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    J431S is offline Banned
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    why do grown ups dress like this?

    why do grown ups dress like this? what kind of message do u think these guys send to those younger than them? And finally do u think this is a sign of dysfunctional upbringing or is it just a street fashion to the losers in the hood?

  2. #2
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    i pretty much just think its all about looking like the leader..
    because everyone ones who ever the leader is.. so lets try be like him.

  3. #3
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    i pretty much just think its all about looking like the leader..
    because everyone ones who ever the leader is.. so lets try be like him.

    is that what u think? someone just told me the defination of that dress code is "Kiss my smelly arse". He said it is a statement. Can someone please confirm this to me whether it is true or not. thanks.

  4. #4
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    is that what u think? someone just told me the defination of that dress code is "Kiss my smelly arse". He said it is a statement. Can someone please confirm this to me whether it is true or not. thanks.

  5. #5
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    what do u think?

    I'm not very sure, I"m just trying to confirm this fashion statement if it meant what i stated from the grapevine source. what do u think? I think it is a dysfunctional upbring with its powerful message of resilience and high esteem. what do u think?
    Last edited by J431S; 01-18-2009 at 03:47 AM.

  6. #6
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    what do u think?

    I'm not very sure, I"m just trying to confirm this fashion statement if it meant what i stated from the grapevine source. what do u think?
    **** if i know, im 1/5 deep....

  7. #7
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    They look like clowns...I do not take people who dress like that seriously at all.

  8. #8
    J431S is offline Banned
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    can u expound on that farther! didn't get what u wrote!

  9. #9
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    They look like clowns...I do not take people who dress like that seriously at all.
    actually u will be surprise that these guys are not just clowns but skillful mechanics. I think their way of dress is just a different culture and upbringing altogether. Like i said it is their way of making a statement in their communities.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    actually u will be surprise that these guys are not just clowns but skillful mechanics. I think their way of dress is just a different culture and upbringing altogether. Like i said it is their way of making a statement in their communities.
    What statement would that be? That they can dress like complete jackass's? They would not show up to work for me looking like that. Im assuming we're talking about communities in the United States, where dressing like that is completely inappropriate. I'm all for people being individuals, but in most work settings there are dress codes to be followed, and having your ass hanging out of your pants isn't cutting it. There have been towns that have tried to pass ordinances against dressing in such a manner, and I completely disagree with any attmept to legislate a dress code. People should be free to wear their pants 12 inches off of their ass if they please. Just know that I dont have to take them seriously or give them an ounce of respect as I feel their attire is disrespectful and inappropriate in pretty much any setting except for a music video.

  11. #11
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What statement would that be? That they can dress like complete jackass's? They would not show up to work for me looking like that. Im assuming we're talking about communities in the United States, where dressing like that is completely inappropriate. I'm all for people being individuals, but in most work settings there are dress codes to be followed, and having your ass hanging out of your pants isn't cutting it. There have been towns that have tried to pass ordinances against dressing in such a manner, and I completely disagree with any attmept to legislate a dress code. People should be free to wear their pants 12 inches off of their ass if they please. Just know that I dont have to take them seriously or give them an ounce of respect as I feel their attire is disrespectful and inappropriate in pretty much any setting except for a music video.
    Ron Paul 2012.

  12. #12
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What statement would that be? That they can dress like complete jackass's? They would not show up to work for me looking like that. Im assuming we're talking about communities in the United States, where dressing like that is completely inappropriate. I'm all for people being individuals, but in most work settings there are dress codes to be followed, and having your ass hanging out of your pants isn't cutting it. There have been towns that have tried to pass ordinances against dressing in such a manner, and I completely disagree with any attmept to legislate a dress code. People should be free to wear their pants 12 inches off of their ass if they please. Just know that I dont have to take them seriously or give them an ounce of respect as I feel their attire is disrespectful and inappropriate in pretty much any setting except for a music video.
    i don;t think for one these guys would want a job from u nor would they demand any form of respect from u in the way u deem what's apppropriate or not. They are no fools. To them, I think, showing their underwears off is sign of saying 'we determine our destiny' or 'this how we intend to dress'. I think there is a big cultural message behind that way of dressing that need to be rationally discussed, don't u think so?

  13. #13
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    i read not so long ago that certain states in america have banned the wearing of baggy pants and its punishable by jail or a fine.. one states law is they can imprison you for up to a year if caught wearing bagging pants..

    And the justification for the ban is that people can conceal small firearms and weapons in baggy pants.

    also j431s... i dont think their dress code is really trying to say anything, from my experiences and knowing kids back when i went to school, its just a comfortable way to dress. its not saying " hey ya'll im gangster" or "im making my own destiny" its just.. they dress that way because they enjoy dressing that way.

    i dress in suits because i like them, i could choose to dress differently, but i like the style of dress and no i wasnt brought up with wearing business attire.
    Last edited by 0tolerance; 01-18-2009 at 04:17 AM.

  14. #14
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    i read not so long ago that certain states in america have banned the wearing of baggy pants and its punishable by jail or a fine.. one states law is they can imprison you for up to a year if caught wearing bagging pants..

    And the justification for the ban is that people can conceal small firearms and weapons in baggy pants.
    work for uncle sam, america..... never heard of this.... sounds like a rumor to me.

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  16. #16
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    yeah, its unconstitutional to say you cant wear clothes like that.... no state can ban that.

  17. #17
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    but if you read it, theres actualy laws against it.
    theres another

  18. #18
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    but if you read it, theres actualy laws against it.
    theres another
    No way.... The source doesn't look very reliable.... and it would never stand even if it was true.

  19. #19
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    work for uncle sam, america..... never heard of this.... sounds like a rumor to me.
    LOL ...that's what I thought too. Our friend toleareance needs start thinking deep and stop thinkin people dress as to what comfort them. Dressing is all about STATEMENT. Even those who are wear 3-piece suit sends a STATEMENT: power, class, prestige, and money. It is like a TIE. Every tie has a meaning. Those with stripes have a different meaning from those with dots. For example stockbrokers and investment bankers are traditionally known to be fond of ties with strips while medical doctors and lawyers prefer ties with dots. Just ssome thoughts to share while we still ruminating on the above image.

  20. #20
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    LOL ...that's what I thought too. Our friend toleareance needs start thinking deep and stop thinkin people dress as to what comfort them. Dressing is all about STATEMENT. Even those who are wear 3-piece suit sends a STATEMENT: power, class, prestige, and money. It is like a TIE. Every tie has a meaning. Those with stripes have a different meaning from those with dots. For example stockbrokers and investment bankers are traditionally known to be fond of ties with strips while medical doctors and lawyers prefer ties with dots. Just ssome thoughts to share while we still ruminating on the above image.
    Nothing against him.... Our country is ****ed six ways from sunday anyway... I still hold a little faith tho.....

  21. #21
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    No way.... The source doesn't look very reliable.... and it would never stand even if it was true.
    LOL ... I wouldn't cite some blog myself as a credible source of info, LOL
    what is this kid thinking? ...that we are from some community college?...LOL

  22. #22
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    LOL ... I wouldn't cite some blog myself as a credible source of info, LOL
    what is this kid thinking? ...that we are from some community college?...LOL
    Haha.... I am.... What's wrong with that?

  23. #23
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Nothing against him.... Our country is ****ed six ways from sunday anyway... I still hold a little faith tho.....
    I respectfully disagree with u here...i think there is no great country on this earth like United States. But i glad u said u didn;t lost any faith ot hope.
    keep that kind of spirit high to your last breath.

  24. #24
    WOLFCRAFT's Avatar
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    If you threw a pile of clothing into the monkey house at the zoo and left them to figure out how to wear it, it would probably look a lot like that picture.

  25. #25
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Haha.... I am.... What's wrong with that?
    well it means for one you couldn;t afford a prestigious 4-yr college, or even attain a scholarship to attend one. Secondly u probably score low on ACT/SAT or u didn't dare to take one. Third, your ambitions fall below some who wish to attain a degree but an associate degree. LOL do u want me to continue?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    well it means for one you couldn;t afford a prestigious 4-yr college, or even attain a scholarship to attend one. Secondly u probably score low on ACT/SAT or u didn't dare to take one. Third, your ambitions fall below some who wish to attain a degree but an associate degree. LOL do u want me to continue?
    Perhaps they wanted to save themselves a significant amount of money in student loans by attending their first 2 years at a community college and then transferring to a "prestigious" university later on. Hence, they would be getting a degree from a "prestigious" university for half the price. Thats a pretty significant reason. I know plenty of successful physicians who attended community college to save money...

    Moving on...I dont think dressing like a jackass is making any sort of significant statement. People who have respect for themselves and want to be a part of society dress in appropriate manners. It does not mean that we have to agree with their choice of clothing by brand or style. However, we would just as harshly critique a person who chose to wear a shirt with wholes in it or which was ripped, or a person who wore clothing with profanity on it. I think that the two gentlemen in the picture are making the STATEMENT by their dress that they are uneducated people from a lower socioeconomic status who dont have a shred of RESPECT for the people around them in society, hence the reason they are letting EVERYONE see their skinny ass and their undergarments. You wanted my analysis, and thats it...

  27. #27
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Perhaps they wanted to save themselves a significant amount of money in student loans by attending their first 2 years at a community college and then transferring to a "prestigious" university later on. Hence, they would be getting a degree from a "prestigious" university for half the price. Thats a pretty significant reason. I know plenty of successful physicians who attended community college to save money...

    Moving on...I dont think dressing like a jackass is making any sort of significant statement. People who have respect for themselves and want to be a part of society dress in appropriate manners. It does not mean that we have to agree with their choice of clothing by brand or style. However, we would just as harshly critique a person who chose to wear a shirt with wholes in it or which was ripped, or a person who wore clothing with profanity on it. I think that the two gentlemen in the picture are making the STATEMENT by their dress that they are uneducated people from a lower socioeconomic status who dont have a shred of RESPECT for the people around them in society, hence the reason they are letting EVERYONE see their skinny ass and their undergarments. You wanted my analysis, and thats it...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    well it means for one you couldn;t afford a prestigious 4-yr college, or even attain a scholarship to attend one. Secondly u probably score low on ACT/SAT or u didn't dare to take one. Third, your ambitions fall below some who wish to attain a degree but an associate degree. LOL do u want me to continue?
    Let me elaborate further on this, because that statement REALLY pissed me off...I stated previously that I personally am friends with physicians who attended community college, and in addition to that I know many people who are VERY intelligent that attended community college. For instance in my state if you are in the top 25% of your class during high school, you can attend any community college in the state tuition free. If you maintain a 3.5 GPA during your 2 years at community college, you can then move on to finish your 2 years at any state college TUITION FREE. That is a great bargain for those who dont want to take on the student loans (or those who dont recieve subsidized loans because their parents make too much money).

    Additionally, getting full ride scholarships isn't always dependent on academics. There are a large number of people who recieve scholarships to very good university's based on their athletic performance and probably have no business being at those schools otherwise.

    Community college is also probably a great option for someone who did not attend college directly out of high school and has decided to go back to pursue a higher education. This is absolutely no indication what so ever of their ability or intelligence. They simply made different life decisions than the choir boys who went to 'prestigious university's' directly from high school. So on behalf of many personal friends of mine who at one time attended a community college, I resent the implication that they are any less talented, skilled, or intelligent because of their attendance there. ALL of them are 6-figure income earners.

    I get personally tweaked whenever I hear someone spout off the "PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITY" crap, because I attend one, and I cannot stand the snobbish entitled pricks that walk around campus carrying mommy&daddy's black card wearing their haggard ass sweaters from Banana Republic....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    No way.... The source doesn't look very reliable.... and it would never stand even if it was true.
    it is true.. i heard it from my parents and they don't read junk sources so its legit in some form. now i highly doubt anyone will be put in jail for it or even fined, but cops can still give you shit for it.

    people dress like that because where they're from, everyone dresses like that. some of it is having no money, another is its probably actually comfortable. i wear my jeans lower than most and its so much nicer. not that i would ever dress like that, but i'm not from a bad neighborhood or anything remotely close. you grow up and learn to be like your surroundings, and for them, thats it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    it is true.. i heard it from my parents and they don't read junk sources so its legit in some form. now i highly doubt anyone will be put in jail for it or even fined, but cops can still give you shit for it.

    people dress like that because where they're from, everyone dresses like that. some of it is having no money, another is its probably actually comfortable. i wear my jeans lower than most and its so much nicer. not that i would ever dress like that, but i'm not from a bad neighborhood or anything remotely close. you grow up and learn to be like your surroundings, and for them, thats it.
    You really just cited your parents as the source of info?

    What JDawg was trying to point out, is that regardless of whether a municipality passes an ordinance against baggy jeans, the law itself would be unconstitutional. Therefore, most likely on appeal to a higher court the case would be thrown out and the law itself would be deemed unconstitutional by the higher court. Usually laws put on the books like that are rarely enforced and thus are not challenged in higher courts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You really just cited your parents as the source of info?

    What JDawg was trying to point out, is that regardless of whether a municipality passes an ordinance against baggy jeans, the law itself would be unconstitutional. Therefore, most likely on appeal to a higher court the case would be thrown out and the law itself would be deemed unconstitutional by the higher court. Usually laws put on the books like that are rarely enforced and thus are not challenged in higher courts.
    yes i did.. whats the big deal? i'm 19 now, since last week, and before the fall i lived at home like most kids do. and yes, they have said it because i wear my pants low, especially shorts and they joke about it being illegal

  32. #32
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    That style is called "sagging". I have a couple of white employees that sag, even when wearing their work uniforms. They bend over and the only covering their ass is their boxers. Its a common "style" for young americans regardless of race. I've had to nag my own son for sagging, its that popular.

    I hired my supervisor when he was 18, that was 10 years ago. It wasn't until just the last couple of years that he has grown up and stopped the practice. I've bitched at him a few times about it and he said, "This has been my style since I was 14".

  33. #33
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    every generation has their clothing rebellion ....i dont think its a reflection of character...JMO
    Although a sign i must be getting old - i think it looks ridiculous! *L*

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    every generation has their clothing rebellion ....i dont think its a reflection of character...JMO
    Although a sign i must be getting old - i think it looks ridiculous! *L*
    I think it looks ridiculous too! Even more so when you see some old redneck sagging.

  35. #35
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    I believe it's due to a dysfunctional up brining, lack of values and respect for other(who wants to see that?)

    Definite lack of fashion sense and people trying to 'fit in'

  36. #36
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    Who said they were grown ups?

  37. #37
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    ignorance...and trying to be a tough guy.

  38. #38
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    It started in prison, the bitches would wear there pants down around their a** and that would tell the other inmates that they were bitches. Which made for easy I am not sure why the young kids today do it...

  39. #39
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    two things here: First I understood sagging to come from the tradition of hand me downs. THe people that had to wear hand me downs, when they first got the clothing from an older sibling, the clothes would fit loosely and then as they grew up not only were they accustomed to the fit,but when they bought clothes it was a statement along the lines that the clothes they had handed down fit the way they were supposed to to begin with. Sort of a pride slant. Secondly, I got my education from a community college while in prison for 10 years, and I will happily compare financials with anyone. I think that fact that someone goes to a elite university to obtain their education is great, however I have a great deal of respect for those who are dedicated enough to thier intellectual advancement that they will go to any means necessary to obtian it. THey don;t go just becuase mommy and daddy expect them to. Universal knowledge but so is academics.

  40. #40
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    It started in prison, the bitches would wear there pants down around their a** and that would tell the other inmates that they were bitches. Which made for easy I am not sure why the young kids today do it...
    that is bs. in prison you sag if you are man enough to protect your own ass. Punks don't usually sag, they were tight clothing.

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