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  1. #41
    quarry206's Avatar
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    i got pulled over on I-4 doing 147mph on my CBR (stop laughing at me for having a CBR dsm).. lucky the cop was a teacher at my law enforencement school, so he called my OIC and i got an ass chewing but nothing more..

    the law in florida reads jail time for 55mph over.. and i think its your third offense they can take your vehicle, but i have yet to hear of that happening. the act of taking a vehicle was actually ruled against the law by a federal court, so i doubt florida will actually try it.

  2. #42
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    just FYI, florida state troopers are the only state funded group that can get raises based on handing out tickets.. in 2008 all of the florida department of law enforcement did not get raises. except state troopers, because they justify it by how many tickets they write it brings in money.....

    thats not rumor, i worked for FDLE and trust me we were pissed when they got it and we didn't. one of the reasons i decided to leave the field you have to **** people over to get ahead.

  3. #43
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    i got pulled over on I-4 doing 147mph on my CBR (stop laughing at me for having a CBR dsm).. lucky the cop was a teacher at my law enforencement school, so he called my OIC and i got an ass chewing but nothing more..

    the law in florida reads jail time for 55mph over.. and i think its your third offense they can take your vehicle, but i have yet to hear of that happening. the act of taking a vehicle was actually ruled against the law by a federal court, so i doubt florida will actually try it.
    Yeah I was only 32mph over and my friend had a similar incident earlier this year and he was 34mph, he said get ready to pay 310 dollar fine and take traffic school. This is my first offense so hopefully I get some mercy.

    But the road is 6 lanes (3 on each side) and in the middle of ****ing no where and the speed limit is 50 what a bunch of bullshit.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Yeah I was only 32mph over and my friend had a similar incident earlier this year and he was 34mph, he said get ready to pay 310 dollar fine and take traffic school. This is my first offense so hopefully I get some mercy.

    But the road is 6 lanes (3 on each side) and in the middle of ****ing no where and the speed limit is 50 what a bunch of bullshit.
    ya i was just answering in the response to jail/prison time...

    ya its probably going to be a ticket and some points but if it was a 50 zone and u were going 82, thats not that bad. i don't know the area but best bet is just say your sorry say you thought it was 65mph zone and was having a bad night and wanted to get home. admit to speeding but make it seem like you didn't know you were speeding that bad.. those types of thing to be honest nobody can give you a hard set answer on, it all depends on the judge handling and the way it was written up and shown to him.

  5. #45
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I remember a book or a write up on how to get out of tickets...... one thing was to ALWAYS goto court because the cop may not show up..... another was to have your lawyer ask to see the certification of calibration on the radar gun..... if it was overdue on the date it was used to tag you..... you get off.....

    Bet that would p*ss off the troopers lol

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  6. #46
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    your not going to jail for reckless driving unless you ran over the governors daughter

  7. #47
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    call ticket clinic or some traffic lawer..

    they will get this all wrapped up for couple hundred. i think ur in florida, look up ticket clinic...

  8. #48
    spywizard's Avatar
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    ha.. hot you beat..

    got pulled over for doing 54 in a 30.. got a ticket for civil ticket that is..

    then 5 blocks away.. 69 in a 55 by the local sheriff... who had a dept give me the ticket, then refused to show me the device, nor answer any questions in had..

    he asked me if i was going to speed anymore.. told him my car goes 0-60 3.4 seconds, and i'd be doing 120 before he could get his car turned around..

    then i said.. are we done?? am i free to go now??

    i'll beat them both.. insurance will never know..
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  9. #49
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I remember a book or a write up on how to get out of tickets...... one thing was to ALWAYS goto court because the cop may not show up..... another was to have your lawyer ask to see the certification of calibration on the radar gun..... if it was overdue on the date it was used to tag you..... you get off.....

    Bet that would p*ss off the troopers lol

    Thats a jersey thing. Some states the cops is not required to show up.

  10. #50
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    AHAHA.. Tickets are my specialty. Figured ide take a momment to put together a collage since everyones throwing pics they find on the internet out.. This is my own personal collection so far

    The speedo one I was cruising at 154 on a night I was pissed off.... As I hung up the phone from this B*tch she got all worried about me and kept calling me.... So the best pic I could get was a little over 100.... I had the 154.. BUT DAMN B*tch called me as I went to save it.

    Oh and they even drop by the house occasionally. lmao

    IDK about florida but my buddy got pulled over down there and they had a online class that took 4 hours so they won't transfer up here.... See if they have class where locals can get points dropped...... Lawyers can't guarantee you no points.
    Last edited by c-Z; 05-31-2009 at 09:25 PM.

  11. #51
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    ^^^^Lol Do you even have a license anymore?

  12. #52
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    YES sad to say... lmao... The worst was getting pulled over on parkway I was a little over a hundred in a 65... but i spit some names I knew.... I just made a 450 dollar donation last week for doing 50 in a 30 a month ago.... Cop looped around for me when i was doing 35 for either no lic plate, illegal hood, smoked head/taillights, tinted windows. So as i pursue to speed off to hit down a side road to avoid a ticket... another cop was waiting down the road because they just changed speed limit from 35 to 30 cause people complain about people speeding....

  13. #53
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    1st you will get a $450 fine. Then the judge will anally rape you using peanut butter. The Court officer will watch and then pee on the wounds.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    1st you will get a $450 fine. Then the judge will anally rape you using peanut butter. The Court officer will watch and then pee on the wounds.
    can you pay to watch?

  15. #55
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    was in jersey with one of my chickies a while ago. she was driving... doing 104 in a 65.

    2 in the morning

    cop came out of no where and pulled us over.

    i was on parole and not even allowed in NJ at the time so i was freaking. lol

    she was freaking cuz she knew she was going super fast

    cop was flipping out at her.

    she cried and said her friend was drunk and lost in AC and we were going down to find her. lol

    cop gave her like an 80 dollar ticket. no points


  16. #56
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    So everyone agrees there is no way I am getting prision time for this?

    Because that sounds absoultely retarded, I have no criminal history or pull overs on my license so I should be good.
    When you go to court to plea, the judge will read you the maximum penalty for the offence. Try not to freak out, because the maximum will probably be like six months jail.
    If you plead guilty, the judge will make a decision right there and most likely suspend the jail time and just give you a big fine and a lecture…… but it’s solely up to them at that point.
    If you’re freaking out, ask a lawyer…

    my .02

  17. #57
    dstate52 is offline New Member
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    Bout 2 years ago i got a ticket on 295 in Jersey first week i had the turbo in the car. I was driving 105 in a 65. I was reasonable with the cop and he said i was going 85 in a 65. Had like a $290 fine with 3 points. Went to court he showed up and they saw it was my first ticket and let me slide with just paying the fine.

  18. #58
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Oh man, please don't destroy our brain because the mind is terrible thing to waste.

  19. #59
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    i got a ticket and brought to jail for a few hours for doing 95 over speed limit... cost me my licence and alot of money

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I live in Florida and this will be my first ticket (amazing considering the amount of speeding I do), I got pulled over by a state trooper when I was on a road in the outskirts of my city.

    So now I have to go to court because they consider it reckless driving, (I knew i should have slowed down by 10mph).

    So I was wondering will I get my license taken away? And how much will the ticket/court cost me (rough estimate)?

    This ****ing blows because I just f'd my insurance up...
    brother u r lucky u didn't get arrested and taken to jail, and had your car towed, and have to post bail.

    in fl reckless driving is arrestable, the trooper gave u a bigger break than u realize.

    in court, depending on your driving history, it will probably be a fine of a couple hundred bucks and/or traffic school. also depends if the judge is an assshole or not, some actually have a tiny amount of compassion.

    good luck

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by bd50 View Post
    brother u r lucky u didn't get arrested and taken to jail, and had your car towed, and have to post bail.

    in fl reckless driving is arrestable, the trooper gave u a bigger break than u realize.

    in court, depending on your driving history, it will probably be a fine of a couple hundred bucks and/or traffic school. also depends if the judge is an assshole or not, some actually have a tiny amount of compassion.

    good luck
    I don't know if it constitutes as reckless driving? I really wasn't listening to him I was pissed off at myself for getting the ticket.

    I am still waiting and no letter has came in the mail...what a lazy ass city hall.

    I mean it was my first ticket and this wasn't on a populated road, it is literally a 3 lane road on each side going through forests with one or two newly built communities nearby not to mention it was like midnight and the town was quiet as a mouse.

    My friend (like I said earlier) had the same incident and he had to pay a 305 dollar fine PLUS go to driving school.


  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Mine was a state trooper, if yours was a state trooper he would have given you another ticket just for that bullshit story
    those troopers, balls to the wall!! NEVER heard of one letting u off w/ a warning.
    85/65-trooper suggested i go to court, now driving school-8 fuvking hrs this sat.

  23. #63
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    I would never just pay. That makes it way too profitable for the injustice to continue. I contest every ticket and I postpone every court hearing as much as I can. I try to get my court date scheduled for moose hunting season... most of the local cops like to kill moose and will miss their court date to do so.

    It's amazing how the "just-us" system works.

    Try to find the holes in the system. There are some. The system is built on blind compliance, intimidation and fear. Ask questions, become informed.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    I would never just pay. That makes it way too profitable for the injustice to continue. I contest every ticket and I postpone every court hearing as much as I can. I try to get my court date scheduled for moose hunting season... most of the local cops like to kill moose and will miss their court date to do so.

    It's amazing how the "just-us" system works.

    Try to find the holes in the system. There are some. The system is built on blind compliance, intimidation and fear. Ask questions, become informed.
    I live in Florida....there are no "moose hunting seasons", unless state troopers like to hunt alligators or something I am screwed...

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I don't know if it constitutes as reckless driving? I really wasn't listening to him I was pissed off at myself for getting the ticket.

    I am still waiting and no letter has came in the mail...what a lazy ass city hall.

    I mean it was my first ticket and this wasn't on a populated road, it is literally a 3 lane road on each side going through forests with one or two newly built communities nearby not to mention it was like midnight and the town was quiet as a mouse.

    My friend (like I said earlier) had the same incident and he had to pay a 305 dollar fine PLUS go to driving school.

    i wouldnt use it was a 3 lane road in the middle of no where excuse with the cop or judge.

  26. #66
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    immortal, if you live anywhere near south florida, PM me...i got the attorney that you need.

  27. #67
    BuilderLife101 is offline New Member
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    Immortal Soldier, so what happened when you went to court? I just got cited for 34mph over the speed limit on i-275. Please let me know. Thanks.

  28. #68
    BuilderLife101 is offline New Member
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    Were you charged with speeding or reckless driving in court?

  29. #69
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    nice way to introduce yourself and bump and old thread

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    nice way to introduce yourself and bump and old thread
    Give the guy a break. It's relevant to bump it cause he has a similar situation.

  31. #71
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    Yes, please give me a break. I didn't want to start a new thread. guys seem nice!

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    call ticket clinic or some traffic lawer..

    they will get this all wrapped up for couple hundred. i think ur in florida, look up ticket clinic...
    theyre good my friend got a ticket for causing an accident ..her lawyer got it thrown out and the other party was a police car (rightfully at fault for the accident...i know i was the passenger).... hoping to get a few bucks for my injuries

  33. #73
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol feel sorry for ya mate

    im from aus and ive had my license suspended for doing 100km over speed limit, i think thats 60mph converted

    dw, shit happens

  34. #74
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  35. #75
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    I gave a cop a ride once cause he didnt think the 4 banger was very fast. 142 in a 70. the cop talked the other cop outta it.

    But usually if you show up to court they will plea bargin and lower the charge a little. I got a careless driving ticket for hitting a trash can with a 4 door dually and a 32' gooseneck flat bed and they dropped it to a operating an unsafe vehicle. from 4 points to 2. and 90 dollar fine.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife View Post
    Give the guy a break. It's relevant to bump it cause he has a similar situation.
    lol....i thought the thread was new cuz there were a lot of posts the same day i read it...boy i had some days with tickets prolly should have been sportin prison blues for some of my drivin for sure

  37. #77
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    I got one also last week.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 11-01-2009 at 05:16 AM.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuilderLife101 View Post
    Immortal Soldier, so what happened when you went to court? I just got cited for 34mph over the speed limit on i-275. Please let me know. Thanks.
    Nothing much, I had a absoultely clean record so the judge dropped the charges. All I had to do was pay the court costs (90 bucks) and taking driving school.

    I still had to the pay 100 dollar seat belt violation

  39. #79
    BuilderLife101 is offline New Member
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    i hope my judge will be this cool!!! i see him/her in two weeks. thanks for replying man.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuilderLife101 View Post
    i hope my judge will be this cool!!! i see him/her in two weeks. thanks for replying man.
    It may benefit you to get a hold of the prosecutor on the phone and just ask him honestly what he is going for. He may drop to a lesser charge just based on the fact that you are self-advocating.

    I had a second offense of driving under suspension dropped to a charge of no operators license by doing this. That's a first degree misdemeanor, loss of license, confiscation of vehicle, heavy fines and jail time dropped to court fees just by making a phone call.

    This may have been what he had planned on all along, but you never know.

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