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Thread: anti-depressent

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    boxer08's Avatar
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    My doctor prescribed me citalpopram 10mg daily on the 2nd of september and i stll haven't taken any, i am confused about should i or shouldn't i take them. Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    My doctor prescribed me citalpopram 10mg daily on the 2nd of september and i stll haven't taken any, i am confused about should i or shouldn't i take them. Any help appreciated.
    If all you are thinking is wether to take them or not, you don't need them.
    Iv'e been on anti d's for over 15 years, i cant live a normal without them.
    If you were depressed, belive me, you wouldn't be posting this because you would already be taking them.

  3. #3
    boxer08's Avatar
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    The reason why i am thinking wether to take them or not is my age. But i am getting worse.

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    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    The reason why i am thinking wether to take them or not is my age. But i am getting worse.
    Why is your age a concern mate?

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    1st-If all you are thinking is wether to take them or not, you don't need them.
    2nd-Iv'e been on anti d's for over 15 years, i cant live a normal without them.
    1st-great advice

    2nd-do you think this is because you started taken them, I mean once you start you definitly need to, thats where everybody goes wrong.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
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    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  6. #6
    boxer08's Avatar
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    Im still young and don't want to get hooked on them for the rest of my life but the way things are going i will end up needing them.

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    boxer08's Avatar
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    Ive taken lustrel in the past, when i was 16, the doctor give it to me for anxiety and it didn't do anything just make my insomia worse.

  8. #8
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    1st-great advice

    2nd-do you think this is because you started taken them, I mean once you start you definitly need to, thats where everybody goes wrong.
    I had 2 choices physiciatric counseling or anti'ds, i went for the latter.
    I have stopped taking them a couple times over the years but within a few days the depression is back, so it's back on again, i don't mind taking them because it gives me a quality of life i otherwise wouldn't have.
    But to answer your Q, if you haven't had clinical depression then nothing i say can explain it to you, i started taking the pills because i had to, i really had to, so it really isn't a case of starting them and then you definately need them because when i stop it's not that i crave the drug again it;s that the depression returns, all the drug does is increase the seratonin i produce, because my body doesn't produce enough, so i'm i'll but it's not like a physical illness that you can see, so most ppl cannot understand it.

  9. #9
    bbuilder's Avatar
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    Once again my opinion on Doctors are very low so you won't get any good news from me as to why he prescribed that.

    Scripts are easy to give out for doctors. Doesn't take much thought, and they get kick backs from the pharmacies.

    I'd suggest counseling, etc before taking some pills that have sides and make you want to sit home and drool.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    Once again my opinion on Doctors are very low so you won't get any good news from me as to why he prescribed that.

    Scripts are easy to give out for doctors. Doesn't take much thought, and they get kick backs from the pharmacies.

    I'd suggest counseling, etc before taking some pills that have sides and make you want to sit home and drool.
    I can assure you i don't sit at home, drool maybe.

  11. #11
    gdbandito is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    , and they get kick backs from the pharmacies.
    I can assure you no Doctors get kickbacks from pharmacies. If you mispoke and meant Pharmaceutical Manufacturers , then you would be correct. That's a definite.

  12. #12
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    Yes, Sorry. Mistype.

  13. #13
    gdbandito is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbuilder View Post
    Yes, Sorry. Mistype.
    No prob.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    I had 2 choices physiciatric counseling or anti'ds, i went for the latter.
    I have stopped taking them a couple times over the years but within a few days the depression is back, so it's back on again, i don't mind taking them because it gives me a quality of life i otherwise wouldn't have.
    But to answer your Q, if you haven't had clinical depression then nothing i say can explain it to you, i started taking the pills because i had to, i really had to, so it really isn't a case of starting them and then you definately need them because when i stop it's not that i crave the drug again it;s that the depression returns, all the drug does is increase the seratonin i produce, because my body doesn't produce enough, so i'm i'll but it's not like a physical illness that you can see, so most ppl cannot understand it.
    I understand 100%, what I meant was people start them stop, that really fucs them up, thats when suicides sometimes accure. Doctors write these scripts to freely.

    Like you said, it made your life normal, those are the people that need them. Glad things are good, I have manic problems myself along with low test levels which was double trouble, hrt helped alot, but there is still those days.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    My doctor prescribed me citalpopram 10mg daily on the 2nd of september and i stll haven't taken any, i am confused about should i or shouldn't i take them. Any help appreciated.
    Have your testosterone levels checked 1st.
    often depression is misdiagnosed.

  16. #16
    SmittyTheOX's Avatar
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    Lats60 has offered you some very good advice.

    I take Citalopram @ 20mg/day to treat an aggressive anxiety disorder. I sued to get anxious about any sort of change or disturbance which would manifest into an emotional outburst. The only way I knew how to deal with that was with anger.

    Citalopram has given me back control of my emotions and has given me a much better quality of life. I only wish I had discovered this years ago. It would hav prevented so much.

    The reason im sharing this is to help you be confident in your descision to take them or not.

  17. #17
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    Doctors do not get kick backs from pharmaceutical companies. It is true that the reps do try to influence and woo them, but doctors are sceptical and really don't want to give anything without good evidence that it helps and doesn't harm.
    Having said that, being in the US, I feel that the medical field does a poor job of 1)identifying depression 2) diagnosing what exactly is the problem leading to the depression

    To a hammer every problem is a nail, and the go to tool available today are the SSRI's - prozac, zoloft, celexa (citalopram), etc.

    Do anything you need to do to get rid of depression if you have it, whether it be medicine, therapy, group meetings, changing your diet, non-traditional medicine, etc. as long as you don't go down the road of self destruction - self medication with drugs of abuse.

    I do not believe that starting an SSRI like citalopram will force you to become dependent upon it for life. In fact there is evidence that it, usually coupled with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help initiate a series of changes in your brain which are long lasting and enable your brain to function better even without the drug.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post really isn't a case of starting them and then you definately need them because when i stop it's not that i crave the drug again it;s that the depression returns, all the drug does is increase the seratonin i produce, because my body doesn't produce enough, so i'm i'll but it's not like a physical illness that you can see, so most ppl cannot understand it.
    Like you took the words out of my head.

    When I stop taking them its no as if I start wigging out craving the drug, I just start to experience uncontrollable emotional outburts.

  19. #19
    hotpink's Avatar
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    I took anti-d's before and it actually made me even more depressed. I stopped, changed my lifestyle, and about a year later now I'm happier than ever.

  20. #20
    boxer08's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replys. I also have anger issues because of my problems, the doctor give them to me for my BDD, depresion and anxiety and said they would help a little with the anger. What is causing my problem is that i have something wrong with my both shoulders, right the worse and through that i can't train or get a job and ive been in pain with them for 2 years, and to add onto that i live with my partner and we have a daughter and with no job i have to keep the place, pay bills ect. with sick pay which is low. Ive been on a waiting list for over 6 months just to see orthopedic surgeon, i think that if they coud diagnose and treat me it would help alot.

  21. #21
    inky-e's Avatar
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    If your doc prescribed them...then take them...but I will say that medicine alone isn't the total need therapy too....I'm speaking from experience. I take an anti-d everyday...I also have issues with anger..but in the last 6 years I've made remarkable progress. IN closing...whats the sense of going to a doctor for help and then disregarding his instructions?

  22. #22
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    I've been on anti-ds, anti-anxiety, sleeping pills for years. Antipsicotics too (but no more).
    Take them. But as some guys said, go to therapy. Those are not miracle drugs. They just help you, but there's stuff you have to do on your own with the help of a therapist.

  23. #23
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Doctors today no longer cure anything, they "treat" and are nothing more than legalised drug dealers.

    You just mention any sort of sadness and they will script you with drugs. I don't know what you have goind on or anyting so I cannot comment if you should take them or not.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  24. #24
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I took anti d's(Remeron) for half a year or so and it was the worst thing I have ever done. It made me into a utter zombie, totally zoned out and unmotivated, all I wanted to do was sleep. It did supress the depression a bit, but it also took everything else away from me. The worst thing of it all was that I didnt notice how much it ****ed me up until after I stopped taking it.

    I know several people that has had similar experiences. IMO docs prescribe anti d's to damn easily. Im sure there are people that really need them, but I wouldnt be suprised if a majority if anti d users today really dont need them and could get better without them.

  25. #25
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    Another thing that im worried about taking them is that i have been suffering with palpatations for around the last 3 months and im afraid that they will make them worse. Iv'e had a echo but am still waiting for the results.

  26. #26
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotpink View Post
    changed my lifestyle, and about a year later now I'm happier than ever.
    Great advice, get out of the "old rut" that makes you depressed.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  27. #27
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Have your testosterone levels checked 1st.
    often depression is misdiagnosed.
    Thats what my doctor did and HRT it was. Im much better, but when things get bad it comes right bad, but not nearly as often.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  28. #28
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
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    you could buy some calogne type pheramones to make you feel hapy and self confident an stuff smells good too. lookinto it. less addictive!

  29. #29
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    Just stay natural man... Screw the head pills...

    There are plenty bi-polar schizophrenics too loook up too like Sir Isaaac Newton, Edgar Allen Poe,,,,,,,,,,,, ummm Van Gogh.. Beethoven..... etc..

    Yes none of these guys got laid much .. but during the MANIC portion of MANIC DEPRESSION.. they were very capable individuals.

  30. #30
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    Im still young and don't want to get hooked on them for the rest of my life but the way things are going i will end up needing them.
    Don't think this way bro. I lived a horrible childhood and became an extreme binge drinker (among other things) in my late teens and early 20's. I quit that at 25 and was still having problems so saw a counselor. He mentioned meds and I got scared- scared because of the stigma around this, plus i hated pills b/c I was a very, very, sikly child and had to spend a week or 2 in the hospital at a time several times and was rushed to the ER tons of times plus was seeing dr's weekly for my whole childhood basically, tkaing shots every week for 4 years or so and packing pills to bring to school in the friggin 1st grade!

    From age 29-38 I bounced on and off anti-depressants. Went a cpl years w/out them after that and was very depressed. Plus I was married so I was living with someone who saw how I was every day and was making comments about my negative outlook, staying in bed all the time, no energy, no interest in going out and doing stuff....

    Well with her support I got a new PCP and started again on an anti depressant. I weighed 295lbs at 6'2". Things started to improve but when the holidays hit (plus another issue that is ongoing and stressful) started bothering me a lot he said he wanted to refer me to a psychiatrist to oversee the depression (we talked about him managing it conditionally to see how it went but he wanted to leave the option open to refer me to someone if things seemed to get worse or whatever). So he prescribed me a 2nd anti depressant that works with the fisrt to deal with anxiety issues, something I have.

    Then I saw the new psych. He was cool. I see him every 6 months only.

    BUT during this past year, and at least in part due to this treatment I was able to begin to loose weight. I dropped weight and started getting interested in nutrtion and reading about it. I lost weight and ate better so I was feeling better, and feeling better about feeling better.

    Now I"m doing cardio too and taking some supplements like vitamins and other things that are giving me lots of energy and making me feel pretty good and I am not depressed at all anymore and am happy sometimes. I have never been happy in my life dude.

    I just took GABA for the first time tonight which is supposed to boost the effects of antidepressants, as well as do other tings. I'm dropping more wight and staring to get my diet down.

    I have 2 points:

    1. I see taking an anti depressant no differently than wearing contacts or glasses if you have eye problems.

    2. After such a shitty life you wouldn't believe if I told you, at age 41 and 295lbs I began to undertake changes and continue to change. I had the deck stacked agaisnt me in life big time, I mean I wasn't raped and beaten to have bones broken but my childhood was a nightmare every day.
    I'm gonna talk to the psych about cutting the dose of one of the pills in half when I see him next month.

    I think that as I continue to loose weight and eat right and take supplemets that give me more nutrion and exercise I will be feeling better and better and will need the pills less.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a pill for life if it helps you. That's what they are there for. It's kinda stupid to not do something that helps you (maybe you think your supposed to 'snap out of it' or whatever). Depression doesn't work like that any more than diabetes or asthma does. The medicine is ONE tool that can help, and can help a great deal in managing hte symptoms of depression. If your motivated to attack your depression in a bunch of other ways (which the vast majority of ppl are NOT) then you can take then as long as they benefit you and as long as you need them.

    Don't cheat yourself out of feeling good because you see taking pills as bad. It doesn't make sense.

    Here is a simple depression screening self test. When I first took a similar test with my new PCP 2 yrs ago I scored so shitty it isn't funny. Noe if I were to take it my score would be WAY different. So I take a couple pills from a psych. So what? They help me live a better life.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 09-13-2008 at 11:02 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdbandito View Post
    I can assure you no Doctors get kickbacks from pharmacies. If you mispoke and meant Pharmaceutical Manufacturers , then you would be correct. That's a definite.
    Although I think this is terrible, I have begun to see things in a more broad way over the past few years. HMO's have doctors hamstrung into seeing patients into 15 minute time slots. How much can be accomplished in that time? I think the system sucks because it is disease oriented and reactive rather than health oriented and proactive, but that is the sytem. If there are benefits there for you, go get them.

    I'm sure many doctors would love to spend an hour or more with their patients to dig into what's behind the problems and explore different alternatives, provide supportive counseling, recommend a bunch of different things in addtion to meds, etc.... but it's a job and insurance pays them and insurance controls how their time is managed.

    I developed a very serios medical disease at the age of 2. I was rushed to the ER, often life threatening situations over 100 times in my childhood. I've seen dozens and dozens of doctors. I've spent 1-2 weeks living in the hospital and laid up in bed at home for those same periods of time like 1x/month through the age of 18.

    The funny thing is I have NEVER met a doctor that I found to be someone I didn't like. They vary from great to good to mediocre, but I never met one I thought was mean or bad.

    I'm all for exploring any and all things that can help someone with a problem, but my feeling is that if a pill can help... well we are only here for 100 years... a very short time. Might as well feel OK and content/happy if we can.

    Same thing with steroids . I don't NEED them. But I want to accelerate my progress so I am going to take them so I can enjoy the benefits sooner. It will make me happy and more confident. Another factor that will make me need anti depressants less.

    People don't NEED steroids, well maybe aids patients or burn victims do, but the vast majority of ppl here don't 'need' them. You want them and feel better using them. Well with anitdepressants a lot of people feel better using them.

    It's not a moral issue.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern View Post
    I took anti d's(Remeron) for half a year or so and it was the worst thing I have ever done. It made me into a utter zombie, totally zoned out and unmotivated, all I wanted to do was sleep. .
    i was on remeron as well for a bit and completely agree. Did you not gain like 20lbs in a week on that? i could not stop eating on it.

    Also, original poster i was on citalopram as well, and the lowest recommended therapeutic dosage is 20mg per day. wtf is your doctor on???

  33. #33
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    i just dont see how burying yourself in anti depressants fixes real world problems.

    you may as well drink to cover your problems.

    drugs or not, the problems still exist at the end of the day......

    hit the gym, take some time to yourself, do something that makes YOU happy. regain your focus, and sort life out bit by bit.

    i wish you all the best!!!

  34. #34
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    i just dont see how burying yourself in anti depressants fixes real world problems.

    you may as well drink to cover your problems.

    drugs or not, the problems still exist at the end of the day......

    hit the gym, take some time to yourself, do something that makes YOU happy. regain your focus, and sort life out bit by bit.

    i wish you all the best!!!
    i see ehh

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    My doctor prescribed me citalpopram 10mg daily on the 2nd of september and i stll haven't taken any, i am confused about should i or shouldn't i take them. Any help appreciated.
    I am sick & fvcking tired out people saying shit like "you dont need it, itlll make you worse".

    These arre the same pinheads who never found a solution to their own lives.

    Great, meds are over prescribed, I do not care. And YES many ssris will make you feel worse than before you feel better. My advice right now would be to take the shit for a few months (2 min) and see how it affects you.

    Some ssris will make you suicdal in a weeks time, but once you get past that point you can actually start judging it for yourself.

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    Thanks to everyone for more replys they help alot. I aslo went through a phase of binge drinking every weekend from the ages of 13-16 then i had anxiety and after the anxiety i didn't drink much and now i aint touched any since new year. I wish i could get back in the gym it really helps alot but due what ever is wrong with my shoulders i cant. The rule in my doctors is you can only have 8 mins but you can book 20.

  37. #37
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    If your doctor prescribed them, then I think that you should strongly consider it. I have been on anti depressants a few times in my life and you don't have to really worry about getting hooked on them. You have to think that you will only take them as long as you might need them. Until something changes in your life to make the additional stress and anxiety go away.
    The first time I ever took them was when I was to the point where I couldn't get out of bed for 3 months. I was very depressed, but I only took them for 4 months and I straightened my life out and I focused my attention to my body and spent a lot of time in the gym.
    You also need to realize that anti depressants work differently for everyone, and sometimes you might not like the first couple that you try and then you will find one that works well for you.
    Most doctors can take into consideration all of your issues, and try to find the best one for you. I personally have been on 4 different ones, and I finally am satisfied with the 5th.

    I hope you take it into consideration because depression is a serious issue, it's not something that you can "will" yourself out of, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. And find a good doctor to work with you.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    If your doctor prescribed them, then I think that you should strongly consider it.
    please tell me that was a joke.......doctors don't know shit. I can without a doubt say i will never take a drug to feel better just because someone told me to, that moron isn't in your life, he doesn't know you.....doctors just treat symptoms, they don't fix a goddamn thing

  39. #39
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post

    I hope you take it into consideration because depression is a serious issue, it's not something that you can "will" yourself out of, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. And find a good doctor to work with you.
    that's what they want you to think so that you take their drugs......duh

  40. #40
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    i was on remeron as well for a bit and completely agree. Did you not gain like 20lbs in a week on that? i could not stop eating on it.

    Also, original poster i was on citalopram as well, and the lowest recommended therapeutic dosage is 20mg per day. wtf is your doctor on???
    Hmm I became quite fat at the time but never connected it to the remeron. But yeah, eat and sleep was the only things I really did.

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