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  1. #81
    gettingjackedandtan's Avatar
    gettingjackedandtan is offline Junior Member
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    dude ur gfs a slut. Newsflash. All girls r sluts.

    Bump yo test to 750. Get jacked as hell. Beat the piss out of dude. Or get a plastic garden sprayer and flare fil w gas and torch him

    To cheer u up
    hotornot. . Com. Cockhungry sluts
    get a prepaid cellfake name. Knock sum sluts up

    I learn more and more bitches just place to dump sperm in

  2. #82
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingjackedandtan View Post
    dude ur gfs a slut. Newsflash. All girls r sluts.

    Bump yo test to 750. Get jacked as hell. Beat the piss out of dude. Or get a plastic garden sprayer and flare fil w gas and torch him

    To cheer u up
    hotornot. . Com. Cockhungry sluts
    get a prepaid cellfake name. Knock sum sluts up

    I learn more and more bitches just place to dump sperm in

    Honestly I do like this post^^^^^

  3. #83
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    your wife has invited you on the show to tell you something....

  4. #84
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I don't believe that for one minute!! And just because he's older don't lay it all on him....she willingly opened her legs Bro....get real here...she had sex with him and is now minimizing it to get over on you....RED FLAG!!!...More cheating to come...once a cheater always a cheater....IMO stay ON and get big....if you really don't know what to do...pray about'll get the answer you need.


    Quote Originally Posted by diesel405 View Post
    I would double the test and tren
    I know I would.

    Quote Originally Posted by reignman1 View Post
    Its tough because I loved her because she was that sweet librarian type, who had sex with only the 3 boyfriends she had before me and it took me awile to smash the first time so I know she was a good girl, but - feel she gave it up so easily to this dude. Its like she was a "good girl" for 27 yrs but a slut for a month
    I know the type...and that's the kind you DON'T trust.

  5. #85
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Sorry bro. She's a liar and a cheat. Run for the hills, but first get a DNA test on the kid and make sure it's yours. What else has she kept from you?

    That is not a bad idea. Yeah I'm sure you say you know and even if not you will love her BUT!!! do it anyways.

    My first wife tried claiming her 2nd baby was mine.
    Hmmm we where going through divorce/split up
    Hadnt slept with her 12+ months prior to the birth.
    I dont think so LOL
    but the courts still wanted proof it was not mine. NP, DNA test and what do you know, not mine. LOL

  6. #86
    JACKEDnTan's Avatar
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    dude, what is she going to do when your married and get into a really bad argument? If you honestly think there is any truth to what she said dont wife her. wait a couple of more years if you really n I mean really want it to work, but it could hurt you in the long run.

    Oh n beat the piss outta that old dude, it sounded like a completely manipulated her, but it is also her fault she knew what she was doing

  7. #87
    408gt91's Avatar
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    Ya mudda's house
    Ps, Show her this thread.

  8. #88
    xolent's Avatar
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    new to this forum, havent read all the pages but don't expect the nicest/weakest/girliest/resolve-over-talking solutions, especially from a forum that oozes of testosterone lol

    anyways here's my assessment:

    1. f*ck that slut, she's a loser now. think about it this way, 6 months ago when she ****ed that guy, there must of been a time where you went down on her and that sort of means his penis touched your mouth--yuk.
    and to think that, that bitch put you through that and didn't tell you? **** THAT FOR A JOKE! --i mean, it's REALLY wrong especially when you don't know--right? whereas going down on her and knowing three guys were there before here doesn't really matter, cause you KNEW. ha--

    you can get back at her and go **** a stripper and next time she goes down on you tell her that you ****ed a hooker--make sure your cock still ain't in her mouth when you tell her though!

    2. do you really want to let a baby grow up around a family were the wife doesn't respect the husband--which will bring me to my next point. dont put the kid through more stress--let's face it. now that you know that she's ****ed someone, and the saying's true--once a cheater, always a cheater, the relationship's going to be ****ed. there's really no point in trying to rehabilitate!

    3. THE BITCH AINT HAS RESPECT FOR YOU HOLMES--if she did, she wouldn't of done it? BUT NA-AH SHE DID. and put yourself in the co workers shoes. he probably thinks your a tool. he's probably laughing behind his chair thinking that he got to bang your skank and you had to deal with the emotional side, where he doesn't!

    as anthony robins six steps of sucess suggests:

    1. go bang a couple of chicks--say you need some "alone time"
    2. break it off with her
    3. pump some juice and pump some more chicks
    4. get promoted and pump some more juice and chicks
    5. ????
    6. profit!

  9. #89
    vpchill's Avatar
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    I sorry to hear that story. Shvt happens tho. Dont stay with her for the Kid. You wont be happy knowing she can cheat. It will always be on your mind. Trust!!
    I have 3 kids with 3 different women. They all hate my guts but they respect me because I love my kids more than life. You having to suffer because she cudnt keep it thoro is stupid.. Pack your stuff or put her stuff on the steps!!!


  10. #90
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    to give more background we were having a really rough couple of months where I thought I didnt want to be with her anymore and told her I was just staying for the kid pretty much, we had no sex for those 3 months and she was always ragging on me to give her attention and"tell her I loved her " stuff. She used to say "im gonna find someone else and then you'll be sorry" and I would just tell her I didnt care.

    Her job was to tell techs where to go everyday for work over the phone and she said he would always make small talk at first with her, then it started being when she was upset with me he would ask her y and all. Then he started the "he must be cheating on you" and "I would give you the world" stuff. I looked at her phone records and and at 1st it was 1 or 2 calls a day for a half hour and maybe 20 txts then it got to be calls all the times like 4,000 in one month and 4,000 txts. this whole episode lasted basically 10/24 -12/13 was the day i found out and shit hit the fan. He lived about 1hr away from us and she worked 2 jobs. I basically found out by lying to her saying I called tmobile and they looked up if her cell was ever bouncing off the towers in that area and thats when she broke down and said she went to his house twice, and the first time they just talked and never did anything that time but she did eventually start having feelings for him and the second time she thought it might happen and thats were the first post comes in. She said she thought she was over me and ready to move on but when the sex started she got sick to her stomach and upset and thats when he stopped, asked her whats wrong and she said she couldnt do it and they stopped. She said alot of detail so thats why I think shes telling the truth like when he stopped he said "well that was a waste of a condom" and she basically left after that. She said he called her after he left and said he was sorry if she felt pressured into it. Of course the f-ed up part about it is that the next day is when I found all the txts and I wish I just looked one day earlier before that happened. It sucks because I after I found the txts and just thought they talked and didnt do anything, we became so much closer and completely(as gay as this sounds) in love, like just did everything together,

    Well after reading that no wonder she was going to someone else.

  11. #91
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    man, i think you're just lying to yourself to make you feel better. you actually want to believe 100% of what she's telling you so that you can feel better.

    don't take her word for it. there's a high possibility that she's lying. i once dated a chick like that, when she f*cked up she poured her guts out and made herself look really remorseful....turns out that's just her trait--a kniving bitch.
    --think about it. she probably didn't even feel that guilty. if she did, she would of told you BEFORE you made up some bullshit to get it out of her. she only told you because she thought she got sprung--and the way i see it is--she puts on the water works and says it was very hard for her so that you can some how feel sorry for her and give her some understanding.
    if that is what it takes for you to "love" her again--then i guess i'm happy for you.

    but believe you me, alot of guys on this forum including myself wouldn't even think twice. f*ck that.

    so...what? when the going gets tough she goes around and ****s people? yeh--that sounds real good for a relationship.

    once a cheater--always a cheater. next time she'll be even more elusive about it.

  12. #92
    Theatrix's Avatar
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    I'm not attempting to come across as an elitists, so back the **** down. But I will say that there is a common theme amongst BB (including myself) that appears so obvious as I read some of these threads.
    We choose these woman based on our values and priorities. When you place more importance on a persons appearance rather than their capacity to think, to excel in life, to rationalize, you will always get potluck when it comes to values.
    This will certainly rub some of you the wrong way,but you need to get your head out of your asses. What do you expect to accomplish in life by fvcking him up or fvcking her up, but thats the advice you are giving this guy.
    I can't tell you what to do in this situation, but I will say that it requires thought, not rage. First you will need to calm down and "communicate". Determine if there is something worth salvaging in the relationship. Re-evaluate your priority list in a partner. Does she have the qualities that are important to you. Don't stay together just because you have a child. Do you have the ability to forgive? Are you in love?
    There are much more important issues to address here then cycle. Do your PCT and get to work on whats really important, your life!

  13. #93
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    to give more background we were having a really rough couple of months where I thought I didnt want to be with her anymore and told her I was just staying for the kid pretty much, we had no sex for those 3 months and she was always ragging on me to give her attention and"tell her I loved her " stuff. She used to say "im gonna find someone else and then you'll be sorry" and I would just tell her I didnt care.

    well reading that right there pretty shows me the problem. I actually leaning on the OP to blame as much as the girl for his problem.
    Last edited by chuckt12345; 06-09-2009 at 09:33 AM.

  14. #94
    warchild's Avatar
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    can you really blame the other guy????

  15. #95
    bmit is offline Member
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    Agree with chuckt12345 and theatrix. Homeboy is to blame too for this. True, he didn't make her cheat. But he sure as hell drove her towards it.

    I mean what guy here wouldn't cheat on a chick or bail on her if she made it clear that she didn't care about sticking around, wasn't having sex, and not giving a damn. I know i would. So how can you hold her to a different standard?

    See if you can salvage it. She has to be 100% committed and you do too. If both of you aren't then it's probably done. Focus on being great parents and having as good a relationship as possible for the child's sake.

    But in the end bro - what does your gut tell you to do?

  16. #96
    Roshambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reignman1 View Post
    im on trt and I added additional test e so im totaling about 400mg week plus 70mg tren a every 36hrs and I was hoping to somehow get over this whole thing because I do love her and we have a kid together and were trying to get pregnant now plus get married.

    Should I go back to original 200m trt dose, start taking arimidex or nolva, or clomid?
    Cut out all gear if you are trying to get pregers, it'll take about three months of no gear with a great PCT in place to get pregers. as far as the other thing, Life sucks, it's not only his fault, he's a guy looking for some strange, she willingly opened the doors and let him in, would you do the same if in his shoes, your answer would probabbly be yes. Remember she holds all the cards requardless, either forgive and forget or go and get you some strange to make yourself feel better, but do it in a way that she is able to catch you in the act. that's my twisted thought process. Anywho if you do not have fina d i c k and are still willing to try out your relationship and to conceive another child then it will not happen on gear.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    can you really blame the other guy????
    My point exactly!

  18. #98
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    post a pic of her, maybe some of us have banged her as well.

  19. #99
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    post a pic of her, maybe some of us have banged her as well.
    Wow that was

  20. #100
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
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    well if you stay with her at least get even , go get your dick wet! Personally i wouldent ever trust her again.

  21. #101
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    I have 2 kids and my wife cheated on me.Been there and done that.Move on with your life, and your cycle.If you really love her,then the second chance is up to you.It gets emotionally confusing when kids are involved.Good Luck.

  22. #102
    vpchill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theatrix View Post
    I'm not attempting to come across as an elitists, so back the **** down. But I will say that there is a common theme amongst BB (including myself) that appears so obvious as I read some of these threads.
    We choose these woman based on our values and priorities. When you place more importance on a persons appearance rather than their capacity to think, to excel in life, to rationalize, you will always get potluck when it comes to values.
    This will certainly rub some of you the wrong way,but you need to get your head out of your asses. What do you expect to accomplish in life by fvcking him up or fvcking her up, but thats the advice you are giving this guy.
    I can't tell you what to do in this situation, but I will say that it requires thought, not rage. First you will need to calm down and "communicate". Determine if there is something worth salvaging in the relationship. Re-evaluate your priority list in a partner. Does she have the qualities that are important to you. Don't stay together just because you have a child. Do you have the ability to forgive? Are you in love?
    There are much more important issues to address here then cycle. Do your PCT and get to work on whats really important, your life!

    I dont think it could be said any better!!

  23. #103
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    No second chances with me on something like that. She is more responsible then the dude since she is the one in the relationship suppose to be loyal. The guy is not loyal to you and she is not either. Inky hit it on the head for you, she was just as willing. You guys obviously fight too much which led to cheating and her needing comfort from another man. Cheating is just part of this mess. You guys have other issues besides that and it doesn't seem its going to work out

    Trust is number 1

    I'd move on even with a kid or just develop a swinger relationship, that could be fun. But marriage, yeah right. Don't be a fool

  24. #104
    operationgetbig's Avatar
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    up the test and bang her really hard then cum on her face and slap her with ur cock and tell her she's a stupid dirty whore...she'd prolly like that tho cause she is a ho.

  25. #105
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by operation****** View Post
    up the test and bang her really hard then cum on her face and slap her with ur cock and tell her she's a stupid dirty whore...she'd prolly like that tho cause she is a ho.

    And what Reed said too, it's all true. Listen to us dude!

  26. #106
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    post a pic of her, maybe some of us have banged her as well.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 06-09-2009 at 01:25 PM.

  27. #107
    gettingjackedandtan's Avatar
    gettingjackedandtan is offline Junior Member
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    i hava 2700 engagement ring ill sell u man!

    wtf was i thinking? i blame the roids. damn roid rage spending money on girls.

    when u start dating again, take girls out to fancy restaraunts and then leave them there w.o paying. free meal!

  28. #108
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theatrix View Post
    We choose these woman based on our values and priorities. When you place more importance on a persons appearance rather than their capacity to think, to excel in life, to rationalize, you will always get potluck when it comes to values.
    What do you know about the looks of the individual in question?

    What do you know about their relationship up until this point?

    Save the armchair Dr. Phil routine mate.

  29. #109
    PT's Avatar
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    i would never stick with someone that cheated on me. anyone who does is a complete moron in my mind. kick her to the curb, continue the cycle and find a replacement.

    on a different note im moving this to the lounge now since it has swayed away from any sort of steroid question
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by reignman1 View Post
    basically just found out the mother of my child and gf of 5 years had sex with a cooworker 1 night after work about 6 months ago and its tearing me apart inside, my mind is spinning and just feel like my life is over. We have been looking at wedding places and I bought her ring last month and was waiting for the right time, and we got into an arguement about the guy, cause I found txt messages from him (6 months ago) and basically whenever we would get into a fight I would bring it up asking if she did anything which she always denied. Well, finally last night she just broke down and told me the truth, saying that she went to his house to talk cause we got into an arguement he was just listening to her crying and rubbing her back and she said he started kissing her and she said no at first but then just went along until he actually started having sex for a couple minutes and she got upset, he stopped and apoligized and she said she left. I just want to wring his ****in neck cause me and her are both 27 and this dude is 40 and just completely took advantage of the situation telling her "he's probably cheating on you" and stuff like that.

    Anyway thats my rant and im on trt and I added additional test e so im totaling about 400mg week plus 70mg tren a every 36hrs and I was hoping to somehow get over this whole thing because I do love her and we have a kid together and were trying to get pregnant now plus get married.

    Should I go back to original 200m trt dose, start taking arimidex or nolva, or clomid?
    sorry to hear that bro... dump her! she doesn't deserve you brother!

  31. #111
    hrbp9501 is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theatrix View Post
    I'm not attempting to come across as an elitists, so back the **** down. But I will say that there is a common theme amongst BB (including myself) that appears so obvious as I read some of these threads.
    We choose these woman based on our values and priorities. When you place more importance on a persons appearance rather than their capacity to think, to excel in life, to rationalize, you will always get potluck when it comes to values.
    This will certainly rub some of you the wrong way,but you need to get your head out of your asses. What do you expect to accomplish in life by fvcking him up or fvcking her up, but thats the advice you are giving this guy.
    I can't tell you what to do in this situation, but I will say that it requires thought, not rage. First you will need to calm down and "communicate". Determine if there is something worth salvaging in the relationship. Re-evaluate your priority list in a partner. Does she have the qualities that are important to you. Don't stay together just because you have a child. Do you have the ability to forgive? Are you in love?
    There are much more important issues to address here then cycle. Do your PCT and get to work on whats really important, your life!

    Very well put! Your a very level headed man. Good advice!

  32. #112
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theatrix View Post
    ......Determine if there is something worth salvaging in the relationship. Re-evaluate your priority list in a partner. Does she have the qualities that are important to you. Don't stay together just because you have a child. Do you have the ability to forgive? Are you in love? There are much more important issues to address here then cycle. Do your PCT and get to work on whats really important, your life!
    Like honesty and faithfulness?

    Not terrible advice on the whole though.

  33. #113
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    ve jay jay land
    just for fun **** her mom **** her sister **** her brother in the ass, **** the other dudes mom give her a heart attack, **** his sister, **** his brother and his dad in the ass. then **** her in the ass one last time as your punching her in the back of the head and repeat does that feal good bitch does it. but thats just me you do what you want.

  34. #114
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    I REALLY dont care about what you do to her. I am worried about the kid she is almost as same age as my son and I know that it will kill me If I dont see him or me or my wife broke up. All you moron giving him good advise but what about the kid? Dont you think we have to consider her future as well? doesnt she have a right to be with her biological parents? seriously give it some thought I would probably give u same advise to dump that bitch without even thinking about it if the kid was not involved but now theere is kid involved. I WILL CRETAINLY NOT MARRY her. my 2 cents.

  35. #115
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    There is a kid involved. I would NOT continue trying to have another kid with her and I would hold off on marriage talk. But you need to talk. Let her know how betrayed you feel about the whole thing including the 6th months of lies. You also need to seek professional couples counceling if you want it to work out. Main thing...TALK.

    Also, if she was able to act all offended and lie to your face for 6 months , you really should evaluate if she does have an honest heart.

  36. #116
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    I know I'm new here but I've been thru the same shit while I was in the military brotherman. It's gonna hurt that is true. Hell I just broke up with a cool chick in any event when drama and trust haunt a relationship.. GTFO (Get the FUG out) eitherway the pain will still be there on the flipside.

    3 billion people in the world. I've heard woman out number men...... It still hurts me to know this that and some other shit about me ex or even ex's..

    Pick your self up keep your self busy without her move on.. like my father says

    Take care you
    Take care of your daughter
    Everything else will take care of its self.

  37. #117
    reignman1 is offline Junior Member
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    i do want to stay with her...I realize that I negected her and all that, its just that now I look at her and just envision her with him and feel like she is there a way to ever get these thoughts out of my head?

  38. #118
    BRITISH ANABOLIC is offline Associate Member
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    Dude i just have to agree with people saying kick her to the curb, jmo

  39. #119
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    i don't believe in once a cheater always a cheater.. EVERYBODY HAS CHEATED once in their life..

    I use to cheat alot, but honestly don't even want another girl besides my wife.

    but I will say if a girl cheats on you, she is more likely to cheat again. because she mentally she will never think its a major thing to do and hide.

  40. #120
    xavier_888888's Avatar
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    5 Years is nothing , compared being misrable for the rest of your life. Move on, and take care of your daughter make sure you will be always there for your kid.

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