the nature of humanity for most people to do what they want to do and not really think about or ignore long term consequences (just look at the state of our world’s environment and political policy towards it).

    What I find funny about this thread is the hypocrisy of most of the fatty haters talkin sh!t about personal health issues and societal cost on a steroid forum. It could and has been argued that steroids can cause personal health problems and significant societal cost with the illicit activity that comes with it. So for everyone who is throwing those stones of discontent towards the fattys might want to examine their own lives and figure out why they have such aggression for someone who has an obvious vice, outlet, or addiction. Many times people don’t like the things that reflect their own weaknesses such as addiction (to food, drugs, adrenaline, work, exercise, etc.). So the adage of “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is so true in this case…

    Well all this work has made me hungry so I am off to Micky D’s ….
    Peace & Lard!

    Yours truly,
    Fat Guy

    You talk about steroids leading to health problems..and kinda see your point, but common, lets be realistic here. I beleive that obesity slighty outweighs *hum hum* steroids in regards to health issues. Im not %100 percent on the numbers, but i think that around 65% of americans are overweight, pretty BIG. Compare that to lonely ol' steroid user's, ummmm, you cant- incomparable!

    I kinda see where your coming from, those who take steroids shouldnt bad mouth fat people because they do things that jeopradize thier health too..but really, think about the "typical" individual on each side of the equation, (you know which is which!) one seeks a healthier and better quality of life, while the other, well maybe not seeking the shit end of the stick, are in fact ending up with poorer health status and poor quality of life. Its the whole mentality of it!

    Too add, i dont care if someone loves to eat...they can do as they wish. However, living in a country where public health care is given, it does have impact on me. And i beleive im rightfully holding the larger people accountable.

  26. #66
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    show me some studies where responsible steroid "use" jepardizes health


  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    LOL @ food addiction.

    You are just too weak minded to not limit the amt of crap you put it your body.
    Isn’t that the definition of addiction?

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    This movement is already apon us. It has been for a long time. The ultimate step in this is for obesity to officially be called a disease instead of a state of being, if it hasnt been labeled as such. As far as I know NIH still classifies obesity as a state of being. What will ultimately happen is when it is classified as a disease everyones health insurance will go up to cover these "Disease" among many other things.
    yep.. aint it the truth..
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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post



    show me some studies where responsible steroid "use" jepardizes health

    Show me one study where steroids are used to improve health for normal healthy people. You know they are illegal for a reason and I think you missed my point about costing society as a whole with all the indirect consequences such as law enforcement, legal expenses, prison cost, and not to mention all the public attention generated leading to congressional hearings. Tell me there is not a price to this game…

    But you know denial is not just a river in Egypt…

  30. #70
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  31. #71
    Fat Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    How could you not like an organization that has hall of fame members such as:

    Lois Armstrong
    John Candy
    Winston Churchill
    Ben Franklin
    Alfred Hitchcock
    Babe Ruth
    Orson Wells
    Mrs. Piggy
    and the Buddha

    with many more great big people.

  32. #72
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    this is ridiculous, it doesnt matter what it is, whether its steroids or obesity...anything that causes harm should not be considered to be accepted.

    smoking and alcohol are prime examples of things that are unhealthy but are legal, obesity has horrid consequences for general health, floods an already overburded healthcare system and is responsible for huge numbers of deaths per year.

    anything that is horribly unhealthy (obesity especially) should not be advocated as being accepted.

    this would be why steroids are illegal etc, but im not trying to start a debate over the whole health issues of steroids.

  33. #73
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    How could you not like an organization that has hall of fame members such as:

    Lois Armstrong
    John Candy
    Winston Churchill
    Ben Franklin
    Alfred Hitchcock
    Babe Ruth
    Orson Wells
    Mrs. Piggy
    and the Buddha

    with many more great big people.
    Because they denounce self improvement, and promote laziness and unhealthy eating.

    Oh, and they want their sweaty rolls spilling into your seat on an airplane.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Because they denounce self improvement, and promote laziness and unhealthy eating.
    perfectly said.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Because they denounce self improvement, and promote laziness and unhealthy eating.

    Oh, and they want their sweaty rolls spilling into your seat on an airplane.
    I would like to hear your rational for saying that Winston Churchill and Benjamin Franklin denounce self improvement and promote laziness.

    Do you even know who they are and what they contributed?

  36. #76
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    wow this thread took a turn for the worst.....

    Being in the health and wellness field geared more towards the medical side. I have first hand knowledge and experience with obesity and its ill effects. Very rarely have I seen a condition that could not be treated with diet and exercise. Having said that there are instances where diet is possible but exercise is extremely limited. Were diet can only take a person so far.

    However the most striking thing that comes across to me is no matter how much I or a doctor or even family tells a person that they need to change there lifestyle it falls on def ears to about 90% of the people we see. There seems to be the whole mentality that its not going to happen to me or if it does then oh well. The problem with that is that as a professional it gets to a point were your jaded and you stop trying to do the extra to help these people. if a person really wants help and does the things you ask them. Its well worth it but after a while it wears you down. Which in part is why I am getting more education in a different field so I dont have to deal with people who cant take responsibility for there own choices in life.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy
    I would like to hear your rational for saying that Winston Churchill and Benjamin Franklin denounce self improvement and promote laziness.

    Do you even know who they are and what they contributed?
    you obviously know hes not speaking about historical accomplishments, rather the fact they were out of shape.

    you cant use historical figures and their accomplishments to back up a fat acceptance model

  38. #78
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    MuscleScience, i love your location

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    MuscleScience, i love your location
    Nice aint it, i dont sound jaded at all.

    I should update it, I am no longer doing exercise physiology stuff until I am done with school. LOL

  40. #80
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy View Post
    I would like to hear your rational for saying that Winston Churchill and Benjamin Franklin denounce self improvement and promote laziness.

    Do you even know who they are and what they contributed?
    I do, and they didn't have near the resources and knowlege regarding diet and health we do today.

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