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  1. #161
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    So then thats means a buttplug once a month, congrats.

  2. #162
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Ruhl when your using your butt plug does it something like to this????

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Ruhl when your using your butt plug does it something like to this????

    Thats so wrong. I just hope he does make thenout of breath moans like in the video.

  4. #164
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    Haha this thread. I completely think Ruhl went over board with the guy at the gym. Its not your gym in the first place to be damaging the equipment. The people are right, machines should never be out of your control. Machines, for me at least, are used to create detail. Granted you can develop muscle with a machine but I stick to free weights on all parts.

    I agree with everyone with the weights are probably too heavy; this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. Your not Ronnie and your not Branch. I do however go b/w the phases of strength training and hypertrophy training. I find when I take weights that I'm able to control and go slow and do pauses in full contraction I develop more of the look after a while. Doing explosive, fast reps will not build the quality muscle of a bodybuilder. I re-correct my form quite a bit and take it slow and controlled with the pauses b/c for me it really does sculpt the shape I am looking for.

    The hardcore comment was funny, hardcore training is not throwing around weight you can't handle and making noises to attract attention to yourself. Go look at Milos Sarcev training and how they use light weight and focus on form and full contraction of the muscle. THATS THE WAY AS A BODYBUILDER TO TRAIN!!!!!

    Maybe if people would actually train for bodybuilding and not for their ego they'd probably get more of the look they are wanting.

    I think your main downfall in bodybuilding is your inability to take criticism. I literally could rip my own self in everything I need to do and improve upon. You on the other hand will not take any help that is giving and will come up excuses on why you can't do this or that (girls and bodybuilding). You need to realize your own genetics and weaknesses and work with what you have, not believe your some genetic freak like Ronnie and Branch.

  5. #165
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    ^^^ where'd that come from?

  6. #166
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    Hey at least I stayed on topic and didn't start talking about butt plugging and gave him some useful advise

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Hey at least I stayed on topic and didn't start talking about butt plugging and gave him some useful advise
    hay you better chill out or i'll get RUHL to drop some weights on your head

  8. #168
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    dam ruhl you sound like a big boy what are your stats.

    what is your style of lifting though more slow and controlled or faster, heavier, and less control shit thats alot of weight to lift.

    did u end up switching gyms? and like nova said you might tend to like one of those older gyms that are more hardcore.

    I tend to like those gyms that are in the middle i dont like that Metroflex style but i hate that Tennis club style.

    I tend to like those ones in the middle where the stuff is a little worn out but still a big gym with a good crowd and some other people who are serious about lifting.

    I hate the super ghetto and the super fancy gyms.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    So then thats means a buttplug once a month, congrats.
    DSM your cool but WTF???

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    hay you better chill out or i'll get RUHL to drop some weights on your head
    Hey I wasn't getting upset. I was just helping the thread get back on track. . I didn't realize I had typed that much though.

  11. #171
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Haha this thread. I completely think Ruhl went over board with the guy at the gym. Its not your gym in the first place to be damaging the equipment. The people are right, machines should never be out of your control. Machines, for me at least, are used to create detail. Granted you can develop muscle with a machine but I stick to free weights on all parts.

    I agree with everyone with the weights are probably too heavy; this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. Your not Ronnie and your not Branch. I do however go b/w the phases of strength training and hypertrophy training. I find when I take weights that I'm able to control and go slow and do pauses in full contraction I develop more of the look after a while. Doing explosive, fast reps will not build the quality muscle of a bodybuilder. I re-correct my form quite a bit and take it slow and controlled with the pauses b/c for me it really does sculpt the shape I am looking for.

    The hardcore comment was funny, hardcore training is not throwing around weight you can't handle and making noises to attract attention to yourself. Go look at Milos Sarcev training and how they use light weight and focus on form and full contraction of the muscle. THATS THE WAY AS A BODYBUILDER TO TRAIN!!!!!

    Maybe if people would actually train for bodybuilding and not for their ego they'd probably get more of the look they are wanting.

    I think your main downfall in bodybuilding is your inability to take criticism. I literally could rip my own self in everything I need to do and improve upon. You on the other hand will not take any help that is giving and will come up excuses on why you can't do this or that (girls and bodybuilding). You need to realize your own genetics and weaknesses and work with what you have, not believe your some genetic freak like Ronnie and Branch.
    Good advice youll never learn if your to igorant to realize your own mistakes.

    I half agree i feel to much form and obsessing with contraction is no good but just jerking weights is no good.

    I feel different people respond different you need to find out what that is.

    I beleive in form and contraction but if you worry about contraction/form OR the weight to much its no good you need to find a good balance.

  12. #172
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    Yes balance is key. And I by no means stay with light weight or ultra obsess over form, anyone that knows me here and has seen my log knows whats up. I simply like to go between phases as suggested.

  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Yes balance is key. And I by no means stay with light weight or ultra obsess over form, anyone that knows me here and has seen my log knows whats up. I simply like to go between phases as suggested.
    I personally like to do strict form for about 3 weeks and then brute ego for about 3 weeks.

    I saw some 200lbs douche bag at the gym today doing dumb bell bench presses with 65lbs with crappy form, half way down and for 6 reps. He was dropping them on the floor as loud as he could, like he was the shit.

    I hated him. Then I wondered if I was just as bad as him with my good form with twice as much weight with double number of reps and I weigh the same as him.

    I doubt the 110lbs hottie cares, we are both douche bags.

    I swear that bodybuilding only impresses other juice heads and gay guys.

    I think that I could pull just the same hot chicks as I could when I was skinny.

  14. #174
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    LOL ^^^ That may be true...

    Some guy was 200lbs and only doing presses with 65lbs?

    What a chump...

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I personally like to do strict form for about 3 weeks and then brute ego for about 3 weeks.

    I saw some 200lbs douche bag at the gym today doing dumb bell bench presses with 65lbs with crappy form, half way down and for 6 reps. He was dropping them on the floor as loud as he could, like he was the shit.

    I hated him. Then I wondered if I was just as bad as him with my good form with twice as much weight with double number of reps and I weigh the same as him.

    I doubt the 110lbs hottie cares, we are both douche bags.

    I swear that bodybuilding only impresses other juice heads and gay guys.

    I think that I could pull just the same hot chicks as I could when I was skinny.
    Are we doing it for chicks for spring break or doing it for ourselves?? Who cares what impresses who, I don't. I've been able to pick up chicks regardless of what I look like.

    Yeah dropping weights on the floor and trying to get attention makes you look like a douche, I know I never do that or try to cause all kinds of attention while lifting. With me I have people coming up to me all the time at the gym asking for advise, talking, joking, encouraging me, etc etc. cause they know I'm not looking to impress everyone and that I take this serious and have goals set for myself. If anything bodybuilding has helped me develop more friendships and respect cause I don't do it for the douche bag reasons of trying to pick up chicks. Being approachable and having charisma goes a long way with the way people perceive you.

  16. #176
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  17. #177
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Are we doing it for chicks for spring break or doing it for ourselves?? Who cares what impresses who, I don't. I've been able to pick up chicks regardless of what I look like.

    Yeah dropping weights on the floor and trying to get attention makes you look like a douche, I know I never do that or try to cause all kinds of attention while lifting. With me I have people coming up to me all the time at the gym asking for advise, talking, joking, encouraging me, etc etc. cause they know I'm not looking to impress everyone and that I take this serious and have goals set for myself. If anything bodybuilding has helped me develop more friendships and respect cause I don't do it for the douche bag reasons of trying to pick up chicks. Being approachable and having charisma goes a long way with the way people perceive you.
    Like Shania Twain says " THAT DON'T IMPRESS ME MUCH"

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Are we doing it for chicks for spring break or doing it for ourselves?? Who cares what impresses who, I don't. I've been able to pick up chicks regardless of what I look like.

    Yeah dropping weights on the floor and trying to get attention makes you look like a douche, I know I never do that or try to cause all kinds of attention while lifting. With me I have people coming up to me all the time at the gym asking for advise, talking, joking, encouraging me, etc etc. cause they know I'm not looking to impress everyone and that I take this serious and have goals set for myself. If anything bodybuilding has helped me develop more friendships and respect cause I don't do it for the douche bag reasons of trying to pick up chicks. Being approachable and having charisma goes a long way with the way people perceive you.
    That's true...

    I think I know too many people at my home gym...

    I joined another because everyone was talking to me at my home gym (even with headphones) and I couldn't get anything done...

    I don't really like most of the people at the gym...

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I don't really like most of the people at the gym...
    A couple years ago someone had a great line that went something like this:

    "Everyone at the gym is my enemy, and I hate them all" or something like that.

    That's my philosophy, and I find myself giving the stink eye to the idiots that don't rerack weights, sweat all over the equipment, or decide to do standing bicep curls inside of the damn power rack...

    Especially when they have 1 or 2 10 lb plates on the end of the effing bar.

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    A couple years ago someone had a great line that went something like this:

    "Everyone at the gym is my enemy, and I hate them all" or something like that.

    That's my philosophy, and I find myself giving the stink eye to the idiots that don't rerack weights, sweat all over the equipment, or decide to do standing bicep curls inside of the damn power rack...

    Especially when they have 1 or 2 10 lb plates on the end of the effing bar.
    ^^I like it!!!^^

    Also, I hated the old Japanese dude who loaded up the bar with 45's (8 or 9 on each side) and tried to deadlift it every M, W, & F. He always wore the same stinky purple singlet, used massive amounts of chalk, and screamed "Yosh!" before shaking the bar (that was about all he could do). Afterwards, he'd strut around like he was carrying logs under his arms.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR View Post
    ^^I like it!!!^^

    Also, I hated the old Japanese dude who loaded up the bar with 45's (8 or 9 on each side) and tried to deadlift it every M, W, & F. He always wore the same stinky purple singlet, used massive amounts of chalk, and screamed "Yosh!" before shaking the bar (that was about all he could do). Afterwards, he'd strut around like he was carrying logs under his arms.
    That was a funny thread!

  22. #182
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Definitely key everyone has different goals of working out.

    I think doing it to pick up women only will always end in failure and you wont get very far.

    You have to have more self respect and do it for yourself first.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    A couple years ago someone had a great line that went something like this:

    "Everyone at the gym is my enemy, and I hate them all" or something like that.

    That's my philosophy, and I find myself giving the stink eye to the idiots that don't rerack weights, sweat all over the equipment, or decide to do standing bicep curls inside of the damn power rack...

    Especially when they have 1 or 2 10 lb plates on the end of the effing bar.

    I do the exact same thing...

    I HATE it when skinny gang banger homies dont wipe the benches off...

    I finally told one of them to clean it off before i make him lick it off...

    He left right after he cleaned it off...

  24. #184
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR View Post
    I fail to see any connection with my post that you quoted. Perhaps you were referring to someone else, misread, or had a brain fart?
    You're right, i had a brainfart.

    Who really cares about the weights? They are there to serve OUR purpose. We pay for them every month. And it's hard to destroy steel plates right?!

  25. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You're right, i had a brainfart.

    Who really cares about the weights? They are there to serve OUR purpose. We pay for them every month. And it's hard to destroy steel plates right?!
    no, pretty much impossible

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Go look at Milos Sarcev training and how they use light weight and focus on form and full contraction of the muscle. THATS THE WAY AS A BODYBUILDER TO TRAIN!!!!!
    riiiight....because Ronnie and Branch aren't successful bodybuilders and they don't train hardcore......resting my case now

  27. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Good advice youll never learn if your to igorant to realize your own mistakes.

    I half agree i feel to much form and obsessing with contraction is no good but just jerking weights is no good.

    I feel different people respond different you need to find out what that is.

    I beleive in form and contraction but if you worry about contraction/form OR the weight to much its no good you need to find a good balance.
    You talking about bowel contractions?

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    You talking about bowel contractions?
    hey jigga why'd you change your avi...that bartender guy suited your personality

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freakish View Post
    hey jigga why'd you change your avi...that bartender guy suited your personality
    Jigga give us the old AVI back i second the motion

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    riiiight....because Ronnie and Branch aren't successful bodybuilders and they don't train hardcore......resting my case now
    I think the advise went over your head. Difference b/w hardcore training and hardcore ego training.

    I'm beginning to think you maybe in the wrong sport. Your constantly going to be scrutinized about your physique and what you need to do. And people that can't take criticism and make it useful really need to look into something else to do cause your just wasting time. In this sport you can't do whatever you want to do and let your bf% get to high, eat however you please, train however you want etc. etc. Hopefully you'll begin to be more realistic and then maybe you might actually get somewhere

  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    I think the advise went over your head. Difference b/w hardcore training and hardcore ego training.

    I'm beginning to think you maybe in the wrong sport. Your constantly going to be scrutinized about your physique and what you need to do. And people that can't take criticism and make it useful really need to look into something else to do cause your just wasting time. In this sport you can't do whatever you want to do and let your bf% get to high, eat however you please, train however you want etc. etc. Hopefully you'll begin to be more realistic and then maybe you might actually get somewhere
    Reed I agree with you 100%, I think it's a lost cause though....

  32. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    Jigga give us the old AVI back i second the motion
    consider it done. I just cant find the ****ing pic. I switched avatars and didnt like it, now i cant find the old one.

  33. #193
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    Alright i found the pic except it has some garbage written on it. Thatll do for now.

  34. #194
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    haha curling in the squat rack is the most annoying thing ever i hate when people do it.

  35. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    I think the advise went over your head. Difference b/w hardcore training and hardcore ego training.

    I'm beginning to think you maybe in the wrong sport. Your constantly going to be scrutinized about your physique and what you need to do. And people that can't take criticism and make it useful really need to look into something else to do cause your just wasting time. In this sport you can't do whatever you want to do and let your bf% get to high, eat however you please, train however you want etc. etc. Hopefully you'll begin to be more realistic and then maybe you might actually get somewhere
    well that would imply that i'm not going anywhere right now...and since i'm going to the top that's a fallacy

  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    haha curling in the squat rack is the most annoying thing ever i hate when people do it.
    I do it all the time...what's the prob
    where else are you gonna use the big bar and enough weight?

  37. #197
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    Why is this thread still open?

  38. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I do it all the time...what's the prob
    where else are you gonna use the big bar and enough weight?
    ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!


  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!

    I guess I could eat off the floor too instead of a table...but why?
    The rack is there to hold it up for me why not use it?
    And you look like more of a jackass rolling an olympic bar around in everyone's way. If nobody's on the squat rack it's fair game. Picking it up off the floor isn't part of curling. Whateva whateva I do what I want.

  40. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I guess I could eat off the floor too instead of a table...but why?
    The rack is there to hold it up for me why not use it?
    And you look like more of a jackass rolling an olympic bar around in everyone's way. If nobody's on the squat rack it's fair game. Picking it up off the floor isn't part of curling. Whateva whateva I do what I want.
    and you've been arguing with me why then?

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