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  1. #41
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    there is overwhelming proven scientific evidence to support the theory of evolution. Religion has nil. If you are familiar with science, you would know that any experiment is conducted not to prove that something is right, but to prove that something isnt. Is there a creator? maybe, but most people use the term God, creator, or whatever in place of a lack of evidence of what really happened. We may never know the truth, but to say god created us all is just as correct as saying that he didnt and doesnt exist, as there is no solid evidence that dates that far back. But from the information that we do have, it seems logical that evolution is a pretty solid theory.

    science is based on theories, and nothing is ever really 100% proven, that is why experiments are continuously conducted. That is also why species names are always changing, as we find out new taxonic data and genetic sequencing trends. If anything in science was ever proven correct, no one would ever research it again and the specific field would stagnate. And that is the complete opposite of what the scientific method is about. If you dont believe in science and scientific methods, and would rather speculate on things without evidence, then you should cut all medicine (antibiotics, roids, medical care, etc) out of your life, because that is all based and built up from science. If you don't, you are a hypocrite.
    if you want to talk scientific methods, and speculating about things without evidence, speaking of should look into AIDS/HIV

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    It looks like William Shattner to me
    Yes that is Shattener in the other pic. Looks like he might of made that face when he saw Van D dancing like he is trying to wiggle something from out of his asshole.

  3. #43
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    if you want to talk scientific methods, and speculating about things without evidence, speaking of should look into AIDS/HIV
    please elaborate

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche View Post
    i havnt read that book and im not going to, just like u havnt read the works of darwin, i can quote and quote and u can counter quote and counter quote the fact of the matter is some choose to believe because they want to believe and others choose to disbelieve because they want to disbelieve, the definitive answer to the creator question wont be aswered on a steroid forum such as this and the opinions of u and i wont be taken into account, so go ahead and trash every scientific journal as junk science it wont make any difference but if it helps you confirm your belief then u should do it some more... really its ok
    I wonder why some people get so emotional when they argue that their is no God. I used to be like that. Im glad Im not any more.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    One question, if evolution isnt a solid theory. How come 99.999% of all biologist that acctualy do develop and use the theory think its correct.
    Probably because thats all they study. They, like many, do not want to admit they were wrong. They wont accept any arguement against what they have stated. MANY scientists ARE christians.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Probably because thats all they study. They, like many, do not want to admit they were wrong. They wont accept any arguement against what they have stated. MANY scientists ARE christians.
    So it has nothing to do with the countless evidence that validates evolutionary theory?
    29+ Evidences for Macroevolution

    You can not seriously belive that all scientists researching evolution since darwins time have been to stubborn or stupid to admit evolution is wrong? That is exactly like saying special relativity is wrong but physicists just doesnt want to admit it, while offcourse ignoring all evidence that show relativity is correct.

    BTW I dont se how it matters that many scientists are christians, most christians have nothing against evolution.

  7. #47
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    many scientists reject the evolution theory. If it is a fact, why is it called a theory? Many people much smarter than you and I together have debated this issue. You can post hyperlinks all day and so could I. Im pretty sure were not gonna change anyones mind here. Im done with this thread. You believe what you want and Ill believe what i believe. Im cool wth that. Ill pray for you. Rather anyone hears it or not.

  8. #48
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    I think im gonna start a Christian steroid forum. I bet It would have tons of members.

  9. #49
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    many scientists reject the evolution theory. If it is a fact, why is it called a theory? Many people much smarter than you and I together have debated this issue. You can post hyperlinks all day and so could I. Im pretty sure were not gonna change anyones mind here. Im done with this thread. You believe what you want and Ill believe what i believe. Im cool wth that. Ill pray for you. Rather anyone hears it or not.
    So you are bascily saying that no ammount of evidence will make you think evolution is correct?

    There simply are NOT many biologists that reject evolution. You can probably find a few, just like you can find a few that think plate tectonics is a flawed theory, that the moon landing was a hoax and that quantum mechanics is wrong. Evolution is a accepted in biology as Newtons mechanics is in physics.

    Everything in science is "theories", but the word theory isnt used in the same sense in science as in everyday talk. Theory of relativity is a theory, quantum mechanics is a theory, quantum field theory is a theory, Newtons mechanics is a theory. All of those theories have been verified by measurements to the nth decimal, there is no doubt in any scientists mind that they are a accurate description of nature within the domain they apply. Experiments and observations rule out any other possibility. This link explains the use of the word theory in science pretty well.

    This isnt about faith or belife, science is never about faith or belife and doesnt require it. I have no problem if you choose to belive the bible above facts, you are free to belive what you want and it doesnt really concern me.

    What does bother me however is the insidious attempts to gut science teaching by including the ID pseudoscience alongside evolution. Its no more scientificaly sound than teaching that the earth is only 5000 years old as a alternative to regular geology or rejecting that the earth is in orbit around the sun. Leave religion out of science class and keep it in religion class where it belongs. Otherwise it opens the door for all kind of crackpottery and gives the finger to the entire scientific method that all of modern society is based on.

  10. #50
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    First off just because someone believes in science it does not mean they should not believe in God. Science is very important and good.... the invention of light bulb etc... where I see science taking a dump is when people looked to science to explain the unexplainable. that is where the debate ends... it is when you look to science and expect it to answer all your questions in life. It has a place...but people expect it to explain the most important and widely debate question of human history... if it was that simple to figure out then there would not be so much unproven stuff. Everyones body adapts to environments and circumstances, but changing into a whole new species is still way unproven.

    One other thing to consider is that throughout the whole world the recent popular belief of "no God, science is the answer", is a very small minority as whole on the Earth. Yes, it is a dominant belief in western civilization (which many of us are a part of)...since a lot is taught in our school systems and society, but even then, if a person believes in atheism... they are still a very small, small, minority.

    Of course a geologist, or many other scientists believe and promote what they study... ever ask yourself why? My opinion is that if they don't believe or add to a theory then they lose a job! plain and simple. That is why you have so many people try to discover a new theory on this or that... it is because they have to quantify their job or it is meaningless and funding won't be there for them... I don't believe that is the sole reason, but it is a big part of it.

    I have studied this topic for many, many years and was once an athiest for a long time... but, I am no longer. I am also one who will agree that "organized religion" has brought a lot of corruption to everything in the world. I think it runs much deeper than any of this though... but it is my opinion and thats all I got.

  11. #51
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    I believe in unicorns.. I cant prove that they exist but if I believe in them then they must be real

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    I believe in unicorns.. I cant prove that they exist but if I believe in them then they must be real
    Well nobody can prove they dont excist so they must be real.

    Plus they are on my bed sheets. So they had to get the picture of them from someplace

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Well nobody can prove they dont excist so they must be real.

    Plus they are on my bed sheets. So they had to get the picture of them from someplace
    gixxer, what's up with the bed sheets dude? I thought you were hardcore??... lol.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    gixxer, what's up with the bed sheets dude? I thought you were hardcore??... lol.
    They are bad ass unicorns not the normal ones. U can see the breathe coming uot thier noses and everything

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    I think im gonna start a Christian steroid forum. I bet It would have tons of members.
    not picking at you bro... or trying to start anything... because i don't have a dog in this fight...
    but are you serious? that's probably the most rediculous thing i've ever heard.
    that's like... a strip club where only christians hang out.. lol

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    They are bad ass unicorns not the normal ones. U can see the breathe coming uot thier noses and everything

  17. #57
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    um, dude, unicorns were not on Noahs ark. Theres no way they can be alive.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    um, dude, unicorns were not on Noahs ark. Theres no way they can be alive.
    unicorns can fly they didnt have to go on the ark

  19. #59
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    then why arent pterodactyl alive??!!

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    then why arent pterodactyl alive??!!

    Because they are the arch enimey of unicorns. And unicorns killed them all. Dont you know history at all

  21. #61
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    There was no such things as dinosaurs god created us and thats that

  22. #62
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    the devil put the dinosaurs bones here to fool us. but that suckers not getting me. no way jose!!!!

  23. #63
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    gixxer, are these the unicorns you meant?:

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantmoremass View Post
    gixxer, are these the unicorns you meant?:
    more like this

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    many scientists reject the evolution theory. If it is a fact, why is it called a theory? Many people much smarter than you and I together have debated this issue. You can post hyperlinks all day and so could I. Im pretty sure were not gonna change anyones mind here. Im done with this thread. You believe what you want and Ill believe what i believe. Im cool wth that. Ill pray for you. Rather anyone hears it or not.
    hmmm didnt i say something very similar a few posts back... omg ive converted dobie boy to an athiest, welcome to the dark side bro

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Because they are the arch enimey of unicorns. And unicorns killed them all. Dont you know history at all
    Write it down and in a few hundred years it will be factPut a go straight to hell if you don't believe it in there and you get everyone believing in it or else, works for religion"believe or else"

  27. #67
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    Free thought, tool of the devil

  28. #68
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    First off just because someone believes in science it does not mean they should not believe in God. Science is very important and good.... the invention of light bulb etc... where I see science taking a dump is when people looked to science to explain the unexplainable. .
    Why do you assume something unexplainable even exist? Everything that has so far been exaimed through the scientific method has been found to be fully explainable. There is no evidence whatsoever for anything supernatural.

  29. #69
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    I want to know who wrote the book of Genesis. If there was NOBODY around when "God" did all that amazing stuff, who was there to witness it and write it down. Not to mention the rest of that book with adam, eve, cain, able. Nobody was around to see this happen, so who wrote that part of the bible? AND how come there are banned books from this bible, why would there be stories not published in the bible. Maybe because they make the bible look bad?

  30. #70
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    well im wondering, which religion is the correct one?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy View Post
    well im wondering, which religion is the correct one?
    Thats my problem too. Do I follow Jesus, Buddha, Ala, Horus etc...... or maybe Mormons are correct even though in the book of mormon it states that they did even exist until 80 years ago or so.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    Why do you assume something unexplainable even exist? Everything that has so far been exaimed through the scientific method has been found to be fully explainable. There is no evidence whatsoever for anything supernatural.
    so your right on to what I am saying... If you believe in something supernatural don't look to science to explain it.. that is all my point...

    as far as believing more then that I guess people can carry on forever. a lot of reasonable people have concluded that there is more than just what we can feel and touch... Then others say prove it? show me what I can touch and see and I believe and that's it.... then they look to science with abstract reasoning and it doesn't necessarily work.

    I don't think it is quite as black and white as some would like for it to be... I thought a lot of those 50 reasons were accurate and a lot were funny and some were flat out sarcastic... big deal.. there seems to be a lot of emotion on these topics, I just thought i would chime in a lil, but i won't get worked up or anything.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Write it down and in a few hundred years it will be fact:aaGreen22Put a go straight to hell if you don't believe it in there and you get everyone believing in it or else, works for religion"believe or else"
    yea, i think being sarcastic to the obvious is a good starting point... you should look into what is really said about that and you will find that nothing says that and that thought was invented many years later from an obvious misunderstanding along with a lot of other crazy obvious pointless things that slander what was really said.... but this is a steroid forum, so I have no more to say about that.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    Thats my problem too. Do I follow Jesus, Buddha, Ala, Horus etc...... or maybe Mormons are correct even though in the book of mormon it states that they did even exist until 80 years ago or so.
    let me ask you this... do you have some original answers? Does anyone?

    If a person says they are an athiest and that's the end of their thought process that is cool...end of story. what happens happesn. Many people choose to look deeper. so you get all these groups right? who is right? sit on the fence and be an athiest doesn't necessarily give credibility to the view either.

    if you chose to believe in evolution then you are a follower of a different religion too. so you fall into do i follow Jesus, Buddha, Mormons, or Darwin, etc.... it is all explaining the origin of human race... so I could pipe a bunch of monkey ancestor jokes and fit right in to this thread and no one would get offended... right?

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    let me ask you this... do you have some original answers? Does anyone?

    If a person says they are an athiest and that's the end of their thought process that is cool...end of story. what happens happesn. Many people choose to look deeper. so you get all these groups right? who is right? sit on the fence and be an athiest doesn't necessarily give credibility to the view either.

    if you chose to believe in evolution then you are a follower of a different religion too. so you fall into do i follow Jesus, Buddha, Mormons, or Darwin, etc.... it is all explaining the origin of human race... so I could pipe a bunch of monkey ancestor jokes and fit right in to this thread and no one would get offended... right?
    Please do !!!!

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Please do !!!!
    lol... i would get attacked from every angle... I don't want to be hated, lol. People get angry, very sensitive stuff big daddy. btw, is that your boy in avy... nice pic

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    So you are bascily saying that no ammount of evidence will make you think evolution is correct?

    There simply are NOT many biologists that reject evolution. You can probably find a few, just like you can find a few that think plate tectonics is a flawed theory, that the moon landing was a hoax and that quantum mechanics is wrong. Evolution is a accepted in biology as Newtons mechanics is in physics.
    Funny you should say that because Einstein proved Newtons LAWS of physics to be wrong. But that may be because Einstein was a religious person and we all know how stupid you have to be to believe in something you can't touch.

    Matter can be created and matter can be destroyed.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    let me ask you this... do you have some original answers? Does anyone?

    If a person says they are an athiest and that's the end of their thought process that is cool...end of story. what happens happesn. Many people choose to look deeper. so you get all these groups right? who is right? sit on the fence and be an athiest doesn't necessarily give credibility to the view either.

    if you chose to believe in evolution then you are a follower of a different religion too. so you fall into do i follow Jesus, Buddha, Mormons, or Darwin, etc.... it is all explaining the origin of human race... so I could pipe a bunch of monkey ancestor jokes and fit right in to this thread and no one would get offended... right?
    Your assuming Im an athiest which is incorrect, please do not put that label on me. Ill label myself thanks. What do you mean by original answers, if you believe in the Holy Bible then your a follower even more than I am, so your being hypocritical. I do not have any answers, I have a lot of questions and so far I can't find answers to ANY of them. If you have some let me know, and Im serious about that. Religion is defined as a set of beliefs about something or practicing a set of beliefs. I really don't believe anything this thread has stated about any religions or darwin. So I guess I have no religion.
    Last edited by sooners04; 02-13-2008 at 10:29 PM.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Funny you should say that because Einstein proved Newtons LAWS of physics to be wrong. But that may be because Einstein was a religious person and we all know how stupid you have to be to believe in something you can't touch.

    Matter can be created and matter can be destroyed.
    newton was a 17th century mathmatician of course some of his theories will be wrong but he was way way ahead of his time nontheless, ironicaly one of his greatest incorrect theories was on light which is something else you cant touch

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Funny you should say that because Einstein proved Newtons LAWS of physics to be wrong. But that may be because Einstein was a religious person and we all know how stupid you have to be to believe in something you can't touch.

    Matter can be created and matter can be destroyed.
    No Einstein most definitely did not prove Newton was wrong, remember you are talking to a physicists now
    What Einstein did was to show that Newtons laws was a low energy/low mass approximation of special relativity. But in the low energy and low mass limit newtons laws are accurate to the nth decimal and thats why Newtons mechanics are still used today for just about every application. There is no conflict betwen special relativity and newton mechanics when building building, shooting pool or doing something else ordinary.

    That proves my point, newtons theories was so firmly tested by experiement that every scientists knew they are correct. All that einstein did was add details in domains where newton had not been tested yet. Its the same with all major theories, all physicists know that say the standard model of particle physics isnt the end of the story, einsteins relativity theories isnt either the final theories. But we know they are accurate for all but the most extrem situations. When we piece the final puzzle togheter then all of todays theories will fall out as approximations of the "theory of everything"

    Its the same with evolution, evolution is so firmly confirmed that it wont be replaced. But details will be added when new discoveries are made.

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