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  1. #241
    jphantom is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    But seriously, I would like to apologize.... to Lex, because once Big gets a look at this stuff, the thread will prob get locked down or deleted.
    so shut your fvckin mouth cvnt

  2. #242
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    oh they're not antics, it's you 2 who are trying to act tough. if i were standing in front of you i assure you one way or another you'd both shut your mouths and stay out of what doesn't concern you. i don't make idle threats fellas. yeah sure i've been beaten in fights no biggie, but when someone fvcks with me or my family, they pay, one way or another. it's got nothing to do with being tough, it's about standing up for yourself in life. now why don't you pull your fvckin heads in before you get them kicked off
    Ugh, so easy to make threats over the internet. What are you trying to accomplish by doing this? I'm sure once everyone reads what you have posted, the Mods will have a change of heart......

  3. #243
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    oh they're not antics, it's you 2 who are trying to act tough. if i were standing in front of you i assure you one way or another you'd both shut your mouths and stay out of what doesn't concern you. i don't make idle threats fellas. yeah sure i've been beaten in fights no biggie, but when someone fvcks with me or my family, they pay, one way or another. it's got nothing to do with being tough, it's about standing up for yourself in life. now why don't you pull your fvckin heads in before you get them kicked off
    i dont recall myself trying to act tough. you sound like an idiot so i made sure to point that out.

    my head will stay on just fine, yours i think might just explode when you get banned again

  4. #244
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    so shut your fvckin mouth cvnt
    Welp, I'm about to go home now and go to sleep..... I will make sure to keep one eye open!

  5. #245
    jphantom is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Ugh, so easy to make threats over the internet. What are you trying to accomplish by doing this? I'm sure once everyone reads what you have posted, the Mods will have a change of heart......
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i dont recall myself trying to act tough. you sound like an idiot so i made sure to point that out.

    my head will stay on just fine, yours i think might just explode when you get banned again
    mate, i never claimed any level of intelligence, your always the one posting around like your a fvckin genius or something. you little cvnts just can't help yourselves. nobody asked either of you to comment so why have you? coz you're a pair of bitching little sluts that's why. you think my head might explode? so will yours when i knock you out and stomp your fvckin face flat for you. if someone comes up beside either of yopu in tyhe next few weeks and smacks you in the head with a baseball bat for seemingly no good reason you'll know who it is, and that you should have shut your bleeding cvnt mouths when i told you too

  6. #246
    jphantom is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Welp, I'm about to go home now and go to sleep..... I will make sure to keep one eye open!
    you do that bitch, i'll be doing my level best to find out where that is

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    mate, i never claimed any level of intelligence, your always the one posting around like your a fvckin genius or something. you little cvnts just can't help yourselves. nobody asked either of you to comment so why have you? coz you're a pair of bitching little sluts that's why. you think my head might explode? so will yours when i knock you out and stomp your fvckin face flat for you. if someone comes up beside either of yopu in tyhe next few weeks and smacks you in the head with a baseball bat for seemingly no good reason you'll know who it is, and that you should have shut your bleeding cvnt mouths when i told you too

    off to bed. enjoy your banning

  8. #248
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    mate, i never claimed any level of intelligence, your always the one posting around like your a fvckin genius or something. you little cvnts just can't help yourselves. nobody asked either of you to comment so why have you? coz you're a pair of bitching little sluts that's why. you think my head might explode? so will yours when i knock you out and stomp your fvckin face flat for you. if someone comes up beside either of yopu in tyhe next few weeks and smacks you in the head with a baseball bat for seemingly no good reason you'll know who it is, and that you should have shut your bleeding cvnt mouths when i told you too
    Haha, your a pud. Whatever man. Good night jphantom, do you want me to grab you a tissue to wipe away those tears building up in your eyes?

  9. #249
    jphantom is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post

    off to bed. enjoy your banning
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Haha, your a pud. Whatever man. Good night jphantom, do you want me to grab you a tissue to wipe away those tears building up in your eyes?
    yeah good night and get fvcked dickheads. yeah i'll give you a tissue to mop up your eye when i prize it out of the socket and squish it on the ground with the heel of my boot. you should hear the sound someone makes when their eye comes out. it makes you want to do it again that's for sure. you better hope i never catch up with you or you'll be needing a patch for the rest of your bitching little life. NOW FVCK OFF!!

  10. #250
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Go FUCK a kangaroo you little twat....

  11. #251
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    i want to vent... about morons who come into the vent thread and start drama. the thread is here to get the drama off your chest. not to start more. silly rabbit.

  12. #252
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    oh, and when i get carded. that really pisses me off.

  13. #253
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    oh... and when i have to pee in the middle of sex! does this happen to anyone else? right in the middle of sex, pounding away. and then i gotta pee like crazy. its annoying.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    oh... and when i have to pee in the middle of sex! does this happen to anyone else? right in the middle of sex, pounding away. and then i gotta pee like crazy. its annoying.
    Next time trying peeing while u r

  15. #255
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    Wow I miss the all the drama crap I hate when I am not around and drama is going on.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Next time trying peeing while u r
    been there, done that. it felt quite good.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    been there, done that. it felt quite good.
    quit bitching then u bitch.

  18. #258
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  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    Thank you ...thank you very much.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Go FUCK a kangaroo you little twat....
    Nice trick, I think typing fvck is easier.

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by jphantom View Post
    what about when mutherfvckin' bitch ass cvnts ban you from forums for no good reason at all, and you can't smash their faces in coz they're hiding in another country like the pissant little cvnts that they are. HUH? to whoever it is who keeps banning us, i will ice-pick you in the spine if i ever get my hands on you. i would strongly recommend that you dis-continue these actions unless you would like to have your fvckin' skull caved in. OK?

    yeah... why in the world would someone want to ban you? hmmmm... ya dont figure it may be the psychotic threats do ya??... naw... im sure ur just getting picked on.

  22. #262
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
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    BMG hes a victim...hes definately innocent and doesnt know why the big mean Mods banned him for no reason .... it sounds like he thinks he owns this forum...

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Go FUCK a kangaroo you little twat....
    I love that word twat, its like cunnt but only nicer and gentler.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I love that word twat, its like cunnt but only nicer and gentler.
    my favorite word is... queef.

    hahah i crack up everytime i say it.

  25. #265
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Alright...I'm a college student and one thing that I HATE is Facebook. This may not apply to some people who don't have an account or aren't in college. But facebook needs to die. You have no idea how many times i hear "Oh my god why am I not in his top 10??!!!" or "I'm so upset because he posted something on HER wall before MINE!!!!"

    Its like a disease. People upsess about it NONSTOP.

    whose with me on this one, huh? Hands up, people
    that and myspace...what's the big effing deal...

  26. #266
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    i hate how frickin' slow housing construction is in Southern California right is a tile guy supposed to work if nobody is getting any work done due to these frickin' gas prices and the cost of living nowdays

  27. #267
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    Tomorrow I'm seeing my surgeon about my umbilical hernia, and next Wednesday I'm seeing my orthopedic surgeon about my freakin rotator cuff surgery. I've been putting these things off for some time and now the rotator issue is worse than ever, I keep putting up heavy weight as far as shoulder press and bench and have really aggrevated it. The hernia pops out depending on what I'm doing, usually I just push it back in. My concern is the down time from the gym, so I'm gonna try to see if they could schedule the surgeries during the same hospital stay or a couple of days between. That way the recovery time and rehab will run simultaniously . I'm really not looking forward to this, but I have to address these things because they aren't gonna go away by themselves. I hate going under the knife especially coming out of anesthesia. I always get sick and puke my guts out, and I hate morphine.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Tomorrow I'm seeing my surgeon about my umbilical hernia, and next Wednesday I'm seeing my orthopedic surgeon about my freakin rotator cuff surgery. I've been putting these things off for some time and now the rotator issue is worse than ever, I keep putting up heavy weight as far as shoulder press and bench and have really aggrevated it. The hernia pops out depending on what I'm doing, usually I just push it back in. My concern is the down time from the gym, so I'm gonna try to see if they could schedule the surgeries during the same hospital stay or a couple of days between. That way the recovery time and rehab will run simultaniously . I'm really not looking forward to this, but I have to address these things because they aren't gonna go away by themselves. I hate going under the knife especially coming out of anesthesia. I always get sick and puke my guts out, and I hate morphine.
    Good luck Bro hope every thing will workout.

  29. #269
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    Thanks Calgarian, you know I'll keep you posted through PM's. All bs aside I sure do like you Bro! Just wanted you to know that!

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Thanks Calgarian, you know I'll keep you posted through PM's. All bs aside I sure do like you Bro! Just wanted you to know that!
    Me 2 bro. Yeah I was thinking of telling you the same thing..stop reading my mind.

  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Tomorrow I'm seeing my surgeon about my umbilical hernia, and next Wednesday I'm seeing my orthopedic surgeon about my freakin rotator cuff surgery. I've been putting these things off for some time and now the rotator issue is worse than ever, I keep putting up heavy weight as far as shoulder press and bench and have really aggrevated it. The hernia pops out depending on what I'm doing, usually I just push it back in. My concern is the down time from the gym, so I'm gonna try to see if they could schedule the surgeries during the same hospital stay or a couple of days between. That way the recovery time and rehab will run simultaniously . I'm really not looking forward to this, but I have to address these things because they aren't gonna go away by themselves. I hate going under the knife especially coming out of anesthesia. I always get sick and puke my guts out, and I hate morphine.

    hey!! i care about you to man!! geez! get better. ill bring you some chicken soup. wait, your not sick. ill bring you some strippers.

  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    hey!! i care about you to man!! geez! get better. ill bring you some chicken soup. wait, your not sick. ill bring you some strippers.
    Thanks Dukki, yes strippers!! !!

  33. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    But seriously, I would like to apologize.... to Lex, because once Big gets a look at this stuff, the thread will prob get locked down or deleted.
    its all good bro. this thread aint goin nowhere but to the top. no real vent today, just bumpin.

  34. #274
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    Fuk western Union!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. #275
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    used a fake name huh?

  36. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    my favorite word is... queef.

    hahah i crack up everytime i say it.
    i crack up every time i hear it... they get pist

  37. #277
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    nope i used my name...they said the address i gave em for my card wasn't the same as what was on file... i know it is cause i was at the bank the other day and made sure thats the address that was on file... i changed it todayagain so it would be the right now i gotta wait for the stupid bank to make my funds available again..

  38. #278
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    I hate pin dick little pussies who include the following word in their posts:

    ".... A MATE OF MINE...."

    For fark sake, get a bit of cvnt about yourself. Eveyone knows its you that is too much of a ***** and wants to run the oral only cycle, or whatever the fark your on about today.

    Grow some bals and come out with it.

  39. #279
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    Another thing that SHITS me is the skinny little runt farks that walk around the gym doing 1/4 reps so they can use a tonne of weight, then leave all the plates on so they next persona has to unload them.

    Like I told the little wigger that did it on the bench tho other day, the next time I have to unload your weights I will be throwing you out the ****in gym window you little cvnt!!!!!!

  40. #280
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    Man I love this thread. I could post here all day

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