A few things, here I don’t really have many friends that I rely on to discuss these things, they generally give poor advice. Most guys I know are players and single, they look for different things that I do.

Anyway, I met a girl and have been spending some time with her. She seems really cool, we have fun. We’ll play video games, watch movies, we’ve really only went out (To the bar) once. Normally we just catch a flix, and then dinner.

She has a kid, and that kind of bothers me I guess. I feel bad that it even does cause she seems fun. I’m a bad judge of girls I think though at the same time I guess. Her son is 6, I’ve not met him yet. I don’t know if I’m ready for that kind of obligation. I like kids, but I’m just a little wierded out I guess.

We slept together for the first time last night. She whispered in my ear “I want to spoil you”, gave me a back rub and feel asleep on my back. It was really cute. I feel like it’s almost rude asking this too, but I’m inexperienced with this. But for the first time in my life, I was actually slipping out. Do girls really get looser after they have a kid?

Or was it just in my head? You can probably tell this kid thing eats me by now. I feel bad though even thinking like this because it takes a big person to go through with raising a child alone at a young age. She’s 28, my last 3 girls were 25, 21 and 20.